Episode 41 : Hopeful

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Another week after everything that happened with the campaign and voting, it was a peaceful monday morning in school and the elections are finally done and the results are out in the whole campus..... in front of the school, Martin and Caliber were hanging out together.......

Martin: (looks at his phone)
Caliber: Martin.... babe! (grabs Martin)
Martin: Cal... why???
Caliber: we have to go in, I have been waiting here for you without having any idea why we are still here...
Martin: sorry Cal.... it is just, Trenton hasn't been hanging out with us since the issue with Jayson and I want to be with him to check him out but he is not appearing that much.....
Caliber: but he hangs out with Tori and Cleo right??
Martin: that is the point.... I understand why he is doing that, he doesn't hang out with us because I am always with Jayson.... I just... (feels sad) I miss Trenton.....
Caliber: (hugs Martin) my baby is sad... why not lets go in and I will cheer you up... and guess what....
Martin: what?
Caliber: the outcome of the voting are now here..... lets all celebrate whatever is in there.....
Martin: (nods) I guess so....
*Caliber and Martin left*

At the hallway, Jayson, Connor, Prescott and Reese were together looking at the results of the election.....

Jayson: (notices Hannah winning the vice president position) (looks down sadly)
Connor: (notices Jayson disappointed) ugh... Jayson.... we still love you even if.... if you lost to....
Reese: (looks annoyed seeing Hannah's name on the Vice President) lost to somebody who doesn't even deserve......
Prescott: as if you deserved it more than me....
Reese: (raises her eyebrows at Prescott) excuse me Prescott?!
Prescott: just kidding babe... (blushes)
Reese: ew... (feels weird)
Jayson: it is just.... I can be okay with this but.... the way I am in pain for what I did to Trenton gives me anger in this too... (clenches his fist) plus, Martin and I promised that we will change this school for good.....
Connor: we can still do that.... right guys???
Reese: yeah Jayson... you can always be the Vice President... I am sure that Hannah will just be using the position for popularity....
Prescott: you can be Martin's adviser.... especially Martin is into Caliber, he might not focus of his presidency.....
Reese: (elbows Prescott) you are not fucking helping!!!
Jayson: (looks annoyed at Prescott)
*Martin and Caliber approaches everyone*
Martin: good morning guys... good morning cousins.....
Reese: oh my God... (shakes Martin) Martin! our boy won!!
Martin: who boy???!
Caliber: (smiles at seeing Martin's name on the top spot) it is you Martin... you are the new president of the whole campus....
Martin: yeah? and Jayson is... (looks at Hannah's name on the Vice President) wait... (looks sadly at Jayson) this needs a recount...
Reese: exactly!
Jayson: (sighs) Martin... I am fine.... (smiles) as long as you win.... that is what matters and... I do not want to see you mad......
Caliber: Jayson is right Martin... am I right Jayson???
Jayson: (rolls his eyes) whatever... (left)
Connor: wait Jayson! where are you going?!
Martin: he might still be exhausted about him and Trenton.....
Reese: poor souls..... how to be you two Caliber?
Caliber: (hugs Martin) well... we started that way.... right Martin???
Martin: (shrugs) yeah but.... I am super concerned by both....
Connor: I think you should go and be with them Martin... they need the same old company of a real friend...
Martin: but I am only one person... I cannot divide myself in two.... I want to be both with Trenton and Jayson....
Connor: (looks down sadly) but I hope we can think of a way.... to make them feel okay without pressure....
Martin: I really do hope so........

After the whole bittersweet day, Martin, Connor and Jayson were now on their way to home.... at the streets.....

Jayson: so Martin.... how do you want to celebrate this victory??
Connor: yeah Martin.... like, I even expected something like a treat today..... 
Martin: (smiles down) I just do not feel like celebrating especially Jayson did not win.....
Jayson: but Martin...
Martin: and Jayson.... (cuts off Jayson) it doesn't feel like a victory with you because we expected us to win.... and we all did not.... and besides, as long as I am seeing my friends sad.... you and... Trenton.... I do not feel like celebrating would be fair.....
Jayson: yeah... (looks down sadly) I do apologize because I notice how this situation with me and Trenton affected you too much..
Martin: well... what else am I to you guys..... a friend right.... we are responsible for each other...
Connor: plus... you are our cousin so.... your pain is our pain......
Jayson: but I do not want to see Trenton is pain...
Martin: so do me...
Connor: then guys... find a way to make him approach you all.....
Jayson: he will avoid me and that makes him automatically avoid Martin.... my suffer is his suffer and I feel guilty......
Martin: (hugs Connor and Jayson) but you know what I feel about winning that election?
Connor: power?
Martin: (nods) yeah... and that motivates me to try and fix even friendships here.... especially I am also in love, not to brag but... I am still hopeful...
Connor: that is the spirit Martin......
*Connor, Jayson and Martin stops in front of the house*
Martin: so.. change topic guys... how about this saturday? celebrate together with you moving in to our apartment...... will you Jay???
Jayson: (nods) I rather be with my sweet cousins in these trying times.... (hugs Connor and Martin) I am also hopeful for this....
Martin: that makes you and Cal okay???
Jayson: (looks annoyed at Martin) that boyfriend of yours will always be the same to me... sorry not sorry but it is still a no even if you fuck.....
Martin: (laughs) sure thing big boy Jayson...
Jayson: (rolls his eyes) I know were cousins but... I am still grateful I took your virginity.......
Martin: hey!! (eyes widens at Jayson) stop that!
Connor: (giggles) hahahahahahaha!
*Martin, Jayson and Connor enters the house*

This is a great beginning to the final season of this sweet story... believe me guys, this final season will be soft but worth it.... tune in for 2AM Feels...

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