Chapter 33

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"It's you!" You shouted, finger pointing at the Ultimate Inventor.

"Meee!?" Miu cried, "How?"

"Everything only adds up if you were the culprit." Shuichi answered. "Unless you have some sort of refutation?"

"I swear Poo-ichi! If you think I'm the culprit you must be a horrible Detective!" Miu answered, "I can't be the culprit! Keebo is my alibi!"

"I must support that claim Shuichi, I am her alibi." Keebo pointed out.

You shook your head, "Only until 2:10, which we already established that the murder could not have happened before then either way."

"So? No one else had alibis!" Miu shouted, "It was nighttime how can you expect anyone to have alibis!"

"True, but again, we had narrowed down the last two suspects you and Keebo." You responded.

"It's neither of us!" Miu answered.

Well, at least she was unwilling to blame Keebo... my likeness for you sort of went up.

"No. It has to be you. You are the only one capable of sneaking an item into Himiko's room. Or... at least an item that could murder someone." Shuichi answered. "After all, you are Ultimate Inventor."

This time there was no response, no refutation. Miu was just completely silent.

"Someone could have took her invention." Keebo answered.

"While yes, but Miu is also the only one who could've framed Tenko." You answered.

"Because she was the last one to enter the dining hall the next morning?" Rantaro answered.

Oops. I forgot that, but I guess it works.

"Yes but first...." You started, "Keebo, can you pick locks?"

"N-no. That function is not in my list of capabilities."

"Exactly, in the time that you were under maintenance, she could have built an item to unlock doors. Which would explain why their are scratches on the door knobs- machines aren't perfect." You answered.

"Unlike me! And my lock-picking skills!" Kokichi chimed in.

"Miu... is that true? Did you really... kill Himiko?" Tenko sniffled.

"I..." Miu answered, "I had to!"

Rantaro's gaze darkened, "You saw your motive video didn't you."

"What?" You gasped, "But... Himiko had hers...?"

"And Miu had Himiko's. Perhaps they did a switch after getting them? As to avoid suspicion in the future?" Rantaro questioned.

"That's..." Miu started, her head hung low. "I'm so sorry."

"Miu why?" Keebo asked.

"Keebo..." Miu looked on the verge of tears.

"Well, let's go over the case one last time shall we?" You asked.

Shuichi nodded, and began his famous explanation of how things worked out. "First, the murder plan was set into action a few days ago, when we first got out Kubs Pads. The culprit unluckily got their own motive video, rather than someone else's and so unknowingly they clicked on it. "

"Upon seeing whatever was in their video, I presume they had a strong desire to get out of this place." Shuichi continued, "They proceeded to continue on with their day as normal. The culprit's initial plan was to use a sort of device, to commit the murder, so the next two days were most likely consumed with this task."

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