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Annabeth woke up and, as usual, she was the first one up. Annabeth stared at the ring on her finger, it was beautiful. Annabeth looked up from her position and saw her fiancé sleeping soundly and snoring. She smiled and pecked his chin. She snaked out of his grip and went into the bathroom.

In the shower, Annabeth could feel a change in her body. The water seemed much more welcoming, more soothing. Usually, the water will sooth anyone, but this time, it felt like the water was healing her with each drop. Annabeth shrugged it off and finished her shower. When she finished, Annabeth stared at herself in the mirror. Annabeth made sure the door was locked before letting her white towel fall to the ground. True to Drew's words, Annabeth looked like Aphrodite. She was more ahead than most girls in puberty, having to wear two sports bras while she was training at the age of fourteen. Though Annabeth didn't care about her looks, Annabeth wanted to know why every guy stared at her in the hallway and why Percy would always say she was beautiful. Annabeth now knew why. Annabeth's curves where in the right place. Her cup size was 32: D and her stomach was flat, after years of training. Her legs were long and she had a slight tan. Annabeth has always had a ballerina's grace and poses since she was little. But what really caught Annabeth's eye was her face. No pimples, no flaws, no sign of aging. Her eyes were large and her gray eyes sparkled. Annabeth's lips were red, but not that orange red, wine red. Her hair fell into place and Annabeth saw golden locks.

She blinked, waiting for the beautiful woman in the glass to change. The beautiful woman didn't change. Annabeth was the beautiful woman in the glass. 'Gods, that's me.' Annabeth thought as she stared at herself. Annabeth was beautiful, no matter what. She would always be beautiful. A knock on the door got Annabeth out of her thoughts.

"Annabeth, are you done yet?" Percy asked.

"One minute, Percy." Annabeth called back. She rushed to get her clothes on and brushed her hair. Annabeth looked at herself one more time. Annabeth still saw the beautiful woman looking back at her, following her movements. Annabeth unlocked the door and let Percy in.

"Hey." Percy said and pecked her lips.

"Hey, sorry about making you wait." Annabeth said.

"Its fine, Annabeth." Percy said. Annabeth closed the door behind her and waited for Percy to get ready.

When Percy came out, Annabeth's heart started doing a somersault. He was handsome. Tall and muscular made him a girl magnet. Percy had muscles after the years of training he did and he had a tan too. His face was perfect and those sea green eyes sparkled. His shaggy, black hair fell on his face, the way Annabeth liked it. 'Oh gods.' Annabeth thought. He was perfect.

Percy walked over to her and kissed her. Annabeth smiled and snaked her arms around his neck. One of Percy's hands stayed on her waist while the other cupped her cheek.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." Annabeth whispered, knowing that what he said and what she said was absolutely true.

When they were done, they headed to breakfast. After breakfast was over, there was a war meeting. The gods sat in there thrones and waited for total silence. When that didn't happen, Poseidon banged his trident's staff on the ground and everyone shut up.

"Now that you're done talking, we have some news. As most of you know, both Medusa and Amphitrite claimed that their weapons were forged so they could kill gods. That is true." Poseidon started. Everyone gasped and they stared at their parents.

"But we know the material of the weapons. It's ice from the River Styx." Poseidon said. Everyone started muttering again. Poseidon banged his trident again and everyone fell silent.

"You see, once the first titan and giant war was over, Zeus decided to create a river that, when froze into the shape of a weapon, does have the ability to kill gods. It only works if we have our heads cut off or we're stabbed in the heart or chest. Though, the affect goes away after awhile." Athena explained. When Athena said, stabbed in the heart or chest, Annabeth could see her mother bite her lip and close her hands into a fist. 'Oh, poor Mom.' Annabeth thought.

"But we were able to melt the sword." Athena finished.

"Wait, ice from the River Styx..." Percy started.

"Can't melt, that is true my boy, but I didn't melt it. I removed the solid molecules in the sword." Poseidon explained.

"What?" Everyone yelled. This was going to be one long war meeting.

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