Chapter 16

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You woke up to an empty bed. You sat up and stretched. "Morning Kokichi." 

"Morning (Y/N)! I'm off to the dining hall!" Kokichi quickly said and sped out of the room. 

He still is in a rush... I wonder if he actually is going straight to the dining hall. 

You shrugged, and then you got up from the bed. You once again got ready and headed to the dining hall. 

You witnessed once more as Monokuma reappeared. The only difference this time was the look Maki gave you when he had appeared. Everyone continued to cry about it like last time, and tensions were rising. 

"Nee-heehee, I'm lying no one would be sad if I died." Kokichi said, "I can't say the same for everyone else though. Anyway, gotta run!" 

And just like last time, everyone dispersed— except for Maki this time. She stayed behind. 

"So you were correct." Maki noted.

"Yeah..." you muttered. 

"So what now? It's quite obvious that the monokuma making machine is in the hidden room." Maki asked. 

"True.... maybe just maybe, we can use the time limit to our advantage." You stated out loud. 


"Right before the time limit, one of us goes to the library, moves the bookcase, and the second that the mastermind opens the door to let out a few extra Monokumas— bam! One of us hits them in the head and knocks them out. This'll probably stop the Monokumas in the process, since no one would be able to control them." You explained the plan to Maki. 

"That's not a bad idea—but we'd have to be careful not to be seen." Maki responds. 

"True, plus there may be an alternate way to get into the room so the other person would have to be wandering around looking for someone suspicious, and on top of that, the person in the library has to be good at fighting— I bet the Mastermind will fight back." 

"I'll go. I saw you at the road of despair, you fell so there's no way you can go—you don't have the physical abilities for that." Maki offered. 

"You have a really dangerous job though...but thanks, I would go but I can't fight at all. I'm going to see if I can get someone to patrol around with me, if we see anyone acting suspicious right before the time-limit then we'll know what to do." 

"Okay." Maki agrees. 

"I'm already worried... but there's nothing we can do. We have to do this, otherwise we'll die anyway." You said to her. You suddenly let out a yawn, you were extremely tired, you kept waking up during the night to make sure no one would come kill you, dying isn't something you can forget that easily. 

"You should go get some rest. You'll probably be up all day the next day." Maki said in response to your yawn. 

"Thanks Maki... let's meet up tomorrow in the morning to go over the plan one last time." 

Maki nodded her head, and you walked to Kokichi's room, stifling another yawn. 

You went into the room, and saw Kokichi already there. 

"(Y/N)! Did you miss me already?" Kokichi playfully teased.

"Oh yeah, I missed you so much!" You replied sarcastically. 

"Aww, thanks! I love you too!" 

Your heart froze for a split second, until you realized that he was probably messing with you. "Ha ha, very funny. Anyway, I'm dead tired so I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when it's almost dinnertime." 

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