Episode 56 : Car Stops, Car Crashes

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Still at the city......

Uno: you look surprised... (stares angrily at Martin)
Martin: (feels nervous) (starts to panic) get away from me! (struggles to open the car door)
Uno: (walks closer to Martin)
Martin: no! (pushes Uno away) (runs inside the car) (starts the engine and immediately drives the car)
Uno: you are going down with me Martin!! ruining you is not enough! and I will never get enough until you are ruined into pieces..... (runs and starts the engine of his car) (sees Martin's car driving away) I am will not let you get away for the last time... (starts driving)

In Jayson's car.....

Martin: (feels nervous) (cries hard) (sees Uno's car following him) (keeps on driving) (in his mind) I have to contact somebody..... he is not gonna stop chasing me in this case..... (grabs his phone from the front car case) (dials Trenton's phone number while driving) (sees a stop sign ahead) (stops the car) (catches his breath) (calls Trenton) Trenton... please answer... (notices Uno's car behind his car) (opens the car's window) Uno!! (cries hard) please stop following me..... this is too much! this is too much......
Uno: (screams at Martin) (in his car) too much? you just realized that you affected people too much???! I will not stop until you learn....
Martin: what do you mean not gonna stop? (keeps crying) you want to kill me, don't you???
Uno: if that is the case.....
Martin: (feels nervous) (sees the go sign of the traffic lights) (immediately drives the car) (looks at his phone)
*Trenton doesn't answers the call*
Martin: (keeps on contacting Trenton) Trenton.... please answer! (keeps crying)
Uno: (keeps driving and follows Martin) (in his mind) and I am sure I will ruin your friends by whatever happens here with us!

At the entrance of the village where Martin lives, Trenton, Cleo, Hannah, Reese, Tori and Connor were there heading to Martin's home.......

Cleo: what if we guys get dropped out? we made a huge mess......
Reese: to be honest, I am not scared of anything as long as I am with my friends....
Tori: (nods) me too.... but I am hopeful that in the end, everybody will understand us.....
Trenton: (feels his phone vibrating) guys.... (touches his pocket) it was just my phone all the time.. not sort of earthquakes..... somebody is calling me.... (grabs and answers his phone) hello?
Martin: (on the line) Trenton... thank God you answered...
Connor: its Martin?! (talks to Martin) Martin! tell me where are you?
Martin: (immediately talks) I cannot stay talking while driving this fast.....
Hannah: driving fast?! where is he?
Trenton: Martin? where are you? why are you sounding as if you are being chased?
Martin: cause I am being chased! (keeps crying) help me... Uno is following me!
Trenton: what?! no!!
Martin: (keeps crying) help me guys... tell the others about me and I will hopefully reach the front of my home... please, meet me there... call the cops too.....
Trenton: we will inform Jayson and Caliber.....
Martin: anything! (ends call)
Tori: oh no... Martin is being chased by Uno!
Cleo: guys... what are we waiting for? lets go and tell the other boys about this.....
Reese: yes guys..... we have to save Martin!!
*Reese, Cleo and Tori left*
Connor: (tears falls on his face)
Hannah: what are we waiting for guys?! lets go...
Trenton: (sees Connor crying and standing sadly) Connor... what is wrong?
Connor: I.... I am scared of what will happen to Martin.....
Hannah: (holds Connor and Trenton's hand) there is no time to lose faith... your cousin and best friend needs the both of you.... we will save Martin....
Connor: (keeps crying) (nods) lets go!
Trenton: hurry! (nods)
*Hannah, Connor and Trenton left*

Near the village, Martin is now there and is still being chased by Uno.....

Uno: (keeps screaming through the window) (speedily follows Martin's car) wrong choice! one wrong stop in this quiet place will destroy the both of us...
Martin: (looks at the entrance of the village) (keeps on driving immediately) Uno.... I apologize for everything that you think I did...... I really do but please understand that you do not have to kill a person just because you were underappreciated... there are million of people who could appreciate you... and it can't only be our competition... you are not even on my competition....
Uno: and you still get the biggest price so why not let me give you the biggest crash in your life... (speedily drives)
Martin: (speedily drives his car) (keeps on crying) Uno.... lets stop this....
Uno: sorry but one stop from the both of us... we are both gonna end up.....
Martin: (tears falls on his face) (wipes his tears) (takes off his seatbelt) (in his mind) God, save me!

In front of Martin's mansion, everyone was there panicking......

Jayson: (keeps crying) what will happen to Martin... tell me about our plan.... we have to do something and not just sit and call the cops....
Prescott: how can we stop two cars from trying to crash one another.....
Jayson: fucking anything... just save my cousin!!
Connor: (keeps hugging Jayson) (cries hard) Jayson....
Cedrick: (looks at Caliber) Caliber... what now? do you have any plans?
Caliber: (shakes his head) (tears falls on his face) I have.... I have... I do not know....
Jayson: (walks angrily to Caliber) this is all your fault...this is all your fucking fault... now where is the confident Martin! if I were Martin, I will be disappointed......
Tori: Jayson... stop! do not add insult to injury... (keeps crying) please.....
Jayson: Tori!
Cleo: but Jayson!! (cuts off Jayson)
Jayson: no! (points Caliber angrily) since he entered Martin's life, Martin went to a very miserable stage where he made my cousin be hated by Uno which is the main reason why Martin is in trouble.... and for breaking my cousins heart after everything he did to you... you failed Martin and whatever happens to him...
Trenton: (grabs Jayson angrily) Jayson! (cries hard) stop blaming everybody!! we know you love Martin but....
Jayson: and you are still jealous of Martin?! (looks annoyed at Trenton)
Trenton: (punches Jayson angrily) fuck you!
*Jayson's car stops in front of the front yard*
Martin: (opens the door immediately) guys!!!
Reese: Martin! (smiles)
*everyone looks at Martin*
*Uno's car crashes on Jayson's car*
Martin: (slams his head painfully on the steering wheel) (feels unconscious)
Jayson: (eyes widens at Martin slamming his head on the steering wheel) Martin!!!!
Caliber: no!!!!!! (runs and hugs Martin) Martin!!
Trenton: (stares sadly at Martin feeling unconscious)
Hannah: (looks worried at everybody)
Caliber: call an ambulance! right now! (keeps hugging Martin)
Martin: (keeps unconscious) (head starts bleeding)

Will Martin survive? in 2 cars going full speed, who will survive the intensity?

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