Chapter 31

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The elevator opened up once again to the trial room that you all were beginning to despise. Each of you hurried to your respective stands. The mood was serious.

Until one purple gremlin opened his mouth. "Heyyy Monokuma! Next time we come here can you install chairs behind each of our podiums. We've all been walking the whole time we were investigating, and having us stand for two sometimes three hours after that SUCKS!"

The rest of you just looked at Kokichi in exasperation. Was he serious? He was going to say that now?

Monokuma looked just as shocked, "Are you insulting my design! How dare you! The answer is no!"

"Darn. It was worth a try." Kokichi let out a smile and put his hands behind his head. "Alright! Shall we start?"

With the mood lightened up a bit, the rest of the DV3 cast agreed with Kokichi. Monokuma did his signature into and the trial began.


"Alright, I'm going to ask this one time. Did any of you guys see Himiko after the Magic show celebration?" You started off, you knew Shuichi wasn't the type to start these trials off, so you knew you had too. 

Angie rose her hand and spoke, "Atua, Tenko and I were all in Himiko's room the night after the party! Angie and Atua left, but Tenko was still left behind!" 

"Aha! So you're the filthy murderer huh?" Kokichi accussed. 

Tenko fought back, "N-No! I would never do such a thing! Only filthy degenerate males would do something like that! Poor Himiko..." 

"H-Hey, you can't really assume that sort of stuff don't you think? Especially in these... situations." Tsumugi pointed out. 

"No! It must be a degenerate male! I can't accept the fact that any female would kill another female!" 

You let out a sigh you were starting to get annoyed, "Listen, let's not debate on who the killer is just yet. Let's list out facts to figure it out..." you cast a glance to Shuichi, "Right Shuichi?" 

Shuichi snapped to attention, "R-right. So we s-should start establishing alibis for the night of the m-murder." he stammered. 

Is it just me... or is Shuichi not confident at all? Is this because I took over the last trial? I mean he did not get rid of his hat...

"Shouldn't we talk about the body first?" Ryoma asked, "It makes more sense to narrow down suspects and then find alibis." 

"Ryoma has a point." Rantaro agreed, "So I'll talk a bit about the body, I investigated it with (Y/N), and Shuichi and Kaito also did as well, so if I say anything wrong those three can clarify." Rantaro gave a curt nod to the three of us. 

"Well get on with it! We don't have all day!" Kaito shouted. 

"Okay, so as the Monokuma file pointed out, the main cause was blood loss. Now what could have caused that?" 

"The numerous-" you started to say, until Rantaro shot you a look. You wondered why he was making you be silent, but you decided to listen to him anyway. 

"She didn't have a tampon?" Miu asked. 

Tsumugi groaned. "Really Miu. Really?" 

"Hey Plain Jane, it was a genuine question!" 

You facepalmed, you looked back at Rantaro you eyes begging him to just answer the question he asked. He motioned his eyes towards Shuichi and that was when you understood his plan. He was trying to get the Ultimate Detective to shape up. Well, that was shockingly thoughtful of him.

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