Episode 21 : Still Secrets

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It is now election month, on a sunday morning, Martin was working on his social media pages for promoting himself on the coming supreme student government....... at Martin's bedroom.....

Martin: (yawns) (looks at his page) (murmurs) if I wasn't part of this elections, I could have got a lot of time with my boy instead of this temporary shit......
Jayson: (opens the door) did I hear the right thing? (enters the room) (looks at Martin) my boy wants to have more time with me???? (holds a paper bag)
Martin: (smiles) (nods) yeah.... you insisted me to be here and it is really beneficial for me to enter this elections but you know..... I am only going to be the president for only one year..... its like a temporary blessing.....
Jayson: it is still a blessing Martin.... (sits next to Martin) (puts down the paper bag on the computer table) like you being a blessing to me, you have to cherish whatever comes to your life......
Martin: (touches the paperbag) really?? you cherish me all the time?
Jayson: (kisses Martin's cheeks) more than you ever know.....
Martin: so what is in this paper bag anyway??
Jayson: oh yeah.... it is for you.... (opens the paperbag) I was not sure if you have eaten breakfast that is why I ordered these fast foods that can be a breakfast or lunch later...... (smiles)
Martin: but yeah.... I have eaten... so.... later maybe???
Jayson: sure.... (looks at the computer)
Martin: (yawns) (looks at the computer) (keeps tying on the computer)
Jayson: (looks at Martin) wait..... you seem so pale? how long have you worked on these pages?? like.... I noticed that these pages didn't exist yesterday.... you did all these pages just now???
Martin: (nods) (feels shy at Jayson) hahaha....
Jayson: wait.... (looks at the computer) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr??! (looks at Martin) do not tell you have been exposed to computer since the sun wasn't up.....
Martin: hahahaha... (blushes down)
Jayson: you know what..... (holds and pulls Martin from the waist) get out if that chair and I am gonna finish all of these for you.....
Martin: (shakes his head) no need.....
Jayson: (kisses Martin's cheeks) I insist babe..... just rest next to me and wake up on the afternoon.....
Martin: (rolls his eyes) whatever.... (jumps to the bed)
Jayson: oh Martin... (smiles) (walks and jumps to the bed) (opens the laptop) I will use this instead, okay?
Martin: (looks at Jayson) but the computer?
Jayson: (puts Martin's hands around his waist) you go sleep there and I do the work okay??? okay husband?
Martin: (blushes) (smiles) okay husband..... (hugs Jayson) (lies his head on Jayson's waist)
Jayson: sleep tight sleepy head.... (strokes Martin's hair)

It is now afternoon, at school, Tori and Cedrick were putting up the posters of the party lists for the coming elections...... at the hallways...

Cedrick: (smiles at Tori) I am still happy that you and I still have contact even though I feel like I am the one behind the reason why Cal broke up with you......
Tori: what do you mean you?! stop being a feeler.... (rolls her eyes) it cannot be you.... (puts scotch tape behind the posters) and I was the one who broke up....
Cedrick: ugh.... I do not get it.... you are such a very fun girlfriend to be with but why did you insisted to break up with Cal..... you know Cal is popular but he still feels loneliness in himself most of the time......
Tori: wow huh?? (smiles at Caliber) although he hates you, you still know him a lot too..... (feels sad) but yeah.... there was a dilemma with me about him.... cause I am little bit away about his sensitivity but..... (shrugs) I have flaws too.....
Cedrick: but is there really another reason why it happened? why you wanted?
*Caliber and Cleo enters the hallways*
Tori: so.... what plans in reconciling with Martin?
Caliber: (looks at Cleo) (shrugs) just go with the flow of the elections....
Tori: but aren't you using this elections to make yourself look like he owes you a lot....
Caliber: (winks) but that is not my intention....
Tori: (looks at Caliber with Cleo) (feels sad) (takes a deep breath) ugh... we can leave Ced.... I do not wanna be here...
Cedrick: (looks concerned at Tori) 
Caliber: (sees Tori with Cedrick) (clenches his fists)
Tori: (whispers to Cedrick) lets leave.... (left)
Cedrick: (looks nervous at Caliber) (left)
Caliber: (stares angrily at Cedrick)
Cleo: (sees Tori and Cedrick walking away) oh my God! I apologize if she left.... it might be because of me?
Caliber: (shakes his head) no... (walks to a wall) (sticks some scotch tape on the wall) you didn't do anything wrong right? we are together for Martin anyway.....
Cleo: (looks nervous at Caliber) (in her mind) I am sorry Caliber but behind helping you has a deep reason.... I hope this lessen your anger if you find out........

It is now night.... at the mansion of Martin, Martin was video chatting on the computer with Trenton and Reese....... at Martin's bedroom.....

Martin: (looks at Trenton) bros... what do you guys want to tell me again?
Trenton: well... tomorrow, you will have a meeting.... right Reese?
Reese: uh huh! (nods)
Martin: about what?
Trenton: obviously, political stuffs... I do not know about it.... I am only telling you that the school needs to tell you something... 
Martin: ugh... that hurts my brain.... hahahahaha...
Reese: (sees a hickie on Martin's neck) wait.... is that a.... hickie??? (eyes widens) oh my God... is Jayson here?
Jayson: (working on the laptop) (listens to Martin, Trenton and Reese) (blushes down)
Martin: (blushes down)
Reese: oh my God Martin!!
Trenton: (murmurs) I wish everybody has one....
Reese: wait... what Trenton?
Trenton: yeah... (laughs at Trenton) what is that??
Trenton: (blushes) nothing....
Jayson: (blushes down) (whispers to Martin) he seems to be secretly gay.....
Martin: (hears Jayson) (laughs hard) hey Trenton... Jayson is saying something....
Trenton: what is it? (blushes)
Reese: oh my God! Jay is there? so its legit!? (gushes hard)
Jayson: no I did not.... hahaha... (types b on a website) (sees blued as suggestions) (in his mind) Blued?? (feels confused) Blued??? (looks confused at Martin) Martin is using Blued?

Oh God! First episode is so cute.... I am ready for how good the flow of Season 2 is.... I am so here for it... tune in!!

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