Episode 53 : Highly Exposed

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Still at the hallway......

Jayson: (about to attack Uno) do not dare touch my cousin!
Uno: (holds Martin down) (pushes Jayson away) I am just teaching your stupid ex boyfriend a lesson, you are also stupid to not figure out that you two are cousin... such a very big disgrace....
Martin: (looks angrily at Jayson) do not ever tell Jayson such hurtful words.... now tell me how much unnecessary your anger to me is.... the way you are holding me down life this!
Uno: you are a very unfair man Martin... from the beginning of the project we all made together? from disapproving, not acknowledging my ideas and scraping my entire work in the fucking series?! you think you deserve a good life???
Martin: (screams angrily at Uno) that is fucking all! the idea of you not getting over such unnecessary issue from the past makes you ruin people's lives?!
Uno: unnecessary?! (grabs Martin and pins Martin to the wall)
Martin: (shakes himself away from Uno) you do not have the rights to do this to people just because you are so insensitive!!! and tell me? is that a fucking valid reason why you are going to ruin my life?
Uno: (shakes his head) all I know is that your life is already ruined and you are so stupid to not see that because you are stupidly in love with Caliber who you made a monster!! you are the reason why your life is unfortunate, and this is not just because of me but really because of you!!
Martin: oh! you really want to be real with everything huh? then let me tell you that I scraped everything and did not agree to all the things that you had because you... (looks at everyone) (shouts to everybody) (points Uno) it is because Uno's plans are really stupid! senseless and depressing so much! like his fucking life and he is doing everything to make everyone feel like his life is other's life! that is how he defines an unfair life and... (glares angrily at Uno) you fucking deserve this!!!
Uno: (cries hard) fuck you so much Martin... (punches Martin hardly)
Martin: (grabs an holds Uno's arm) (feels pain) Uno... you think you can bring me down and make me realize... well, I will bring you down by your own style of bringing people down....
Uno: (punches Martin on the stomach)
Martin: (feels intense pain) (coughs hardly)
Jayson: (cries hard) Martin!!!
Uno: (kicks Martin to the floor)
Martin: (slams hardly on the floor)
Caliber: (tears falls on his face) (watches Martin getting attacked by Uno)
Jayson: (struggles to cover Martin) stop attacking him! guys!!! help us!
Uno: I will never forgive you Martin! I will never!
Martin: I am not... (keeps coughing) (feels pain) regretting anything that I said... I never apologized so what should I be sorry for! (smartly kicks Uno's face)
Uno: (feels dizzy) (sneezes painfully) (nose starts bleeding)
Martin: (crawls and stands up) (slams Uno's back and head angrily on the wall)
Tori: (screams nervously) guys... we have to stop Martin now.....
Martin: I never built a monster... but I have to agree.... you have built a monster in me!! (nut shots Uno) (keeps shaking Uno angrily to the wall)
Caliber: (sadly looks at Martin) (tears falls on his face)
Cleo: (stares angrily at Uno) no one is helping him....
Reese: are we sure? I am so concerned....
Cedrick: Caliber... go and save your boyfriend.....
Prescott: Cedrick is right..... Caliber...
Caliber: ugh....
Principal: (approaches Martin) what his happening here? Martin Robinsons! stop attacking Uno?!! what the hell are you doing?!
Martin: (nervously freezes) (looks at the principal) ugh.... Ms. Principal?
Principal: is this what you signed for? as president? to look dominant to everyone!
Trenton: but Ms. Principal.....
Principal: I already seen everything to be sure about what happened.....
Connor: you cannot do that! Ms. Principal... you cannot see stories...
Ms. Principal: then lets ask Uno instead about what happened! what is this about Uno???
Uno: (painfully catches his breath) he.... (looks angrily at Martin)
Martin: (looks worried at everyone) (closes his eyes) (cries hard)
Uno: he attacked me and he tried to use his presidency for unnecessary stuffs.... personal stuffs!
Hannah: (screams angrily) liar!!!
Martin: (intensely panics) (looks at Jayson and Caliber)
Jayson: Martin.... we will fight for you.
Caliber: (about to approach Martin)
Principal: go and meet me Martin right now?
Martin: no! (shakes his head) no.... (keeps shaking his head) no!! (keeps crying)
Trenton: (walks to Martin) Martin...
Martin: (runs away) (left)
Caliber: (shouts) wait Martin!!!
Cleo: guys... we have to follow Martin.... 
Trenton: guys... please! he somehow has a bad case of panicking....
Tori: lets go guys..... (nods) hurry! before he leaves our sight....
Reese: I will come!
*Tori, Reese and Cleo left*
Caliber: (feels guilty) Prescott.... Cedrick.... go and follow him please.... for me.....
Cedrick: sure Caliber... for you... we will...
Prescott: (nods)
*Cedrick and Prescott left*
Principal: Uno... come and follow me to the clinic... everyone.... go to whatever is in your schedule... now!
*the principal and Uno left*
Caliber: (holds Jayson) Jayson... I am sorry.... (cries hard) I didn't mean to...
Jayson: (looks down angrily) leave us alone right now... we do not need your help.....
Caliber: Jayson... I am already claiming that...
Jayson: I said... leave us before I do something to you...
Caliber: Jayson... I am still his boyfriend...
Jayson: (grabs Caliber's shirt) then you really are stupid! you saw how Martin got hurt from what you did... from blaming your mess to him and look what he did, he still defended you and now you see how much messed up Martin too???! for doing that? no one believed he can do that?
Caliber: (keeps crying)
Jayson: scary huh? (shakes Caliber) you may be a mess but always remind yourself that Martin is also as messed up as you... and blaming your mess to him? now tell me who hurt more? and who still loved you more even if he was hurt???! (pushes Caliber away) you are selfish!! you are!!!! (left)
Connor: no Jayson!
Trenton: (cries hard)
Caliber: (keeps crying)
Hannah: I am sorry guys.... only if I could do something....
Caliber: guys... I am sorry.....
Connor: (holds Caliber's shoulder) Caliber.... I have to say that you hurt my cousin and you might have created something big to his life right now which is scary... (tears falls on his face) but I beg you, please save him because... I think he still loves you.....
Trenton: Caliber.... Jayson was right but do not let it discourage you... Martin knew this would happen but.... (shakes his head) he wouldn't let a break up happen....
Caliber: (nods desperately)
Hannah: Caliber... I will help you....
Caliber: (keeps nodding) I have to find Martin... I need to......

