Episode 26 : Desperate Promotion, Desperate Attention

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At the hallways of the school, Martin and Caliber finally arrived......

Martin: (looks around) it seems that class has started.... and it is so quiet..... where could they be?
Caliber: (shrugs) maybe they are in another building now.... (looks at Martin) do you want to me to lead you there?
Martin: (shakes his head) no.... I can go there alone..... (about to leave)
Caliber: hey hey hey!! (holds Martin's hand) (pulls Martin to him) remember that I am part of your campaign and I contributed a lot already....
Martin: (looks at Caliber holding his hand)
Caliber: (smiles at Martin)
Martin: (pulls out his hand) (looks annoyingly at Caliber) what are you doing anyway? and what are you talking about contribution?
Caliber: I am a popular student...
Martin: oh yeah... (walks closer to Caliber) in case you do not know, I am popular too....
Caliber: because of me.... (winks at Martin)
Martin: (feels offended) you know what.... I will just leave....
Caliber: (pulls Martin to him) do not leave! what the hell?!
Martin: (accidentally leans close to Caliber) (looks at Caliber closely) you are stubborn....
Caliber: and so do you! hahaha... fine, maybe you are popular for who you are but still.... I contributed... do not deny that..... you got big audience because of me....
Martin: (nods) then?
Caliber: (looks at Martin's hickies) (touches Martin's hickies) and I was posting your partylist's poster while you are having a fun make out with that Jayson of yours....
Martin: (slaps Caliber's hand) get off of that property.... (pushes Caliber away from him)
Caliber: just follow me please.... (rolls his eyes) I am already doing things nicely and honestly..... (starts walking)
Martin: (looks at Caliber)
Caliber: (pretends to be annoyed) (looks at Caliber) I said... lets go!!! (left)
Martin: what the fuck! you are making fun of me and suddenly, you are now the bothered one?! wait!! (follows Caliber) (left)

At the other campus of the school, Ms. Cristina was inside the class where Uno belongs......

Ms. Cristina: so guys.... (smiles) I am so happy that you gave me the opportunity to show my candidates to all of you, even though you guys have your own candidates too......
Uno: as if we have a choice Ms. Cristina....
Hannah: (elbows Uno) would you stop being rude... we are the candidates of this section....
Uno: I am fine with these promotion because they really need to..... hahahahaha...
*everyone laughs*
Ms. Cristina: (feels insulted) excuse me Uno???
Uno: and I just wanna see those people if they really have a bigger potential than me......
Ms. Cristina: Uno, do not feel comfortable because I know my students will do better.... and this is a requirement, ain't because we are desperate to succeed commercially.....
Jayson: (knocks and opens the door) ugh Ms. Cristina? can we now enter?
Ms. Cristina: oh my God.... (smiles) here they are guys.... (looks at the students) I would like you all to meet 3 of our candidates for elections and their main campaign supporters......
*everyone starts clapping*
Uno: (rolls his eyes)
*Jayson, Tori, Cleo, Reese, Trenton and Cedrick enters the room*
Hannah: (looks at Tori) (whispers to Uno) why is Tori here??
Uno: what do you expect Hannah? (whispers to Hannah) 
Tori: (sees Hannah) (rolls her eyes)
Ms. Cristina: (looks around) wait... where is Martin?
Cleo: (looks shyly at everyone)
Jayson: (feels shy) he isn't around yet but hoping he could come.....
Uno: oh cmon Jayson... it is obvious that he was avoiding in facing his very own rival.... hahaha... I know that everybody surrenders when its me.....
Reese: well... well... well....(looks at Uno) if its not the one and only carbon copy of our boy, Martin..... who is he again?
Trenton: guys... lets stay humble....
Jayson: (looks at Reese and the others) Trenton is right... guys... calm down......
Uno: yeah guys.... we all should stay quiet causwe Jayson will start his formal weird speech and cover up why his boyfriend is not here....
Reese: you know what.... (takes off her sandals) (about to throw her sandals to Uno) I am holding myself against you....
Cleo: girl! (holds Reese) calm down please.....
Jayson: you know what..... I am not really going to make this formal and now I know why Martin is annoyed at you..... (stares annoyingly at Uno)
Hannah: (moves away from Uno) I am not involved here.... not really okay?
Uno: or maybe he is envious.....
Ms. Cristina: Uno.... would you stop interrupting my students.... they are here to promote themselves... do you want them to do the same to you on friday?
Uno: (rolls his eyes) (looks down) whatever.....
Jayson: and wait Uno..... I just heard that you're telling us how desperate we are that is why we are promoting?
Uno: aren't you guys easy to get connection?
Tori: yes we do... we have.... (looks at everybody) Caliber.... hahaha...
Cleo: (looks a Tori)
Uno: see... desperate....
Hannah: (eyes widens at Tori) oh my God!! your ex carries the group?!!!
*students starts whispering about Tori*
Tori: (looks at everybody) (feels embarassed)
Cedrick: (walks to Tori) would you guys stop interrupting us? Ms. Cristina has been warning you all.....
Jayson: anyways... how about you Uno??? (walks to Uno) are you popular enough to get attention? we do not even know you if it wasn't for your desperate seeking attention....
*everyone starts laughing*
Uno: (rolls his eyes) yeah! (looks directly to Jayson) I can just send a message to everybody and it will spread out of the campus all of this sudden.....
*Martin and Caliber enters the room*
Martin: (looks angrily at Uno) so that means, there is a chance that you were behind my embarrassing video huh?
Uno: (eyes widens at Martin) Martin?? (looks nervously at Caliber)
Tori: (eyes widens at Caliber)
Martin: that is why you are obsessed with me huh??? (walks next to Jayson)
Hannah: (looks confused at Uno)
Uno: (looks nervously at Caliber)
Caliber: (stares serious at Uno)

After the whole day, Martin and Jayson finally went home to Martin's house... at Jayson's car....

Jayson: (looks at Martin) ugh Martin.... how are you with Caliber?
Martin: ugh... (looks nerviously at Jayson) he and I was going to the same direction that is why we were together...
Jayson: (nods) okay....
Martin: (looks concerned at Jayson) Jayson? are you jealous? (feels sad)
Jayson: (shakes his head) (smiles) why would I be jealous with a guy who would hurt you? (hugs Martin) (smiles)
Martin: (hugs Jayson) (lies his head on Jayson's shoulder) thank you for trusting me....

Was the Martin and Caliber moment too short? there will be more... tune in!

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