Chapter 1

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You opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness. You moved my arms around a bit and noticed that you weren't in your bed anymore. Instead, you were leaning against a cold wall which on further inspection was made out of metal.

You then put your hands out in front of you to try and feel your way through the darkness. Your hand quickly came in contact with another metal wall. You pushed your hand against the wall to try and get out, the door easily swung open and immediately light flooded your vision.

You took a step forward, stumbling as you stepped out of the metal contraption you were contained in earlier, which turned out to be a locker.

"Ah!" you yelped as you came tumbling to the floor. Thankfully though you did catch yourself. You got back up and brushed off the dust that was on your pajamas.

Well, where am I? And why am I still in my pajamas? You thought as you looked around the room you were in. At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary classroom, but the green screen, monitors and the extreme amount of weeds and plants growing on the walls only made you more suspicious. Not to mention that there were bars on the windows.

"Wait...bars on windows? Why does this look...weirdly familiar?" You said out loud to yourself. You looked around one more time and saw a door on the opposite side of where the locker you had come out of from was. With no hesitation you opened the door...only to be greeted by nothing but an empty hallway. There were so many plants growing everywhere you wondered if you were dreaming.

"Hell yeah! Found you!" you heard a boisterous voice shout from further down the hallway. You started walking towards the voice.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait...waaaaiiitttt!" You heard the same voice cry again.

As you neared the spot where you heard the voice you noticed a door, thinking that the person who was shouting earlier probably went into here, you opened the door.

Inside you were greeted by many familiar faces. No, the people inside were not your classmates... they were the students from Daganronpa V3!

"What the fuc-" You said not registering the sight in front of you.

I am so dreaming. You pinched your arm as you thought that, when you felt a twinge of pain you realized the truth. Am I the Danganronpa V3 World?

"And that makes 17." You heard the voice of Rantaro say, your head snapped to where his voice had come from-and, sure enough, the person who had that voice was none other than the character Rantaro Amami. You noticed that he wasn't in his "Ultimate" clothes though... in fact none of them were.

This must be the prologue. You realized.

"I'm talking about us. There are 17 of us- all high schoolers... what do you think that means?" Rantaro continued. After a moment of silence, Rantaro continued to introduce himself-although he gave off a very hostile tone.

"Why does it matter that there are 17 of us? There could be more coming." Kaito said.

"Nah, if this is what I think it is, this should be all of us." Rantaro continued.

"...if this is what you think it is?" Maki said with a questioning voice.

"What you some kinda fuckin' know-it-all? If you know somethin', spit it out!" Miu shouted.

You rolled your eyes, Even when this is my reality, Miu will never change. Honestly, I feel like I should be freaking out more, like heck I know last night I did wonder what my life would be like if I was stuck here... BUT THAT DIDN'T MEAN I WANTED TO BE STUCK HERE!

"Alright! Simmer down!" A voice- seemingly out of nowhere, spoke out. And immediately after, five objects that you never thought would exist popped out.

"Thanks for bearing with us!" The voice of the Monokubs rang out.

"Exisals..." You muttered quietly. Oh wait, if I want to avoid suspicion, I need to pretend I don't know anything.

"Well, why don't we just get out of these mechs?" You heard Monophanie ask from inside her Exisal. You had missed the half-argument between the Monokubs about how they weren't supposed to be in the Exisals for their first "appearance".

The Monokubs then popped out and struck a cool pose as they landed.

"Eh? Stuffed animals!?" You said, feigning shock in your voice.

Similar talks about how this was possible came from the game characters. If only I had a script or something, I wonder how my presence here can change the game.

"Gahhh! Shut up, you! All o' you are reactin' way too normally to this! It's boring!" Monokid shouted angrily

"Don't their clothes seem kinda boring too?" Monotaro asked.

"Wait...Ya think maybe they haven't been given their first memory yet?" I get an ultimate talent? I mean since all their talents are fake anyway... do I get one? I hope I do.

"I have a skill that I devote myself to... but I wouldn't call it an Ultimate talent..." Kaede answered Monosuke, since he had asked about whether or not they have ultimate talents. Many of the other students seemed to voice the same thing.

"I knew it! They haven't gotten their first memory yet!" Monokid exclaimed

I gasped as I realized, Crap, what if I forget everything once they give us their memories... no no no this is bad. Unless these flashback lights dont work on me? I mean considering the fact that I am from the outside world? God... please please let me keep my memories!

"First we'll update your wardrobe so you guys look all cute and spiffy!" Monokid said.

And in that instance, I had my first experience with something that should be impossible, my clothes were stripped off me and I was put into a pair on jeans with a white t-shirt along with a black over-coat.

(EDIT: I don't care what the outfit is! Just think of it as your normal average outfit!)

I feel... extremely violated by that experience. I don't understand how that worked? How in the world did I just change clothes in one second? Also, I...look plain. Does this mean I don't have an ultimate talent after all? That wouldn't make sense though, if the fake back-story is that we-as ultimates were chosen to be saved because we were ultimates... then wouldn't it make more sense that I should have one? Well... I guess we'll see after I get the memory... if I still remember this. All these thoughts were rushing in my head, I wasn't sure where to get the answers to my questions... all I could do was hope.

"Now then after the Flashback Light helps you remember your amazing talents... This amazing story will begin for real this time!" Right as Monotaro said that, he turned on the flashback light

That was when I blacked out.

FINALLY DONE! Holy, 1184 words! Dang! Anyway, I know pretty boring for now, but this is where things will pick up! Anyway, until next time!

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