It is now night, in the city, Prescott, Caliber, Cedrick and Hannah were together looking out for Martin........

Caliber: (stares at the bright moon) I cannot believe I will affect Martin's life this big... I will never forgive myself for whatever happens to him.....
Prescott: do not say that Caliber... nothing bad will happen to him......
Caliber: (keeps crying) but where is he?
Cedrick: he is somewhere here, I am sure but..... to motivate you... (touches Caliber) he will be always here... I know you are a good person Caliber... a messy good person....
Caliber: (keeps crying) (hugs Cedrick)
Hannah: (looks sadly at Cedrick and Caliber)
Caliber: I am sorry Cedrick for my envy to you too..... I am really sorry...
Cedrick: (hugs Caliber) no need..... cause when I found out about you and Martin, I already knew you will be nice.... (smiles) we will find Martin... he also loves you...
Prescott: I want that Uno to suffer the same thing he did to Martin.... he did it 3 times... I mean, 2 times with the party and the makeout and he was trying to do it again..... only if he has something dark too...
Hannah: (notices a gaybar) ugh... I think this is the reasonable thing I'd contribute after unnecessarily hating Martin...
Caliber: what?
Hannah: I will make Uno taste his own medicine.... (looks at the gaybar) just go and find Martin tomorrow and me and the other girls go plan.....
Caliber: (nods) for Martin... anything...

Last 7 episodes... everyone did their best in their acting... and it is not done yet.. tune in!

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