Chapter 10

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You woke up once again to an empty bed. You looked around to see where Kokichi is.

"Morning (Y/N)! I'm already ready, so I'm going to the Dining Hall now bye!" Kokichi said quickly leaving your room.

"Well, he left in a hurry. I wonder why? Also he gets up really early. Like he always wakes up before me... Oh now that I think about it. In the game he had a whiteboard and whatnot...I wonder if my presence is bothering him..." You thought out loud, "Naw. He's the one who told me to share a room with him in the first place."

You got up from the bed and once again you got ready to go to the dining hall. This time you decided to actually eat the breakfast that Kirumi made. It did taste amazing after all.

Soon enough everyone arrived.

"Mannn for a moment, I didn't know what was going to happen! I'm glad it turned out like this!" Kokichi said with a grin.

Is he pretending to be oblivious? That's interesting, just yesterday he admitted to knowing that this game can't be over yet.

Rantaro let out a loud sigh, interrupting your thoughts.

"Why the long face?" Ryoma asked.

"It's nothing..." Rantaro started, "I figured no one would listen to a guy who can't even remember his own talent right?"

"Huh?" Kaede questioned.

"Really, it's nothing.... this is... quite the happy ending." Rantaro said with a smile.

You inwardly flinched, you knew exactly what was about to happen. And just to prove yourself right, Monokuma appeared the very next second.

"That's my cue to appear, kuma!" Monokuma announced.

You saw Kokichi look at you when Monokuma appeared. You lifted your shoulders a bit as if to say "I told you so."

"After dying in a tragic car accident, I've been reborn as a Yo-Kai! Call me Jibakuma, kuma." Monokuma continued after witnessing the shock on everyone's faces.

Everyone started bashing Monokuma's Yo-Kai costume so soon enough, Monokuma took of the ridiculous costume. "This is why I hate teenagers! I'd have cash for days in the under 10 category."

You shuddered, A danganronpa game with 10 year olds... I don't even want to imagine that. The person to kill first would probably win if they didn't get caught... kids that age probably have no idea how to find clues...

You continued musing about a game with 10 year olds that could happen, and you didn't pay attention to the Monokubs' usual talks about how their "father" was alive.

"D-does this mean the killing game is going to continue?" Tsumugi asked.

"What a pain...." Himiko muttered.

"Wh-what do you mean...the killing game is going to continue?" Kokichi started somberly, "I mean that sounds a lot less I guess its okay!" he finished, with a brighter tone of voice.

"No, it is definitely not okay!" Tenko shouted.

"If we want to end this... we have to take down the person behind Monokuma..." Rantaro said.

"I knew this was going to happen...." You said out loud.

"I predicated that there would be a spare, but I did not imagine it would be build in the academy. Either way, I assumed this would happen. This development is not surprising." Kirumi commented.

"Is that so? Then did you predict this exciting new development?" Monokuma started, "Ahem! I am here to announce an additional motive! If a murder does not occur by nighttime two days from now...then every student forced to participate in the killing game will be mauled by countless Monokumas from the rumored Monokuma making machine!"

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