Chapter 39

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The day of your death was upon you. Or, at least of your previous death. You were determined not to die this time. Angie did ask you yesterday if you wanted to join the Student Council, and instead of refusing outright you just replied that you would think about it. 

Not that you actually were, but the less Angie knew the better. 

So far, your idea of just minding your own business seemed to be working, the previous night was undisturbed by Tsumugi unlike last time. So at the very least, it seemed as if Angie wasn't going to kill you yet. 

You were sitting in the dining hall, waiting for the eventual chaos. A few others were there, but notably, none of the soon-to-be-announced Student Council Members, were there yet. 

Rantaro, Shuichi and Kaito soon entered in and you went over to talk to them. Sometimes, you can't believe that you and Kaito were on speaking terms now, especially since he was determined to hate you. But you supposed that Kaito's character is just like that. 

Soon enough, Angie entered into the dining hall, with her Student Council Members behind her. 

"We are the student council! Here to bring order and peace to our lives in the academy!" Angie announced. 

"Order and peace?" Rantaro asked. 

"Yup! With the guidance of Atua, we have decided that we no longer should escape from this place, and embrace our lives here!" 

Shuichi looked bewildered, "All of you agreed with this? Really?" 

"Yup!" Kokichi responded, "Atua has brought a lot of wisdom into our lives, and so we live to fulfill his role. Also we thought you guys should know that we blocked the manhole." 

That was when the chaos ensued, you had to pretend that you were genuinely shocked by the Student Council's actions. 

"Quit messing around!" Kaito's boisterous voice shouted, "Don't just do whatever you want!" 

"This is only to keep the peace!" Keebo retorted. Similar fights arguments broke out. Only you were remaining silent.  

Then came the part where Angie talked about using the Necronomicon on Himiko. You watched as Tenko fought back, but unlike before you didn't stand up for her as well. Everyone was kinda just stunned by Tenko's words, until Monodam appeared. 

Once again, even knowing what Angie was about to do, you made no move to stop her. You didn't bother to stop her acts of destroying the flashback light. Once again after destroying the flashback light, Angie talked about her plans for the ritual and then left to "prepare".

"Tomorrow night huh?" Kaito spoke when the Student council left, "That's not a lot of time to prevent her from using it." 

"I think we need a person on the inside, to make sure things don't get out of hand." You proposed similar to last time. 

Once again there was a pause, until Kaito ruled himself and Shuichi out. Rantaro did the same for himself. You were trying to come up with an excuse as to why you couldn't do it. Until Ryoma became your savior by once again volunteering. 

"I'll do it." came the determined voice from the Ultimate Tennis Pro. After explaining how he believes Angie's brainwashing didn't work on him, the rest of you reluctantly agreed. Ryoma followed after the Student Council. 

It was finally the moment of truth... or moments, to see if your efforts of staying on the sideline would prove to be successful. To await the moment to see if you would be dying tonight or not. 

"You good (Y/N)? You look worried." Rantaro asked. "Worried about Kokichi?" 

You were taken aback by his suggestion "Kokichi? Why would I?" Sure he is your favorite character in the game, and sure you guys hung out quite a bit. But this was just a game, and you were putting your safety above everyone else's. Selfish? Yes. But logical? Also a yes. 

"Just a feeling." Rantaro shrugged, "You guys haven't been talking did something happen?" 

"I just missed the timing to talk to him I guess." Which is partially true, since you didn't talk to him on the first night after the trial like last time, you guys haven't been able to talk at all. Probably cause he was still jealous. You let out a sigh. 

"Oh well, maybe after this cult thing is done you guys can talk again." 

You grinned at Rantaro, "Hopefully. Anyway, wanna go hang out? There's not much we can do right now anyway." 

Rantaro suggessted going to the Casino, a suggesstion you stiffened at—considering what happened last time— but you figured it would be okay since you had Rantaro with you. 

Which it was, the two of you just killed a bunch of time. Although a part of you was always... nervous. But eventually morning turned into evening and you were still alive. 

"Man did we really just play games for hours? If only there was more to do here." You said in mock disappointment. 

Rantaro gave you a shrug, "I mean, we do have like a swimming pool, an indoor tenis court and technical we could've gone into any of the ultimate labs and found something to do." 

"True, well I'm not really hungry. So I'm going to head to the dorms." 

Rantaro came with you, saying he'd walk you to your dorm. You asked him if he was planning to go to sleep anytime soon, to which he said no. 

"Kaito and Shuichi invited me out to their nightly workout sessions. Yesterday Angie tried to stop them so I figured I'd go and see if she tries to again." 

"Ah, I see. Well have fun dealing with that." you and Rantaro then said goodbye to each other, and you were finally in the safety of your dorm. 

You were extrememly exhausted. Whether it be some sort of after-effect from 'retrying'. Or because you were on edge the entire day, you fell asleep almost immediately after changing into your pajamas. 


"Ding Dong Dong Ding! A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the left-most dark room." 

"Ding Dong Dong Ding! A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the left-most dark room." 

The monokuma announcement woke you up immediately. 

There were two right?  You hastily remembered as you were getting ready to head out. You could feel a pounding headache, but did your best to ignore it. 

Then.... I guess it's double murder time. 



Cliffhanger? My apologies... (naw not really) 

Anyway, anyone have any guesses about whose dead this time? And oh the culprit? 

Anyway... don't despair too long! I'll try not to keep you guys at a cliff hanger for too long. 

Anyway! Once again thank you for reading! 

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