Episode 43 : Not Showing Up

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It is now wednesday and at the bulletin board of the election results, Uno and Hannah were there looking at the standings....

Hannah: you know what Uno... no matter how many times we go back and forth in this results, it will never change.....
Uno: I need a recount....
Hannah: everybody who doesn't win says that....
Uno: just because you won.....
Hannah: (rolls her eyes) well, your attitude gave you such a result like that... I am glad that I am not yet that involved....
Uno: (glares angrily at Hannah)
*Prescott, Reese and Cleo approaches Hannah and Uno*
Reese: well... well... well.... you do not really deserve the vice president position Hannah..... even without a recount, we need a snap election again.....
Hannah: wow... speaking of somebody who won because her rival likes her.... it is using the charm to win for me.... can't you believe that?
Prescott: (blushes) it was worth it... I have to agree....
Reese: (elbows Prescott) (points angrily at Hannah) that is called strategy... something you cannot do......
Hannah: then why did I win the election???
Reese: and why did Uno not win the election??? Jayson would probably be a better adviser of Martin than you being a vice president......
Hannah: (feels pissed) (about to grab Reese) oh my fucking God... I am so fucking pissed with you!!
Cleo: (pulls Reese) ugh... we have to go.... we do not want to start a fight...
Reese: (struggles to escape) but Cleo... she wants a drama early in this day.. bring it on!!
Cleo: nah... we better leave now... Trenton needs us......
*Prescott, Reese and Cleo walks away*
Hannah: yeah! go and fucking approach your depressed friend!!!
Cleo: (turns angrily at Hannah) what did you say??
Reese: oh I am never gonna let that pass... (takes off her high heels) you fucking asshole! take this cheap high heels of mine! (throws the high heels at Hannah'a face)
*the high heel smashes on Hannah's face*
Uno: oh my God... Hannah!!
Hannah: (touches her cheeks)
Cleo: (throws Reese's other pair of high heels to Hannah's cheeks) yeah you fucking belong in the cheap section of a department store!
Hannah: (painfully touches her cheeks) oh my God they assholes ass always....
Uno: (stays at Martin's name on the president position) I am not done with those people... I am sure that they will get some of our own karma....
Hannah: (looks confused at Uno) why are you even mad at Martin? I have no idea?
Uno: (rolls his eyes) long story Hannah... long story.... (keeps looking at Martin's name)

It is now afternoon and at the cafeteria, the squad except Tori was there hanging out together.....

Reese: she really thought that I would not mess with her when she messes with one of us...
Cleo: she deserves that high heels though.......
Martin: aren't you a collector of high heels, Reese?
Reese: that one was cheap... (whispers) there is a black market near town and I just tried one... it hurts my heels.....
Jayson: (keeps looking around) (feels concerned)
Connor: Jayson.... who are you looking at??? or what are you looking at???
Caliber: probably Trenton....
Martin: (puts a food on Caliber's mouth) you know what Caliber... give my ex boyfriend and cousin a break.... he still has bigger responsibilities than you... (winks)
Caliber: he will get used to it... he is reminding me of you now because you were that pissy when we started...
Prescott: hahahahahaha! you two might end up together instead.....
Jayson: you know what Caliber.... (stands up) get out! just leave me and my cousin for just this lunch.....
Cleo: (pats Jayson's back) calm down Jayson..... even though you are... hahaha.. sounding like an old version of Martin, we still love you and Caliber is concerned and straight to the point...
Jayson: yeah... I know that is why he straight to the point embarrassed and hurt Martin.....
Caliber: like you also did to Trenton recently....
*Caliber and Jayson stares seriously at each other*
Martin: (puts carrots on Caliber and Jayson's mouth) I am not a vegan and you two are not enemies... please... past is past... what matter is things to be fixed... (hugs Caliber) one is done.... (points Jayson) you and him next......
*Tori and Trenton enters the cafeteria*
Trenton: (notices his friends sitting together)
Cedrick: (notices Trenton) Jayson... that is your boy, look!!
Jayson: (notices Trenton) Trent??
Trenton: (notices Jayson looking at him) ugh... (coughs) Tori... go and sit with them... I rather be alone... (left)
Jayson: (feels sad)
Tori: wait... huh? why??? (looks at Martin)
Martin: (signals Tori to be with Trenton)
Trenton: (nods at Martin) (feels sad) (left)
Martin: I am missing his chill vibes....
Jayson: I am sorry Martin...
Martin: I still love you Jayson.....
Caliber: (looks at Martin)
Martin: and of course, you Caliber!
Caliber: (blushes)
Jayson: (stares annoyingly at Caliber)

It is now dismissal..... at Trenton's home, the landlord was there taking and throwing out his stuffs....... at the front yard...

Landlord: (shakes a huge plastic container full of coins) hmm... this stupid asshole said he has no money....
Trenton: (enters the front yard) (notices the landlord holding his coin container) what are you doing to my extra money... what are you doing with my home????
Landlord: this is not your home to be honest.... and second, you lied to me about your money!!
Trenton: (tries to grab the container from the landlord) do not take this from me please!!
Landlord: being polite and tough huh? pay me!!!
*Trenton and the landlord keeps grabbing the container from each other*
Tori: (enters the front yard) (notices Trenton fighting with the landlord) oh my God!! (covers her mouth) (grabs and calls Martin) hello Martin????
Martin: (on the line) yeah?? why Tori?
Tori: guys... emergency...... Trenton is being forced to leave... I feel bad so much for him...
Martin: me, Cal and ugh.. Connor will be on our way... (ends call)
Tori: (screams) stop taking Trenton's funds...
Landlord: then don't! (lets go of the container)
Trenton: (falls to the ground) (accidentally drops the container)
*coins jumps out of the container into the grass*
Trenton: (cries) no!! (looks sadly at the coins)
Tori: (feels sad for Trenton) oh God!!

This is so sad for Trenton, what will happen next? whose to the rescue? tune in!

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