Chapter 30

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Leaving Rantaro behind to go find the Ultimate Supreme Leader, you were worried about missing any clues but you realized that you had the Ultimate Detective on your side. What could go wrong? 

Finding Kokichi was easier said then done. Somehow, you couldn't find him anywhere! You gave up, time was running out so you ended up going to question everyone about their alibis. Your first order of business was finding Angie and Tenko and questioning them about their 'girls night out'.

Finding Tenko was easy enough, she was just outside of Himiko's room. You walked up to her. 

"Hey Tenko? I just need to ask you about any potential alibis for last night?" You tried to speak as gently as possible. "I heard from Angie that you had a girls night out last night in Himiko's room. Can you tell me more about that?" 

Tenko noticeably sniffed at the mention of Himiko, but she opened her mouth to talk. "Me, Angie and Himiko were all in Himiko's room. Angie left at around 2 o'clock in the morning. I left about 10 minutes later." 

You nodded your head, you wrote down this information the notepad you had been carrying. You no longer had a place to carry truth bullets so this was a replacement of sorts. "Did you run into anyone after you left?" 

"Miu and Keebo were heading back to their dorms, the three of us all saw each other and we all headed back to our dorms." 

You noted that down and thanked her. You rushed off to go talk to Keebo and Miu, you needed to confirm Tenko's alibi. Tenko and Angie were definitely gonna be heavily accused at the trial. Tenko more than Angie most likely, since she was the last on to leave. 

Not to mention that ribbon Rantaro found... But I don't think it was Tenko at all. At least... I hope it wasn't. 

You stopped speculating momentarily when you ended up running into Miu and Keebo in Miu's Ultimate Lab. You went inside so you could question the two of them. 

"Miu, Keebo, I'm gathering alibis for last night. Can you tell me your alibis if you have any?" You asked politely. 

"(Y/N) I believe I can answer that. Miu was running maintenance on my body until around 2:10 AM, in which afterwards we both returned to our dorms, running into Tenko as she left Himiko's room." Keebo answered proficiently. 

"Yeah bitch! I have an alibi this time!" Miu shouted. You simply rolled your eyes. 

You put a checkmark next to where you wrote Tenko's earlier statement to symbolize that it was backed up "Can I ask what the maintenance procedure is? Keebo are you fully conscious while Miu does her maintenance?" 

Miu and Keebo exchanged a glance, Keebo spoke up "Well... no. I suppose I am not fully conscious during the time of maintenance." 

"That doesn't mean anything though! I was here the whole time!" Miu proclaimed

You let out a hum. "Alright, I think that's all for now. But what are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be investigating?" 

"We've finished investigating, besides you and Poo-ichi probably got this covered." Miu said. 

You let out a sigh, you wished they would help in the investigation but there wasn't much you can do about that. "Alright, I'm leaving." 

The two Ultimates bid you farewell. "Now where did I keep..." you heard Miu's voice fade as you closed the door. 

"Alright, who's next?" You say outloud. You see Kirumi approaching you and you head over to talk. 

"Ah (Y/N), I wanted to inform you that I've collected a list of all the alibis. All the Alibis are written on this piece of paper, I've gotten everyone but Miu's and Keebo's." Kirumi announced. 

Yes! Thank you for being useful!  You let out a grin and took the piece of paper, you wrote down about what you witnessed last night with Angie, you also wrote down Miu and Keebo's alibis. Once you finished, you quickly scanned through the list. Unsurprisingly, almost everyone didn't have good alibis. You handed the paper back to Kirumi. "Here, I had just asked those two about their alibis so I added it to the list... also I noticed you have Kokichi on here, where did you see him?" 

Kirumi told you that he was in the courtyard, and you headed over there. However before you could even reach the panta loving child, Rantaro stopped you on your way there. 

"(Y/N) I think you're correct. About someone framing Tenko." Rantaro stated. 

You tilted your head, "Why? What did you discover?" 

"There were scratches on the door-knobs of both Himiko and Tenko's rooms." Rantaro said looking serious, "And they were identical."

You let out a sigh, "Well that's not good. But at least you caught that. It'll be easier to prove that she was framed then. But... not many people have the ability to pick locks..." 

Rantaro gave you a pointed glance, "I think we both know at least one person who can pick locks." 

"No. Kokichi wouldn't have." You refuted. 

"Yeah, I know. But Shuichi and Kaito seem to think otherwise... Everyone else knows he can pick locks too.... When the evidence comes up... People are going to want to blame Kokichi rather than anyone else."

"Ding dong dong ding! Please make your way to the shrine of judgment! The class trial will commence shortly!" The announcement played. 

You turned to Rantaro and said, "I guess the only thing we can do is prove who the real murderer is." 


Investigation is done! 

Let Trial #2 Begin! Which also means its time for me to research again...yay!

Anyway, I'm having so much fun reading all of your comments! Thank you all for supporting me! 

'Till the next chapter! 

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