Chapter 28

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You and the rest of the Danganronpa V3 cast had hung out for hours on end after the magic show. You were actually really happy at the way things had been turning out. Everyone else also started warming up to you and Kokichi which pleased you. Of course, eventually the day did die down and the nighttime announcement played. You were shocked that Monokuma hadn't arrived at any point in time to stop the merrymaking that was going on, but you brushed off your worries, believing that Monokuma was simply just waiting for a murder to happen. 

I don't know if one will happen though, everyone seems really close. Heh, guess I have a huge impact on the story huh?  You thought happily to yourself as you opened the door to your room, once you entered, you grabbed the journal you had used for writing notes down. You quickly wrote down the changes you experienced today. 

"I'm so bored." You whined outloud, flopping onto your bed. "Should I go bother Kokichi? I'm sure he's not asleep yet..." You sat there pondering the options you had, you didn't really want to sleep just yet. You eventually decided that it wasn't worth it to go all the way to his dorm just to bother him, but you did exit your dorm. You thought that a little fresh air could help you sleep. 

As you closed the door behind you, you saw Himiko's door close as well. Much to your surprise, Angie came out of it. 

"Oh! Hello Angie!" You said upon seeing the Ultimate Artist. The artist greeted you back and proceeded to head to her room. However, unable to contain your curiosity, you asked another question. "What were you doing in Himiko's room?" 

"Oh! Atua thought it was a good idea for Himiko, Tenko and I to all have a girls night! Especially after a successful show." 

You nodded your head in understanding, "Ohhh Okay! Yeah the show was really cool! Alright, good night Angie!" 

The Artist merely nodded her head and said good night. You paid no attention to the quietness of the Ultimate Artist, you assumed it was because of how late it was. Stifling a yawn, you headed back inside after a few more brief moments of lingering. You fell asleep almost immediately. 


You looked down at yourself, blood splattered on the front of your clothes, knife in hand. Your knees were shaking. Not just your knees, your whole body was trembling. You looked at the person you had just killed. Tsumugi. The mastermind. 

"I ended the killing game." You said out loud, "Why doesn't this feel like an ending though?" 

"Upupu! A Body has been discovered!" You heard the dreadful announcement ring through your ears. 

You looked up in confusion, "A body? But... Tsumugi's the mastermind!"  All of a sudden the creaking of a door behind you sounded. You turned around only to see Kaito. 

"Wow. You finally killed someone huh? Make that three people you've killed now." Kaito's eyes burned with distaste for you. You were taken aback, you didn't even realize as Shuichi and Kokichi entered the room. 

"Aww... (Y/N) couldn't you have done a better job of hiding at least. Now this round of the game is gonna be boring!" Kokichi whined. You looked at Shuichi, and upon meeting his gaze he simply turned away. 

All of a sudden you were standing in the class trial courtroom. The results for voting were displayed on the large number. Everyone had unanimously voted on you. They all glared at you with anger. Your eyes widened, and a chain from the ceiling came to grasp your neck. 

"No! I don't want to die!" You sprang up from your bed. You panted heavily, hands still around your throat, as if you were trying to protect your windpipe. It took you quite a few deep breaths to realize that you had been asleep. 

This is all a game... why does it affect me this much? I can't even actually die. I feel the pain... but... 

The morning announcement snapped you out of your thoughts, shaking away the dream you decided to head to the dining hall as soon as possible. Oddly enough, as you were walking to the dining hall, Kaito approached you. 

"(Y/N) ah, can we talk?" He asked seemingly nervous. An image of his angry eyes from your dream briefly appeared in your mind, but you shook it away and nodded to his request. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I was treating you back then. I don't think it was the right thing, but I want to get along with everyone. And as a man, I have to know when to admit I'm wrong! After all I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!" 

You let out a chuckle, "It's okay, I don't think what I did was completely right either, but I can't change it now. Let's get along okay?" 

Kaito agreed and the two of you walked the rest of the way to the dining hall together, it was a bit tense and awkward at first, but you quickly got him to talk about space and soon enough, the Ultimate Astronaut was on a rant about everything and anything space-related. 

As more and more students came piling into the dining room, the friendly atmosphere that existed the day before was still present. You observed as even Kokichi was becoming closer with everyone. You walked over to talk to him.

"Where's Himiko?" Tenko suddenly asked to the group, "Tenko hasn't seen her at all yet." 

A silence filled the room, everyone looked around at each other. "Perhaps she is still asleep? I mean the magic show probably took a lot out of her." Rantaro stated. 

Tenko got up from where she was sitting, "Tenko is worried, Tenko will go check on Himiko in her dorm."

Everyone else watched as she left the dining hall, you felt a bit uneasy but also worried for the young mage. When Tenko didn't arrive back in five minutes, you knew you had to do something. 

You nudged Kokichi. "Kokichi, let's go check as well." 

"Why should I go too?" Kokichi asked you. 

"Because, I want you too. Now please?" Kokichi rolled his eyes at your request, but complied anyway, so the two of you left the dining hall and headed to Himiko's dorm room. You were met with Tenko who was fiercely banging on Himiko's dorm room. 

"Himiko isn't answering!" She shouted with panic. "Himiko! Open up!" 

"You sure she's in her dorm?" You asked. 

Tenko nodded, "Tenko made a quick check of all other areas." 

You looked at Kokichi, mentally asking him to unlock the door. He rolled his eyes, "Fine. Move aside, I'll open the door." Tenko and you stepped aside quickly as the Ultimate Supreme Leader pulled out his lock-picking tools. In no time flat you heard the click of the lock. Tenko pushed him away. 

"No degenerate male will go into Himiko's room before me!" She shouted indigenously, putting her hand on the doorknob. Before Kokichi even had a chance to reply the Akiddo Artist pushed the door wide open and let out a gasp. You moved so that you could see the insides of Himiko's dorm room, your eyes widened upon the site. 

Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Magician, was dead. 


Dang, I really do be killing the two survivors like that. 

Anyway. Welcome to the first original death of this story! I think a few of you could've guessed that a death was coming soon, but I hope the fact that the victim was going to be Himiko wasn't too obvious! 

Anyway, I have my work cut out for me now. Time to go research some investigation and trial scenes. 

Let me know who you think the culprit is!  

'Till the next chapter! 

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