Chapter 23

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"Well. At least we know you were telling the truth." Kaito's voice tang from behind you.

You, Rantaro and Kokichi all collectively turned around. "You think I would lie about something like that?"

"Yeah. I do." Kaito answered.

Holy crap. Is he hostile or what? It's almost as bad as how he was to Kokichi...

"There's only room for one liar in this game and that's me!" Kokichi announced joyfully. "But what are you guys doing here? Slacking off? Shouldn't you be exploring?"

"Well.... our object only opened up a small area that had only Himiko's
Lab so... we decided to explore." Shuichi answered.

"Well, it's about time for us to start meeting up with everyone anyway." You stated, "Lets go get everyone else."

And with that you guys all split up and searched for everyone so that you could meet up again in the gym. Soon enough everyone was gathered in the gym and one by one you began to speak.

"Alright so... I guess we should go group by group and say what we discovered?" You stated, trying to develop a plan of action.

"That does seem to be the most logical course of action." Keebo answered. "Our group discovered a Casino and a building called the Love Suite."

"A Casino hm...? That's seems like fun!" Kokichi responded.

"Ha-ha! You meant to say the Love Suite does didn't you? You hormonal teenager!" Miu let out in a boisterous laugh.

"Shut up you cum-dumpster! No one asked for your input!" Kokichi retaliated.

"Ehhh? Cum-dumpster?"

Angie let out a small cough, "Ahem! Atua told me to say what we discovered next! So... with the help of Atua we discovered a pool!"

"A pool huh? That's interesting." Rantaro commented. You sent him a look. With his map he already knew that there was a pool there. It comforted you to know that you weren't the only one having to fake surprise here.

"Yup yup! Buttttt... there are a wholeeee lot of rules!" Angie continued.

"Rules huh? Such as?" Shuichi asked.

"Ah. No swimming at nighttime. Oh and the water is surprisingly shallow. Something about 'Wanting us to die in the killing game and not in an accident'." Kirumi answered.

"That's interesting..." Kaito responded, "Well our group didn't find much but we did find Himiko's Ultimate Lab."

"Nyeh? For reals?" Himiko asked.

"Let's go check it out after this is done Himiko!" Tenko answered.

"Nyeh okay..."

"Well. Our group found a brand new floor and three different Ultimate Labs. The labs belonged to Ryoma, Kirumi and Gonta. Oh and.... we also found Maki's Ultimate Lab." Rantaro announced.

"Maki's Lab huh? So? What was in there? Weapons like (Y/N) said? Or was she really just an innocent Ultimate Child Care giver after all?" Questioned Ryoma with a hostile tone.

"Well... it was locked at the beginning because there's been a new rule that Ultimate Labs of dead students remain locked. However... Monokuma allowed us to pick the lock. And to answer your questions. (Y/N) was right. There are weapons in there."

"Then we should've kept it locked. You just provided a future culprit with an array of weapons." Kaito stated.

"And what? Have no one believe me?" You spoke. "If it was forever locked you guys would just think that I was lying forever."

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