Episode 37 : The Sweet Escape?

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It is now a tuesday noon, at the outdoor tables, Martin, Tori, Cleo and Connor were hanging out together......

Martin: (looks around) I haven't seen Jayson all the time yesterday, up till today....
Cleo: wait.... Trenton has been missing the whole day yesterday up till today....
Connor: do you think they are together?
Tori: I do not think they are together... the two aren't that close enough right???
Cleo: (shrugs) we cannot say Tori.... I am sensing that they could be together..... ugh, Martin... you have a lot of periods with them right?
Martin: yeah.... and they are not in class.....
Connor: is Jayson rebelling?
Martin: (hits Connor's arm) stop saying that.... I do not wanna problem Jayson that much cause what we know is that he is okay.....
Connor: yeah, he left his keys and car for us to use to travel here... so I do not think he has hard feelings....
Martin: same.... (smiles) I really do hope so.....

At the entrance of the school, Caliber was arriving with a paper bag full of McDonalds.....

Caliber: (enters the entrance) (sees Trenton and Jayson at the bus stop) huh?? (in his mind) what are the two doing? they seem to have their stuffs with them.... (looks at Trenton and Jayson's bag)

At the bus stop......

Trenton: (whispers) what if Martin and Connor worries about us... you have a very smart personality and you shouldn't damage that image of yours...
Jayson: (looks around) do not worry Trenton... we will be fine.... I just wanna take a break from the toxicity of the school..... (sees Caliber watching them) (feels angry) ugh Trenton?
Trenton: huh? why??
Jayson: let us find another bus stop..... follow me bro.... (left)
Trenton: wait Jayson... (looks around) (left)

Back at Caliber's place.....

Caliber: they seem suspicious.... (starts walking while watching Trenton and Jayson leave)
Reese: (walking on Caliber's way) (bumps on Caliber) oh my fucking God! oh my Gosh! (covers her mouth) (looks at Caliber) Caliber??! why did you bump me?
Caliber: (looks at Reese) oh God... I am sorry.... I was just watching... ugh....
Reese: watching who??? (looks at what Caliber is looking at)
Caliber: I saw Jayson and Trenton together and they seem to be.....
Reese: together like... cutting school??? (smiles) OMG! that is a hot tea!
Caliber: no wait... I didn't mean...
Reese: (cuts off Caliber) I have to tell everyone.... lets go!! (left)
Caliber: no wait Reese... do not misunderstand it..... (follows Reese) (left)

Back at the outdoor tables.......

Martin: (yawns) I am still fucking hungry and I already eaten...
Connor: I can buy you anything if you want me to.....
Martin: thank you anyways Connor.... (smiles) I do not want to be hard on you.. we both have money here....
Reese: (approaches everybody) guys guys guys! I have a real tea that I wanna say right now but I wanna ask if you guys are ready......
Cleo: sure Reese... tell us now! we will listen....
Reese: Trenton and Jayson seem to be dating by cutting class together..
Tori: oh my God!
Martin: after our needed break up?! already?
Caliber: (approaches Reese) (catches his breath) the fuck Reese! I did not mean that way and why did you think of that way... Jayson will be mad at me cause he saw me watching them...
Connor: they were really together?
Caliber: they are not dating, they are nit cutting... I cannot conclude anything but they are together....
Martin: (nods) well... at least they are safe with one another.... sure!
Reese: they seem cute together....
Martin: but Trenton is straight.......
Cleo: yeah Reese....
Reese: but Trenton is the twinkiest of them all..... like, why wouldn't he be gay.....
*everyone laughs*
Tori: oh my God... Reese, your wild imaginations..... hahahahaha.....
Cleo: (sees Caliber holding a McDonalds paperbag) we also have a tea Caliber.... Caliber: what is it?
Cleo: Martin is hungry....
Martin: wait no... ugh.... (blushes)
Caliber: if that is so.... (sits next to Martin) I have this for you.... (puts down a extra large chicken burger and fries near Martin) here....
Martin: but you bought this for you.... what would I eat these?
Caliber: (brings out a carton of burger steak and a chicken burger) I also have mine... I haven't eaten lunch.....
Reese: oh my God! Caliber brought these specially for you..... accept it Martin!
Martin: (blushes) you sure?
Caliber: no not wait for me to spoon a rice on you....
*everyone gushes*
Martin: (rolls his eyes) whatever butthole!
Caliber: asshole! (looks away)
Martin and Caliber: (eyes widens at each other) that is my line!!! (looks strangely at each other) 
*Connor, Reese, Tori and Cleo looks confused at each other*

It is now night again, at the main city if Carson City, Trenton and Jayson were still hanging out......

Trenton: (smiles) the last time I was here was with Martin and damn.... even though we never had feelings for each other, I felt romantic.....
Jayson: huh? I understand that you do not have feelings for Martin but why feel romantic with a guy?
Trenton: Martin is romantic when he is only with few... I know you know what I mean... you two seemed romantic....
Jayson: he really was... (nods) (blushes) he always takes over my romantic side... and I get showered by love more....
Trenton: it was a bummer you two are.....
Jayson: (looks serious at Trenton)
Trenton: I am sorry, I didn't mean to...
Jayson: it is fine.... (looks at a theater) oh God.... are we in a theater?? (looks at the movie posters)
Trenton: this looks great... (looks at a poster of a romantic movie)
Jayson: (looks at the romantic movie's poster) yeah, it seems great... wanna watch that?
Trenton: but we are not......
Jayson: (smiles) do not worry, no feelings involved... and beside, I just wanna feel love especially that Martin is still fresh in my romantic heart.... I think I want him to stay and I do not care if we are cousins and he won't like me back anymore as long as I am loving him and near him...
Trenton: (looks sadly down)
Jayson: so... lets go?? (holds Trenton's hand tightly) I insist that we should go....
Trenton: (looks at Jayson holding his hand) (blushes at Jayson)
Jayson: I got you Trenton... you do not have to be scared.... I got you! (winks) hahahahaha...
Trenton: (in his mind) I do not get why  he seems giving me a sign.... why?

Shit! Caliber and Martin, Jayson and Trenton are such cuties.. who do you like more?

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