Episode 49 : Valid Feelings

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It is now night, at the living room, the girls were now drunk watching the boys dancing together......

Tori: (yawns) (feels her vision blurry) guys? Cleo? I think I am seeing heaven... (looks at the ceiling)
Cleo: (laughs hardly) (slaps Tori hardly) that is not the heaven.... that feels like a sun.....
Reese: (slaps Cleo painfully) you all are fucking stupid... sun doesn't exist in..... (drops and sleeps on the floor)
Prescott: oh my God! Reese.... (shakes Reese) are you okay?
Cleo: (laughs hardly) she is dead Prescott.... you have to give her flowers and a coffin with a sticker of Dora Explorer in it.... tons of stickers!! (coughs hardly)
Cedrick: (keeps happily dancing) (jumps next to Tori) hey Tori... good evening.... you seem drunk????
Tori: I guess I am....... (feels dizzy)
Cleo: (pukes on Tori's dress) oh God girl!
Tori: oh my fucking God!! (looks at her dirty dress) this is disgusting! I am not drunk to be aware of how this is disgusting... goddamn...
Jayson: (looks at everyone enjoying the party)
Cedrick: go change Tori.....
Tori: (nods) (slowly stands up) sure, go and guard me to the bathroom......
Cedrick: yes ma'am....
*Tori and Cedrick left*
Jayson: (drinks juice)
Trenton: (dances happily) (notices Connor weakly vibing) what the fuck is that Connor?! go and feel energized... this is one good night so lets go enjoy this!!
Connor: I do not really know how to dance.... I just want to dance cause Martin wanted me to..
Trenton: then fucking dance for me you stupid! (holds Connor's hand)
Martin: (screams) (grabs and hugs Caliber) can you all play a ballad... a romantic one...
Caliber: yeah! special request!!
*the music plays slowly*
Connor: (looks at Trenton holding his hand) ugh... Trenton?
Trenton: now what is your excuse? this is a song you can just dance to the beat... c'mon..
Connor: (looks nervous) (looks around) (slowly grabs Trenton's waist)
Jayson: (spits out his drink surprisingly) (coughs hardly)
Martin: huh? Jayson?
Jayson: (hardly coughs) (falls on the couch)
*everyone looks nervous at Jayson*
Caliber: you okay man??? (keeps hugging and dancing with Martin)
Jayson: (shakes his head) (stands up) I am done.... I am tired guys.. go party harder if you want, just make the music a little bit slower..... (about to leave) (accidentally shoves the stack of plastic cups)
Trenton: you drunk Caliber?
Caliber: you fucking do not care! (left)
Cleo: oh no... Jayson!
Martin: (looks concerned at Jayson leaving)
Connor: (in his mind) I knew this was a bad idea....
Martin: ugh babe? I will just.... go and approach Jayson....
Caliber: go babe... (kisses Martin)
Martin: (smiles) (left)
Trenton: (looks sadly at Cleo)
Cleo: (feels worried about Jayson)

At the bedroom hallway of the second floor, Hannah was there sitting alone without nobody to talk to......

Hanmah: (sadly stares on the floor)
Jayson: (approaches and opens his bedroom) (sees a couple making out) (feels pissed) (screams) would you all respect some privacy! making out in somebody's bedroom are on fucking movies.... that does not exist in real life so please!! do not recreate such things...
*couple walks out of the bedroom*
Hannah: (notices Jayson pissed) ugh... why so grumpy in this happy day of yours?
Jayson: (notices Hannah) ugh.... (shakes his head) how about you, why you alone in this place?
Hannah: I think you know the answer.... do you?
Jayson: ugh... can I hang out here for a little?
Hannah: feel free... this is your home.....
Jayson: (sits next to Hannah)
Hannah: I also saw Tori changing her clothes I guess cause she was puked by somebody..
Jayson: oh it was Cleo......
Tori: (notices Jayson and Hannah on the hallway) Jayson? I hear people talking about you?
Jayson: (sadly nods)
Tori: tell us about it... (sits next to Jayson)
Jayson: should I really be honest with you?
Hannah: well, you do not have to tell us if you are not ready but...... take your time....
Jayson: (nods) (tears falls on his face) I have to be honest, I will go straight to the point...... I am fucking....
Martin: jealous? (approaches Jayson)
Jayson: (notices Martin) Martin?
Martin: (sits and leans his back on Jayson's body) but I do not take that as an insult cause... you are the cutest one when you are jealous.... remember when we didn't know we were cousins?
Jayson: (feels Martin leaning his back on him) (breaks out and cries) (hugs Martin) Martin... I do not know why I am so fucking sensitive like this! I never want to be but... the way I am smart is not fucking enough and... it will never be enough if I am this sensitive! (keeps crying) I am sorry!
Martin: Jayson... never feels sorry for your feelings... yes, you are having a bad time but sometimes, loving gives you a bad time.... (smiles) you hurt Trenton which hurt you because you love me.... lets all admit that.... and you were hurt because you now love Trenton...... (keeps crying) just because it is love doesn't mean it has to be everything positive.... love is pain but we have to embrace pain so... do not ever feel bad and think there is something wrong with you because if we did, I am not enjoying the company with you and calming you down...
Hannah: Martin is right.....
Martin: and remember.... I liked Caliber since the beginning and the way I encourage him made him so cocky which made him hurt himself and he hurt me too..... (tears falls on his face)
Tori: (smiles) (hugs Jayson) life is all about the goodness and the pain.. that is why it is in every vows....
Hannah: and it is not in the person, it is really that natural...
Jayson: so it is okay to be jealous?
Martin: (nods) yeah.. cause your feelings are valid...
Jayson: (keeps crying) (smiles) thank you guys.... thank you so much...
Tori: we are always here if you need help okay? you might not be part of the original friendship in the beginning but... you are Martin's cousin..
Martin: and even though were cousins, I am proud to say you are my ex boyfriend for a reason... we love you..
Hannah: take care Jayson!
Tori: (smiles at Hannah) Hannah? I am sorry too...
Hannah: (smiles) really?
Tori: (nods)
Martin: there's it.... another twisted milestone in our life.. grouphug! (hugs Jayson, Hannah and Tori)
*Martin, Jayson, Tori and Hannah grouphugs*

Deeper in the night, Jayson and Martin were now playing video games together in Jayson's room.......

Jayson: (keeps hugging Martin) Martin... you never really changed...
Martin: (smiles) I told you, being cousin doesn't change anything to us.... and it will never be.....
Connor: (enters the room) Martin... Caliber is now drunk in your room...... (notices Jayson and Martin together) oh.. (looks down sadly) I am.... I do not know if I have the rights but... I am sorry......
Jayson: (smiles slightly at Connor) if I have the rights to be jealous, I really agree that somebody has a right to apologize and... (tears falls on his face) you don't really have to because I love you.... I really do Connor.... like Martin, nothing will ever change.... (hugs Connor tightly)
Connor: (tears falls on his face) I am so happy Jayson... I am really sorry.....
Jayson: it is okay Connor.... I love you more than who I love romantically.... you and Martin... top priority first....
Martin: yay!! happy family with valid feelings!! (runs and hugs Jayson and Connor) I love you two so much!
Connor: (hugs Martin and Jayson) I love you two also!
Jayson: (kisses Martin and Connor's forehead) and as the oldest of you 3... I love you two the most.....

This is the sweetest ending of a conflicted episode but... is this the main conflict? there's more to see!

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