Episode 22 : Surprise Attack

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It is now a monday morning...... at the parking lot, Jayson and Martin are about to leave the car..... at the parking lot....

Jayson: (smiles) (looks at Martin)
Martin: (looks weirdly at Jayson) now what? what's with that look?
Jayson: (shrugs) nothing..... (looks at Martin's hickies) won't we get into trouble because of this???
Martin: why??? we are a couple right? so we are allowed to do so.....
Jayson: (eyes widens at Martin) are we really one??? (blushes) like.... we never really had an official statement that we are together like.... I am doing this to protect you from Cal....
Martin: but.... (takes a deep breath) I think I really do like you and.... you do not have to protect me from Caliber anymore......
Jayson: what do you mean that you do not want me to protect you from that asshole?
Martin: (shakes his head) (hugs Jayson) I just want you to take care of me as you always should.... I can stand by myself to Caliber now......
Jayson: (kisses Martin's lips) I love you so much......
Martin: (blushes at Jayson) I love you so much too..... (hugs and kisses Jayson)
Caliber: (walks at the parking lot) (sees Martin and Jayson kissing in the parking lot) (feels angry)
Martin: (keeps kissing Jayson) (sees Caliber staring at them)
Caliber: (feels uncomfortable) (shakes his head down) (left)
Martin: (looks at Caliber leaving) (in his mind) what is wrong with that guy???
Jayson: (smiles at Martin) and guess what Martin..... my brother will going to study in the same school as us......
Martin: really?? (kisses Jayson's cheeks) (keeps looking and confused at Caliber leaving)
Jayson: and it was a right time for us to be together.... (holds Martin's hand) cause I can show him my first ever boyfriend...
Martin: you are really proud of me huh???
Jayson: as always Martin.... I always liked you since the beginning..... (hugs Martin)
Martin: (hugs Jayson tightly)

And so it goes, the classes finally started and after a few periods.... it is now lunch...... at the outdoor tables, Trenton, Cleo, Reese, Martin and Jayson were hanging out together....

Reese: (looks serious at Trenton) can we get this straight Trenton? aren't you straight?
Trenton: (spits out his food) what the fuck!! where did you get that question???
Martin: hahahahaha.. is this about last night???
Cleo: (looks at everyone) what are you guys talking about?
Reese: (holds Cleo's shoulders) oh Cleo..... its just.... Martin and Jayson seemed to make out last night and as we video chatted, I noticed his hickie....
Jayson: (smiles at Martin)
Trenton: (keeps eating) (blushes down)
Cleo: (rolls her eyes) (looks Martin and Jayson's hickies) yeah?? I wasn't invited again with you personal video chats huh???
Trenton: wow Cleo.... as if we spammed you with invitation to our chat...
Martin: yeah Cleo... it seems that you were talking to somebody else besides us....
Cleo: (blushes at everybody) no I wasn't..... I do not know what you guys are talking about......
Reese: yes you were..... we are calling you and messenger told us that you were on another phone call......
Cleo: oh me??? (feels shy) ugh.... (remembers something)

A flashback shows last night at Cleo's house, inside her bedroom, Cleo was in a conversation with Caliber.....

Cleo: (calling Caliber) I also have a question..... what about Martin's request in hunting down the source of the viral video???
Caliber: (on the line) haven't you seen the video in the net?
Cleo: no... that is why I am telling you this.....
Caliber: and that is already my answer too..... you did not see the video means, it is already deleted....
Cleo: how about the source?
Caliber: do I really have to do that??? (feels annoyed)
Cleo: you wanna get back Martin's trust or not?
Caliber: (takes a deep breath) I want to.... but isn't this hard?
Cleo: you were hard on him too.... remember that.....
Caliber: (feels sad)

Back at present.......

Cleo: whatever guys..... (rolls her eyes) I am still hurt that you guys did not invite me in the conversation.....
Reese:(scratches her head) how many times do I have to tell you that you ignored us...
*everyone laughs*
Cleo: (murmurs) you guys seemed to invite Tori than me....
Tori: (approaches everybody) I wasn't in the conversation you expected to have me in..... but why am I in this conversation...
Cleo: (eyes widens at Tori) huh?
Trenton: (looks away) (murmurs) awkward...
Jayson: good afternoon Tori... what brings you here???
Tori: (smiles) Ms. Cristina wants to see us before we leave the school.... he wants to see you guys....
Trenton: yeah... that is what I was telling you Martin....
Jayson: (looks at Martin) sure... we will be there right?? we all support for Martin.....
Martin: (smiles) (nods)
Cleo: (feels guilty) (secretly looks at Tori)
Tori: (smiles at everybody)

It is now dismissal..... at Ms. Cristina's room, Martin, Trenton, Jayson, Cleo, Reese were there listening to Ms. Cristina's discussion about the elections....

Ms. Cristina: (looks at everybody) (smiles) so you guys have to roam around the different campuses starting on Wednesday okay??? and promote yourselves.....
Reese: but we are too shy to be there.... like, we do not know most of everybody.....
Martin: Reese is right, Ms. Cristina.....
Jayson: I got you covered Martin......
Caliber: (enters the room) I got you guys covered... I assure you guys that!
*everyone looks at Caliber*
Cleo: Cal??
Caliber: why?? surprised by me??
Jayson: are you really still part of our campaign like.... we are enough...
Caliber: and me and Cleo were together putting posters of your party list Jayson... in case you have no appreciation.....
Ms. Cristina: guys... do not argue okay???
*Cedrick and Tori enters the room*
Tori: (looks at everyone) sorry I am late.... (smiles) me and Cedrick got into some little troubles going here....
Caliber: (stares angrily at Cedrick) (clenches his fists)
Cedrick: (looks nervously at Caliber) ugh guys.... I still have to do something..... (about to leave)
Caliber: (pushes and punches Cedrick to a wall) you really have to leave this place if you do not stay away from Tori!!!
Cedrick: (feels pain) Cal??? why??? (getting punched by Caliber) stop it!!
Tori: (runs to Cedrick) (stares angrily at Caliber) what are you doing Cal???
Ms. Cristina: somebody stop the fight! (screams)
Caliber: (keeps punching Tori) protecting you from this guy!!
Martin: (feels nervous) (screams) we do not need you here Caliber!! (crying)
Caliber: (eyes widens at Martin) Martin??? (stops punching Cedrick)
Martin: (crying) you wanna prove me that you wanna change but look at you with your violent behavior! I do not need you in our team.... (left)
Jayson: wait Martin......
Caliber: (about to approach Martin) oh no... Martin! (tears falls on his face)
Jayson: (holds Caliber) do not dare to approach him Cal! you stay away from all of us! (feels angry) (left)
*everyone looks at Caliber*
Caliber: (feels worried)
Cedrick: (feels pain) (touches his bleeding lips)
Cleo: (feels sad for Caliber)
Tori: (stares angrily at Caliber)
Ms. Cristina: (stares angrily at Caliber) meet me at the guidance office Caliber..... (left)
Caliber: (feels sad) (wipes his tears) Martin.....

Oh God! This is getting better and better by episode... what would come next? tune in!

2AM FeelsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