Episode 55 : Recipe For Disaster

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Back at the cafeteria.....

Uno: (feels embarrassed) (notices Hannah sitting with the other girls) you!! (shouts angrily)
Hannah: (stands up) girls... I got this... (walks away)
Reese: (whispers to the other girls) guys... we have to help her... we should not let her be alone in this after what she did.....
Trenton: you girls go stay here... (walks to Hannah)
Connor: me too.... (follows Hannah and Trenton)
Tori: Cleo.... lets look out for them... he might do something to Hannah...
Cleo: should we? (looks unsure at Hannah) she can take care of herself anyway....
Tori: Cleo! you still hate Hannah? you saw here uploading it... she is now going to be hated and...
Cleo: (cuts off Tori) I am not hating her... I am just admitting that she will can do Uno.... (rolls her eyes) and I am tired of this drama already.....
Tori: (looks at Uno approaching Hannah)
Uno: (grabs Hannah angrily) hey you! talk to me because I deserve an explanation!
Hannah: (looks at Uno seriously)
*Trenton and Connor walks behind Hannah*
Hannah: (looks at Trenton and Connor) I can do this guys... do not worry... (rolls her eyes to Uno) now.... what do you want to know?
Uno: why did you do that?
Hannah: same thing as what you did to Martin... we all deserve an explanation.... not just once... not just twice but thrice.....
Uno: (looks down nervously) (looks at everyone laughing at him)
Hannah: no answer? then you go suffer... (walks away)
Uno: (pulls Hannah's hair angrily) you are an ugly traitor!
Hannah: fuck!! (feels pain) let go!!
Trenton: (holds Uno) get away from Hannah... Uno, stop doing this and go and claim what you deserve!!
Uno: (pushes Trenton to the floor)
Trenton: (slams to the floor) (screams and cried angrily) we will all fight for Martin here... if this is about ruining people, then I will not stop ruining...
Connor: (hugs Uno) Uno... are you hurt???!!
Uno: therefore... I will also never stop attacking and giving you all what I think you all deserve... (screams and keeps pulling Hannah's hair hardly)
Hannah: (feels pain) (struggles to pushes Uno away) (keeps crying) get away!!!
Reese: I bad enough! (stands up) (throws both of her high heels at Uno) get away from Hannah right now!
Uno: (gets slammed with 2 high heels on his head) (feels pain) (feels dizzy) what the fuck is that?! (screams angrily at Reese)
Tori: (squeezes a mustard on Uno's face)
Uno: (feels pain in his eyes) (outbalances to the floor) I cannot see! (wipes his eyes) (feels pain)
Hannah: (stands up angrily) (grabs a bottle of ketchup) (squeezes the ketchup on Uno's head) you want the highest form of embarrassment?! then make it classic you stupid!
Reese: ahahahahahhaha! (squeezes mayonnaise on Uno) (screams) foodfight!!!
*everyone in the cafeteria starts having a foodfight*
Uno: (feels dizzy) (screams) (walks while eyes painfully closed) I am not gonna let you all win into this mess......
*a sandwich flies to Uno's face*
Uno: (slips down on the floor) fuck!!
*everyone happily throws food at one another*
Trenton: (looks worried at everybody) I think it is now or never...
Connor: (sees a salad flying to Trenton) take cover Trenton! (covers Trenton)
*the salad flies on Connor's face*
Trenton: oh God... Connor!!
Hannah: (smiles at everybody) having fun huh?! (keeps throwing foods at Uno)
Reese: keep throwing guys.. it is really between dreams or friends now!! (keeps screaming)
Tori: Cleo? you enjoying?? Cleo??? (looks around)
Cleo: (walks and climbs the television area) (screams) any form of embarrassment right? (connects the phone to the tv)
Hannah: (smiles at everybody)
Uno: (about to grab Hannah's hand) (sees a table near Hannah that could cause her accident)
Trenton: (sees Uno about to pull Hannah's leg) Hannah! your leg?
Hannah: huh? (sees Uno about to pull her leg)
Cleo: (screams) Uno! watch this!!
Uno: huh? (looks at the TV screen)
*the TV shows Uno dancing and making out with a group of men*
*everyone laughs loudly*
Uno: no!! no!! no!! stop that!
Cleo: bring us down huh? you too!
Uno: (panicking) no!! no!! (looks at the people laughing at him) (looks at Hannah)
Hannah: what now Uno?
Uno: (about to slap Hannah)
Hannah: (grabs Uno's hand angrily) not so fast Uno! you cannot do that to me!
Uno: (pushes Hannah softly away) (screams) I do not want to be here!! (left)
Reese: (screams happily) we all did it!! we all did it!! fuck!! (smiles)
*Cleo and Tori runs and hugs Reese*
Cleo: we are the real mean girls! hahahahahaha!
Tori: so true....
Hannah: (walks slowly to the girls) ugh girls? thank you so much.... (tears falls on her face)
Tori: oh Hannah... (wipes a ketchup on Hannah's face)
Hannah: huh? what the?
Reese: (wipes mayonnaise on Hannah's forehead) welcome to the mean girls club....
Cleo: hahahahaha.... you were always mean but... the good mean now... (wipes mustard on Hannah's chin)
Hannah: (blushes) how ironic but... (hugs the girls) thank you!
*the 4 girls hugs each other*
*Trenton and Connor approaches the girls*
Trenton: good job girls.... you 4 are Martin's angels...
Reese: oh my! yes! that too! hahahahahaha....
Principal: (enters the room) (sees the cafeteria messy) (screams) hey! who did this?!
*everyone nervously looks at the principal*
Connor: (whispers to his friends) when I say run..... lets go....
Principal: who?! (angrily screams)
Connor: run!!!!!
*Connor, Trenton, Reese, Cleo, Tori and Hannah happily runs and leaves*

It is now night.... at Martin's home, Jayson, Caliber, Prescott and Cedrick were there resting after the whole day......

Prescott: we still haven't found Martin...  what would we do now? call the cops?
Cedrick: guys... we have to stay strong.... I do not know how it helps but... lets stick to that.....
Jayson: it really does help but... (clenches his fists) I am really not forgiving someone if something happens...
Prescott: who could be that?
*everyone looks at Caliber seriously*
Caliber: (looks at the stars) as if I am not feeling the same... I cannot forgive myself more than what you think...
Jayson: (looks down sadly)

At the city, Martin was about to enter Jayson's car and he finally decided to go home...

Martin: (takes a deep breath) (in his mind) I have to go home now... I will just make a big mess.... (opens the car door)
Uno: look who is here... (walks angrily behind Martin)
Martin: (nervously turns around) Uno?!

This is it! 5 final episodes.... I am quaking how this story is about to end... who will you miss?

2AM FeelsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon