Run, run

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'Lucy.' Percy thought when he heard a scream from his daughter. With Annabeth next to him, they sprinted towards the scream. Lucy was frozen in pure fear and next to her was a big, ugly...

"Spider. Spid..." Annabeth started but she started screaming, along with her siblings. 'Great, Lucy has Annabeth's arachnophobia.' Percy thought as he stepped on the spider. The Athena kids and Lucy stopped screaming and Percy could feel his hand again. Annabeth was stopping the blood in his hand. Lucy ran to Percy and hugged him tightly.

"It looked like it wanted to kill me." Lucy said, still scared half to death.

"It's ok, Lucy. It's dead now." Percy said, patting Lucy's black hair.

"Mommy, why were you screaming, too?" Lucy asked. Annabeth sighed and told Lucy the story of Arachne and Athena.

"That's scary, Mommy." Lucy said.

"Yes, so if you ever see one, run as fast as you can." Annabeth said. 'Or scream, like your mother.' Percy thought. Annabeth nudged him. 'Did she just hear what I was thinking?' Percy mentally asked. Percy shrugged it off and went back to training.

Everything was going good, until Artemis walked into the door and said,

"I want to speak to all of the naiads who are single." Only three left with her. Then the naiads came back in and Artemis didn't look happy. 'No new hunters for Artemis.' Percy thought.

After lunch, Percy was talking with Jason.

"So, what's up?" Percy asked.

"I'm having girl troubles." Jason said.

"Choose the one you like the most." Percy suggested.

"That the thing. I don't know who I like the most." Jason said.

"Well, do you like Reyna?" Percy asked.

"Barely, now that I look back at the memories I had with her, Reyna was a real jerk. She always called me stupid and she only kissed me when we defeated Krios, and I have no clue why. Bobby told me it was because she was in love with me, but I didn't love her." Jason confessed.

"Then go with Piper." Percy said.

"Yeah, a child of Rome, falling in love with a child of Athens. Dude, do you know how much trouble I'll get in?" Jason asked.

"Well, you just said you loved her so why not? Trust me, if Athena didn't forgive my dad, she would still hate me." Percy said, laughing.

"So you're saying to not care what other people say and just do it?" Jason asked.

"Basically, now, you have to break the news to Reyna." Percy said. Jason gulped.

"Oh gods, I have to freaking break up with the daughter of Mars." Jason said.

"Good luck man." Percy said. "I would keep your sword with you at all times." Jason gulped again and left to tell Reyna the bad news. 'Good luck man.' Percy thought.

Annabeth and Percy were walking in the corridor when they heard Reyna yell.

"You no good son of a Hydra. I've known you since we were two, and now, you ditch me for a stupid daughter of Aphrodite. Who you just met two months ago. I thought you loved me, but I guess you're just like the other Jason. Who ditched his wife, who did everything for him, and married another woman. I freaking hate you." Reyna yelled and ran towards her room. Jason sighed and touched his red cheek that had the mark of a girl's hand. 'Reyna must have slapped him.' Percy thought as he and Annabeth walked over to Jason.

"I'm guessing you told her." Percy said.

"Yeah, I got a slap, which is better than I hoped. Now it hurts me to see her that hurt." Jason confessed.

"Well, that's what happens when you mess with a girl's heart." Annabeth said.

"I guess." Jason said.

"Go." Percy said.

"What do..." Jason started.

"Remember what Medea did to the other Jason's second wife?" Annabeth said. That hit Jason and he sprinted towards Piper's room. Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

"You knew?" Annabeth asked.

"I was talking to him when he brought it up." Percy explained. Annabeth nodded. Lucy came running up to them, with makeup on. Annabeth gasped and Percy was shocked. 'Note to self: Kill Aphrodite.' Percy noted. Lucy had black mascara, purple eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Of course Lucy looked beautiful, but it looked wrong to see a two year old wearing makeup. Lucy looked like she didn't like it either.

"Mommy, Daddy, help. I need this off my face. It's itchy and icky." Lucy said. 'You don't have to worry about that Lucy.' Percy thought. Then he saw Aphrodite running down the hall, with a pink dress in hand. Lucy hid herself behind Annabeth's leg. Aphrodite looked at Lucy and said,

"I'm not done yet, Lucy." Annabeth picked up Lucy and said,

"Why don't you give Piper a makeover? I think she has a date with Jason." Aphrodite's eyes widened as she dropped the dress and ran as fast as she could to Piper's room.

"Nice." Percy said. Annabeth smiled and they brought Lucy to their room. Annabeth wiped off the makeup and Lucy said,

"Thanks Mommy."

"No problem, Sweetie. If Aphrodite ever, and I mean ever, asks you to want a makeover, run." Annabeth said. Lucy nodded and said,

"Run from spiders, monsters, and Aphrodite's icky makeup." They laughed.

Soon it was time for bed for everyone. Percy and Annabeth tucked Lucy in and headed for their room. Percy climbed into bed while he waited for Annabeth. Annabeth came out of the bathroom wearing a short, and Percy means short, nightgown. Percy's eyes widen, the short gown was definitely showing off Annabeth's perfect body. Percy looked away and Annabeth laughed. Annabeth climbed into bed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Percy pulled her onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her skinny waist. Annabeth smiled and kissed him. Percy wanted to stay that way forever, but they needed to breathe.

"I love you." Percy said. Annabeth smiled and said,

"I love you, too. Don't leave." Percy looked at her and saw she was close to tears.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"I don't want to leave you. I can't. It would kill me if I didn't have you." Annabeth said.

"You know Annabeth, you're the best thing that I have ever had. And I'm not going to leave you unless you want me to leave. I love you. You are my world." Percy said. He wanted to say that a long time ago. Annabeth smiled as tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. She kissed him and buried her head in the crook of his neck. 'Should I do it now? No, I'll do it after the war. Proposing to Annabeth, man, I need to get permission for that quest.' Percy decided. Then, they fell asleep.

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