Episode 44 : Hitting Up

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At the streets on the way to Martin's home.....

Jayson: ugh guys... I guess you better go....
Connor: but Jayson... this is your chance to be okay with Trenton.....
Jayson: the last time I approached him alone, he screamed and hated me.... and besides, I want Martin and Trenton to surely be okay... to make sure their friendship is still as always like that... (smiles)
Martin: well Jayson... (hugs Jayson) I hope I can help you and Trenton soon....
Jayson: just take your time... (smiles) and I will reflect alone....
Martin: (nods)
Caliber: guys... lets go.....
Connor: sure thing....
*Martin, Caliber and Connor left*
Trenton: (feels concerned) (in his mind) I hope he really feels okay with Martin if not me......

At the front yard of Trenton's home...

Trenton: (picking up the coins) (keeps crying)
Landlord: yeah... go and do that! its your own karma for not paying....
Tori: this is for his fucking future... don't you understand this?
Landlord: future?! well, what future can he reach if he doesn't know how to pay bills...
Martin: (enters the frontyard) and I guess this is the only success you can reach from the time you spent in earth so far.... (looks serious at the landlord) a  fucking landlord with a depressed soul......
Landlord: (walks angrily at Martin) what have you done in your life little kid? you do not even know what tax is?
Martin: (rolls his eyes) honestly... I do.... and I have the priviledge to eat for feee in one of the McDonalds in Taxas because my family lives there... (raises his eyebrow) and you are talking to a future journalist so pay respect....
Connor: (approaches Martin) and what the fuck?! (looks around) do the local government allow people to take out these stuffs just because they do not pay bills???
Landlord: (about to grab Martin and Connor) you two kids! you all do not know what's life for an adult?!
Caliber: (grabs and hugs Martin and Connor) no... no... no... not attack the boys.... that makes you more merciless than what you already done to Trenton....
Martin: so you do pay bills right?
Landlord: yeah...
Martin: and you are asking for him to bills right???!
Landlord: (nods)
Martin: then its a tie! same struggle needs a very friendly understanding to one another... (picks up the coins) and like what you said, you are an adult so... you have to be more understanding with people younger than you who are trying to be independent..... (feels stressed) this is the reason why landlords like you and tenants don't get along...
Connor: guys... (looks at the sky) it is getting dark... lets go in!
Landlord: excuse me... no! I am still not letting you enter this home anymore...
Caliber: (throws cash at the landlord) here... accept this little money for his fucking last day here... he will leave your stupid neighborhood and leave us alone on exchange!!
Landlord: (picks up the cash) just make sure you all get out huh? or I will demand more!
Caliber: I can even buy your soul asshole....
Landlord: whatever! (left)
Trenton: (puts his coins on the container)
*Tori and Martin gives Trenton his coins*
Trenton: guys.... lets go in because it is better inside....
Caliber: what about these stuffs outside?
Martin: we just need shelter for the night and.... who is desperate to rob in these fancy subdivision... the only desperate person here is the landlord.....
Tori: I will cook for you guys... do not worry....
Trenton: (sadly looks at Martin) Martin.....
Martin: (smiles at Trenton) lets keep ourselves safe....
Trenton: (hugs his container) (nods)

After a few minutes, everyone is now at the dining room eating dinner....

Caliber: (smiles) Trenton, Martin wants you to stay with us....
Trenton: (eyes widens at Caliber) huh? but... its already....
Connor: (cuts off Trenton) if you want... you would stay with me... (smiles) or Martin....
Trenton: (shakes his head) ugh.... I do not really want to bother you guys....
Martin: nah... I have a plan in decorating the attic of the house because... trust me guys, I do not know if you all know this but....
Tori & Caliber: (rolls their eyes) attic is his favorite part of a house.....
Trenton: (eyes widens at everyone) I know that too....
Caliber: we all know... and yeah... that shows how I love Martin... still remembered his favorites even when we were at our fights.......
Connor: yeah right and... me and Martin were both obsessed with the idea of having a game room in the attic.....
Martin: yeah... it has the strongest connection.....
Trenton: but guys... the work you will effort there and you are the president... what about your duties?  
Martin: no one take politics seriously.... (shrugs) still another reason why we do not celebrate....
Caliber: and bro Trenton.... me and Martin will do it tomorrow so that you can move in as soon as possible.... (smiles)
Trenton: (cries hard)
Martin: huh? (feels confused) now why are you crying?
Trenton: (grabs and hugs Martin) thank you so much Martin.... thank you for always being here even though I haven't been active in your circle of friends... I am really sorry too....
Martin: oh Trenton... we always have our so called... inactive era... hahahahaha.... it is just like Grindr....
*everyone looks confused at Martin*
Martin: (blushes) ugh....
Caliber: (winks at Martin)
Tori: you could have exampled facebook or insta... why Grindr?!
Martin: ugh... I mean is... its just, just like any dating apps..... you will only hit and approach people that you are sure about.... (smiles) and like in a real world, not everyone can be your friend so... if you feel like somebody is, always go and hit them up.....
Caliber: (hugs Martin) and sometimes, your friends will hit up on you as their responsibility as a friend....
Tori: it seems like somebody has been using dating apps huh?
*Martin and Caliber blushes to each other*
Trenton: but.... where is Jayson??
Connor: Trent.... do you even want Jayson to be here? just asking.....
Trenton: (shakes his head) nothing... its just, I am already used to seeing you 3 cousins together.... (blushes)
Martin: (looks concerned at Trenton) Trenton... whatever happened in the past may still be part of your memory but sometimes, it is just the moment of time that made things happen....
Caliber: and you guys can always start again.... try again.. no one is stopping you two this time......
Tori: Trenton... Jayson misses you... (feels sad)
Trenton: (looks down sadly)

I am so excited to see Trenton move in and he realizes that Jayson will also move in saturday! tune in!

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