Episode 54 : Bet The Position

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It is now a wednesday morning and at the parking lot, Uno was there heading to the campus......

Uno: (looks around) (in his mind) I wonder how much trauma got into that stupid Martin.... well, he deserves it anyway....
Hannah: (angrily approaches Uno) hey....
Uno: (rolls his eyes) (keeps walking) (ignores Hannah)
Hannah: hey! I said hey!! (grabs and makes Uno look at him) can we talk?
Uno: I have no choice... Vice President... (annoyingly speaks) and besides, what are you here for? you turned your back on me!
Hannah: I really did Uno... and I am going to tell you how much you ruined Martin.....
Uno: ruined Martin?! but.... (feels confused) did he ruin me first?
Hannah: there was nothing to ruin in you because you are really a useless person... yeah, you were ignored that time but do not act as if somebody has done a fucking crime to you.... you know what's that called? immaturity!
Uno: and how about you? clinging to those people because you don't want to be responsible in this mess... listen up Hannah, you were fucking involved!
Hannah: (slaps Uno hardly) that is where you are wrong Uno.... and that is what you are good at, bringing people with you because you think that they are like you..... but Martin and Caliber are now happy but look what you've done! you made their life miserable like yours... and me? (shakes her head) I never done that to save me from this crime.... I was there for them as a Vice President like you say... and I don't even want this to be personal huh!
Uno: but how can you say that if you already did that bad stuffs with me before you become vice president.... that doesn't change the fact that you do belong here...
Hannah: (grabs Uno angrily) and yes, if you keep making life too personal... then yeah, I realized how wrong I was and technically, it was only you who uploaded that video.....
Uno: (shakes his head) poor Hannah.... you are just like Martin, not a good model as leaders...
Hannah: (nods) yeah Uno..... I am not! and I am going to bet my position just to clean my name and be friends with people who really are nice unlike you! you are the one who thinks that our lives revolves around you.... but you are nowhere in us to be honest.... (about to leave)
Uno: you will be your position huh? is that gonna scare me?
Hannah: (nods) Uno... I have receipts... (left)
Uno: (looks confused at Hannah) receipts?

It is now recess and at the cafeteria, the girls with Trenton and Connor were together talking about Hannah's plan.....

Hannah: (looks around) Jayson did not go to school huh? is he with Caliber?
Reese: Hannah girl.... (rolls her eyes) who would expect him to be with Caliber.... to be honest, no offense but I still didn't expect you to be on our side.......
Trenton: so where is the video Hannah? where is it from?
Hannah: (gives Tori her phone) here... watch the latest video in my gallery..... it was the night after Uno spread the video about the lovers making out........ (remembers something)

A flashback shows back at sunday in the gaybar, Hannah was there searching for Uno.....

Hannah: (pushes through the crowd) (feels concerned) (taps a person) ugh sir? did you see a short man partying here???
Man #1: ugh girl? there are a lot of short people and... everyone here is partying....
Hannah: ugh sorry... my bad... thank you... (keeps pushing through the crowd) (taps another person) ugh sir.... have you seen a..... (feels speechless) (sees Uno making out and dancing with a group of boys)
Man #2: have I see who? (looks confused at Hannah)
Hannah: nevermind... (shakes her head) I saw him already...
Man #2: (notices Uno dancing and making out with a group of boys) oh my God!!! that kid is seriously rocking it?
Hannah: (shakes her head) not really.... never expected him to be this.... (looks at her phone) wild.... after trying to put down and exposing people....
Man #2: really? he a bad bitch... why not expose him after everything he did... film him!
Hannah: (keeps looking at her phone and Uno dancing) if this is the only way to stop him..... (nods) (starts filming Uno)

Back at present.......

*everyone looks nervous at Hannah*
Connor: but Hannah..... this will remove you from your position as Vice President....
Hannah: (shakes her head) I do not care anymore..... like what I said.... if this is the only way to stop him.... then go.....
Cleo: (looks at her phone) wait... you already uploaded it?! the video is circulating....
Tori: are you sure Hannah?!
Uno: (angrily enters the room) Hannah?! (clenches his fists)
*everyone looks at Uno and laughs*
Hannah: (looks angrily at Uno) (feels nervous)
Uno: (feels embarassed) (searching angrily for Hannah)

At a public parking lot in the city, Caliber, Cedrick and Prescott were together heading outside to eat at a restaurant......

Caliber: (sadly looks down) (feels worried) (keeps crying)
Prescott: bro Caliber.... you are crying again.... you have been acting like a switch for hours since last night.....
Cedrick: and you look tired... why not rest for a while?
Caliber: I will not rest till I find Martin..... I won't.....
Jayson: (approaches Prescott, Cedrick and Caliber seriously)
Cedrick: (notices Jayson) oh Jayson? you did not go to school? what brings you here?
Jayson: (stares angrily at Caliber) I am also searching for my cousin of course.... and I just wanna ask if one of you two can come with me cause I wanna search the other side of this city....
Prescott: sure Jayson.... (nods) I will volunteer...... where is your car?
Jayson: I walked here... Martin must have used my car so... (feels sad) I do not know how we can find him easily.....
Caliber: (sadly speaks) I do not know if you need this but... (drops his keys) use this keys and my car instead.... (left)
Jayson: (looks annoyed at Caliber)
Cedrick: I will take care of him.. go guys use it... (left)
*Prescott and Cedrick looks confused at each other*
Martin: (peeks behind the cars) (looks at Jayson concerned looking) (in his mind) I am sorry if I got you all into this...

Last 6 episodes of this story.... I am so excited to tell you the next story that will be called "Libulan"!

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