Chapter 15

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"(Y/N)! Sleepyhead! Wake up! You have 10 minutes to get ready!" Kokichi called once again the next morning. You yawned and rose up from the bed. During the night, you had come back to reality, and you had immediately fell asleep after heading into Kokichi's bed. You didn't even wait for him to pull you in this time. 

"So (Y/N), sleeping on my bed was nice huh?" Kokichi commented with a wicked grin, "You didn't have to be so stubborn the night before... in fact if you hadn't been so stubborn we could'v-" 

You cut him off. "Shut up Kokichi, I was uncomfortable okay? Go to the dining hall so I can get ready." 

"Aww... are you shy? You didn't seem that shy when you were moaning my name in your sleep." 

You blushed, "N-no I-I was not! There is no way." 

"Nee hee-hee, I am a liar! See-ya (Y/N)!" Kokichi then made a dash to the dining hall. 

"Ah! That stupid Kokichi!" You said as you got ready. 

And with that you once again, went through the same sequence. The dining hall talks with Kaito, the Monokuma announcing the first perk and then promptly being destroyed. 

As everyone left the dining hall, in mainly joyous spirits, you decided that this would be the time to make your move. You had to start planning in order to replace Rantaro. 

You walked around, trying to find out where Maki was. Soon enough, you found her in the hallway of the first floor. 

"Hey Maki!" You called out when you saw her. 


"Sorry, you just seemed really cool when we were talking in the underground chamber. So I thought I might talk to you." 

"...Fine, I guess." 

The two of you then proceeded to talk about how she was the "Ultimate Child Care Giver" and about the kids at her orphanage. You knew most of the stuff already, but you pretended like you didn't. 

"Hey, do you think, we'll actually be able to leave now?" You suddenly asked her. 

"No, it seem's too convenient." Maki answered. 

"Yeah..." you said out loud. "Listen Maki... can I show you something. To be honest, I found something- disturbing. I need help but I can't really trust anyone here... and I mean if you are the Child Care Giver, then you must obviously have a good heart so... could you follow me for a bit?" 

Maki looked at you suspiciously, but she nodded her head. So you took her down to the library, you figured Shuichi and Kaede were probably gone by now, since you and Maki were talking for quite a bit. 

"The library?" Maki asked when you went in. 

"Yeah. Promise me, that you'll keep this a secret." When Maki nodded, you went over to the book case where the hidden door was. 

You then began to explain about the books, and the marks around the book case— just like Shuichi had done. You then placed your hands into the gaps, and moved the book case. 

"A hidden door?" Maki asked, "It's black and white like Monokuma." 

"The door, has a card key. So I can't unlock it." You said out loud.

"Why would this door be here though...? Unless one of us is working with Monokuma?" Maki asked out loud. 

You nodded your head furiously. "I think so. There'd be no reason for a door here if it was only for Monokuma and even then, it wouldn't have to be hidden." 

"That means the killing game isn't over yet." 

"Yeah. It also means that the only other way to end this game, is to defeat the mastermind." You said. "Either way, I wanted to tell you, you might not be the most outgoing person but I know you have a good heart."

"Shouldn't we tell everyone?" Maki asked. 

You shook your head, "That would just alert the real mastermind that we are onto their case." 

"True. What do we do then?" 

"For now? Nothing. I just needed someone to trust..." You said somberly. Truthfully, you were on the verge of tears. You really liked Maki, and you knew that she didn't deserve to die. You just... also wanted Kokichi to live for once. 

With that though, you both bid your goodbyes and went to eat dinner. You both agreed not to tell anyone of the bookcase. 

Soon enough, you went into Kokichi's room to go to sleep. Although, you weren't very tired. "Kokichi wanna play Poker? You have a deck of cards don't you?" You said to Kokichi. 

"Poker? Sure, I'm always down for Strip Poker." Kokichi said. 

You rolled your eyes. "No Kokichi. Regular poker." 

"Aw. Boring..." Kokichi commented, "But alright." 

And with that, you began a game of poker with Kokichi. He obviously, was extremely good at lying. You weren't bad at the game though. 

Eventually, around two hours had passed. You were kind of shocked how time flew by. 

"You're really good at this Kokichi. I mean you could probably make a living off of this." 

"Well I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" Kokichi stated, "(Y/N), you're not bad at it either though." 

"Yeah, I used to play a lot." You stated, Online.... 

"It's evident." 

"Yeah... should we go to bed?" Truth be told, you might've been tired of playing poker, but you weren't sleepy. You were still kind of traumatized by Tsumugi stabbing you in the middle of the night. 

"Yeah. You sleeping with me?" Kokichi asked. 

"I'm sleeping in your bed." 

Kokichi let out a sigh, "Okayyyy. I'm always ready for more though." 

"Uh-huh, in your dreams." 

"You mean YOUR dreams. After all, you were moaning my name last night." Kokichi bantered back. 

"Yeah right! Where's the proof?" You argued right back. 

"I am a witness of course! Why? Am I not trustworthy?" Kokichi asked. "WAHHH! (Y/N) doesn't trust me! You even trusted Maki and not me about the bookcase!" 

You froze. "Y-you. How do you-" 

"You can't hide anything from the Ultimate Supreme Leader." Kokichi said mischievously. "I do wonder why you told Maki of all people." 

"I have my reasons! But Kokichi! You cannot tell anyone! And don't go there again! Please." You begged. 

"Hmmm... well since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll try and not tell anyone." 

"Don't be lying to me now. I swear, I'll owe you forever." You pleaded. 

"Fine fine. I'll stay away from the library and not tell anyone." Kokichi answered. "Now let's go to bed." 

You let out a sigh of relief. You and Kokichi went to bed, but you couldn't sleep. So thought's of plans plagued your thoughts. Countless questions and worries went through your head, until you finally drifted to sleep. 

Sorry! I published it before it was ready. This is probably the final chapter I'll update until this Friday, cause I have exams all this week. Don't miss me too much!

That's it for now! Thank you for reading! 

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