Episode 5 : Sweet Talks

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While Martin is still chatting ShhKeepThisASecret......

Blued: ShhKeepThisASecret - 2AMBoi

ShhKeepThisASecret: hey! I hate being seen you know...
2AMBoi: wait.... who are you again?? why are you acting like you are somebody important to my life.... why should I talk to you???
ShhKeepThisASecret: cause I want to......
2AMBoi: and I do not want to..... after everything you done to me.... said to me.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: fine.... I apologize for being rude to you......
2AMBoi: you think I could easily accept that??
ShhKeepThisASecret: what else do you want?? want to bottom me so that you can forgive me?? God! I am a top but sure.... if that will make us okay....
2AMBoi: see.... you are still horny you dick! you are good at those.... shit you!
ShhKeepThisASecret: fine..... I sincerely apologize.... if you do not want to talk to me.... then okay.... I will now leave..... if that makes you peaceful here....
2AMaBoi: hey... wait... wait.... fine..... you can stay.... but please do not be horny.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: I felt the conscience in you..... hahaha....
2AMBoi: conscience your ass! and conscience?? you??? should you be the one with conscience? for bullying me online.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: well, I do have... that is why I am always checking you out since I felt that I hurt you....
2AMBoi: wow! conscience and horny?? can two things come together??
ShhKeepThisASecret: this is the reason why I am rude to you.......
2AMBoi: can you blame me.... you were the one starting this??
ShhKeepThisASecret: fine... I do not wanna argue with you.... and now, I openly wanna listen why you are here.... why you are finding friends? don't you have any friends???
2AMBoi: I have..... I have tons of people who are caring for me.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: but??
2AMBoi: but you know.... my social life overwhelms me so much..... and sometimes, I wanna have my own personal space.... where I can rethink and reflect about life......
ShhKeepThisASecret: continue....
2AMBoi: do I sound so greedy to them?? as if.... I am still finding company with them around me? as if I am finding more when I already have enough??
ShhKeepThisASecret: do not blame yourself.... it is natural.... and everyone really needs their own space.... there is nothing wrong with that.... even your friends, they might have their personal space..... so.... its a win win for you guys.....
2AMBoi: and gladly, I found a new world.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: here in Blued??
2AMBoi: this is only a part of it.... bit I mean is.... this whole 2AM thing.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: cool.... you really are a cool night owl...
2AMBoi: I guess so.... I just think.... something makes me happy when its 2AM without even doing anything.... do I sound crazy saying this? 🤣
ShhKeepThisASecret: nah... I understand..... I am aware about the presence of night... the energy the night gives.....
2AMBoi: exactly.... I always dreamed to run with someone at a city full of lights like New York and just enjoy everything in it with somebody.......
ShhKeepThisASecret: if we knew each other..... I could be with you.....
2AMBoi: 😶
ShhKeepThisASecret: just kidding..... that escalated so fast for you, I guess.... hahaha.... sorry....
2AMBoi: but sadly, we do not know each other.... I do not even know where you live..... and I do not wanna ask cause your username says it all.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: hahahaha...... but.... do you wanna know???
2AMBoi: I do not know... it is up to you....


*Martin's phone rings*
Martin: (looks at his phone) huh??? (sees Jayson's name contacting him) (blushes) (answers call) hello??
Jayson: (on the line) Martin.... what did I tell you???
Martin: oh damn.... hahaha... sorry.....
Jayson: I apologize if I am being too tight even though we just met but I am that to all my friends....
Martin: nah.... in fact... it melts my heart knowing somebody cares for me so tightly......
Jayson: Martin.....
Martin: why???
Jayson: I am so glad I got the strength to approach you back at art class....
Martin: hahaha... why?
Jayson: cause I badly wanted to be close and be friends with you.....
Martin: now we are....
Jayson: and that makes me happy..... thank you....
Martin: I dunno but... you're welcome?
Jayson: hahahaha....
Martin: you??? wait a minute... why are you awake??
Jayson: I just woke up...
Martin: excuse me?
Jayson: as soon as I go home, I prepare my dinner and sleep already....
Martin: I wish I was that responsible.....
Jayson: let me take care of you....
Martin: what?? (blushes)
Jayson: (eyes widens) I mean is.... I can help you..... do you live with your parents or not like me?
Martin: I am alone....
Jayson: I dunno Martin but.... if you really need any help.... then I am here..... here with you....
Martin: sure thing..... (yawns)
Jayson: yes... I think I made you tired hahaha... so... sleep now??
Martin: that was a fast help.... thank you...  I will.... (smiles)
Jayson: good night??
Martin: thank you for the time....
Jayson: (blushes) thank you too....... good night.....
Martin: (ends call) (drops his phone) (yawns) (looks at the cieling) (remembers something earlier)

A flashback shows earlier at school when Tori, Trenton, Cleo and Reese were gossiping at the outdoor tables...

Trenton: (listens to everyone)
Reese: but what are your thoughts about Jayson? Isn't he the ideal guy....
Tori: oh my! that is right...... Martin.... a lot of girls likes you... I even think Cleo likes you....
Cleo: excuse me???
Tori: hahahaha.... but you said you cannot be romantically and sexually attractive with girls so boys..... but some guys likes you too... either gay, bi or even straight adores you but you never liked anyone of them..... so..... why?? why are you still single after everyone liking you???

Back at present......

Martin: (looks at the cieling) God! give me a sign if I should be ready?? I am just a small boy and even though I am popular, I got to learn more things... help me please? I am scared to make the wrong decisions....

This was the most romantic episode so far and I am so excited about Martin's relationship to either Jayson or the mystery ShhKeepThisASecret.... who do you think is the mystery guy??

2AM FeelsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora