Episode 29 : Victims Becomes Bullies

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It is now friday, at school, Cleo Jayson and Trenton were hanging out together at the cafeteria eating while recess......

Jayson: (feels sad) I cannot believe that Martin would actually be mad at me right now..... I am just protecting him at Caliber.....
Cleo: Jay, do not say such thing like that.... Martin is not feeling well, not because he is mad at you.....
Jayson: but Cleo..... he is still in a bad condition and I contributed to his situation right now....
Trenton: (pats Jayson's back) I feel bad for you so much...... but do not worry about him, he will be better...
Jayson: we shouldn't take advantage of his healing ways..... we shouldn't just stay and stand here while he is hurting for something he shouldn't be hurt with......
Cleo: (takes a deep breath) Jay.....
Jayson: (looks sadly at Trenton) (tears falls on his face) am I too tight with him? I am scared Trenton.... he is my first love....
Trenton: ugh.... (looks nervously at Cleo) Jayson? (looks at Jayson) in my view, you are really a definition of a boyfriend..... (smiles) and whatever you are giving Martin is enough and he is appreciating it..... this is some sort of a friendship problem anyway and you should not worry about it.....
Jayson: but he is not friends with Caliber....
Cleo: ugh... I would like to contradict with what Trenton said to you....
Jayson: huh?? (looks at Cleo)
Cleo: ugh.... hahaha.... not in a very contradicting way but..... I just think you are lack of understanding others because you are understanding Martin so much..... and its understandable....
Trenton and Jayson: huh?!
Cleo: ugh... what I mean is..... because of how caring you are to Martin, you stand by him all the time, protect him without knowing the side of the other party....
Jayson: but Tori doesn't care anymore about Caliber.... we are all here defending Martin right?
Cleo: (shakes her head) Tori is....
Tori: (about to approach Cleo, Trenton and Jayson) (listens to Cleo)
Cleo: you are wrong with Tori..... Tori clearly cares about both Martin and Caliber and the reason why Tori broke up with Cal must be because.... he really does care for Cal after all... especially it happened at the time Martin was embarrassed... I am sure Tori wants Caliber to fix himself for everyone especially for Martin...
Tori: (smiles slightly)
Cleo: (holds Jayson's hand) we love how you love our baby boy Martin but.... if we want Martin's life to be cleaned.... let's help him fix the mess from both sides.... Martin's side and Caliber's......
Jayson: (nods sadly) I will try..... (wipes his tears)
Tori: (approaches everyone) hey guys...
Trenton: oh hi Tori... what's up?
Tori: I just wanna hang out with you... if it is okay? (looks nervously at Cleo)
Cleo: ugh... (gives space for Tori) (smiles slightly) here....
Tori: (nods) thank you..... (smiles at Cleo) and.... (looks at everybody) Ms. Cristina has an awesome plan for us at dismissal....
Trenton: what is it?
Tori: something about backfiring to what Uno did to us.....
Trenton: oh God! that seems sneaky!
Tori: you all game?
Jayson: (smiles) hahahaha... sure!
Cleo: (nods)
Trenton: me too.....
Tori: so excited for whatever Ms. Crisitina is planning for us to do...
Cleo: Ms. Cristina is such a savage teacher....
Tori: so true.... (nods)
Trenton: (looks confused at Tori and Cleo) (in his mind) are these two okay???

It is now dismissal..... at a empty classroom, Tori, Cleo, Trenton, Jayson, Reese and Cedrick were together...

Tori: (smiles) (looks at her watch) we really wanted to be here but where are they?
Cedrick: Prescott said that he will lead them here......
Prescott: (enters the room) good afternoon squad..... good afternoon lady... (winks at Reese)
Reese: just bring your hostages here...
Hannah: (hears Reese) what do you guys mean by hostages?! (enters the room) (looks at Jayson and the others) what the hell?! I thought there was a class here!
Uno: (enters the room) (looks at everyone) what the hell!
Prescott: (closes and locks the door)
Uno: (looks at Prescott closing the door) what the hell Prescott!! why are we here?
Cleo: (throws a pencil case at Uno) just tell us if you are behind the video of Martin!
Uno: (dodges the pencil case) what the hell!!! (screams) are you all nuts! (runs to the door)
Prescott: (pushes Uno away from the door) no getting out you bully!
Hannah: you all are the bully here!!! we do not know what you guys are doing!
Tori: yeah you guys know why we are so mad!
Hannah: is this about us embarrassing you all inside our classroom?
Jayson: yeah!
Uno: so you guys wanna fire back! what will you do!
Trenton: just tell us if you Uno are behind embarrassing our boy Martin!
Uno: you guys are really protecting that faggot against this brave gay?!
Trenton: (throws a ruler at Hannah) just say it!
Hannah: what the fuck! why me?! (dodges the ruler)
Uno: what are you going to do to me if you guys found out who is behind the video?
Reese: (walks and whispers to Uno's ear) we won't let you two out and we will just face each other here till tomorrow...
Hannah: are you all nuts?!
Tori: or guys... (takes out her make up kit) we can draw hard to remove stuffs in their faces and they will go home with their ugly faces....
Hannah: (looks nervously at Uno) Uno!! I do not belong in your hell!!!
Uno: (looks nervously at Jayson)
Jayson: (stares angrily at Uno)
Uno: I won't tell! (about to leave)
Prescott: (pushes Uno away from the door) no going out hahahahaha!
Cleo: (runs and holds Uno) guys! (looks at everyone) ready your make ups!
Reese: (runs and holds Hannah by the back) we can enjoy these two.... we have cover anyway!
Tori: (takes our her make ups) get them!!! (screams)
*Uno and Hannah screams*
*everyone except Uno and Hannah laughs*

While Jayson and the others were enjoying making fun of Hannah and Uno, at Caliber's home, Martin was waiting in front of the house......

Martin: (looks at the house) (feels sad) (screams) Caliber?! I am giving you a chance for us to talk.... please come out....
Caliber: (enters his front lawn) (sees Martin) huh?! what are you doing here?
Martin: (looks at Caliber) Caliber?!
Caliber: (looks confused at Martin) why?

Oh God! Here is it... can they finally find a serious time to talk? tune in for what's next!

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