Episode 28 : Plan Gone Out Sad

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It is now night again...... at Caliber's house, Caliber was about to sleep......

Caliber: (stares at the cieling) (in his mind) what should I do to make Martin feel better around me? (takes his phone) (creates a group chat on messenger named "Martin's Angels")
*Caliber adds Martin, Jayson, Trenton, Tori, Cleo and Reese in the group chat*

Messenger: Martin's Angels
Cleo: ugh Caliber? what is this group chat??
Jayson: yeah... what are we doing here??? and why is this named Martin's angels......
Caliber: guys.... I have an announcement to make and I did not want to bug you guys.....
Reese: cool, at least you didn't video chatted us.... that would be a waste of time.....
Jayson: excuse me Reese?
Tori: hahahahahaha.... oh my God! the shade....
Caliber: so where is Martin?
Jayson: you do not have to find Martin.... you can just tell us what you have to say.....
*Tori adds Cedrick and Prescott to the groupchat*
Cedrick: what am I doing here?
Prescott: guys.... I think you wrongly added me here? why am I here?
Tori: anyways Prescott..... you defended Reese earlier right?
Reese: what defended?
Tori: he protected you because Uno and Hannah were trash talking our team earlier...
Reese: oh God... really???
Prescott: well.... I will surrender everything to you... even my virginity.....
Cleo: what the fuck!
Reese: eww... grouse.....
Prescott: just kidding but.... I will... truly......
Reese: even your political position?? will you let me win??
Prescott: hey wait.... no!
Tori: hahahahaha...
Caliber: can I now speak? I did not create this conversation to trade love for positions.... this is unnecessary....
Cleo: coming from you Caliber?
Caliber: shut up Cleo.....
Jayson: so what is this about? can you tell us now cause you are wasting time.....
Caliber: where is Martin!
Jayson: just tell me, I am his boyfriend.... and he is asleep...
Martin: why Caliber?
Caliber: you are here!
Martin: just why???
Caliber: I will tell Ms. Cristina to make you all exempted in class....
Reese: that is cool! I am in it already...
Trenton: wow Reese... if it is about exemption, you will agree already huh?
Reese: of course.....
Martin: wait why are we going to be exempted?
Caliber: remember.... you told me that you will forgive me if I find out who is the one who scattered your video online and if its deleted?
Martin: you still think about that?
Jayson: hey wait.... I thought this is important... why is this so unnecessary?
Caliber: cause I will do everything to have you back Martin....
Cleo: oh my God!
Jayson: Caliber.... we are just wasting you time in this out of place drama of yours....
Martin: and you still think you really have a chance.... I have a boyfriend..... I have a best friend like Trenton.... Cedrick is nicer than you.....
Caliber: I am better than Cedrick... what are you taking about?!
Jayson: Caliber.... do not push yourself to Caliber please? he doesn't want to be with you anymore... he never wanted to....
Caliber: and if I was Martin with a personality of myself, I would never want you too Jayson!
Cleo: hey Caliber... calm down! what the fuck!
Martin: Caliber.... would you stop attacking my boyfriend....
Caliber: yeah fucking sure! I am doing all of the things I was said to do and somebody on the other side won't be granting his very own want..... Martin, I am not playing games here anymore like you assume me too..... I loss Tori, I loss friends because of my stupidity.... I hurt people because of how depress I am....
Jayson: and stop playing the victim here!
Caliber: stop!! fine... I am the bad guy here..... I know it anyway... I never said I am the victim.... cause I ruined me..... but sometimes, people won't give you a chance to change... even a little!
*Caliber left the groupchat*


Caliber: (cries hard) (throws the phone away) fuck!!! why is it hard to change yourself Caliber!! (punches his bed) why is it hard for them to accept who you want to be!!!!

At Martin's house, inside his bedroom...

Martin: (feels sad) (puts down his phone) (in his mind) oh my God... what have I said? (walks on the computer chair) (opens his computer) (opens his messenger)
*Martin invites Trenton, Cleo, Tori and Reese on the videochat*
*Trenton, Cleo, Tori and Reese enters the videochat*
Martin: (feels sad) shit.....
Cleo: Martin... we are so sorry... want me to add Jayson?
Martin: (shakes his head) no need..... I feel like a mess.....
Tori: why don't you want Jayson here? he will make you better....
Martin: its better to not add either him or Caliber to fix things out cause it won't be fixed..... let me fix myself instead first even though I cannot...
Reese: what do you mean that you can't?
Martin: I feel like a mess seeing Caliber a mess!
Tori: but you are not involved in that mess of him... he messed you up.....
Martin: and I am abusing the way he is keeping up with me..... he has a big point when he said that I am not granting my very own want in him.....
Trenton: Martin?
Martin: what?
Trenton: do you really wanna be in good terms with him?
Martin: (nods sadly)
Cleo: not being rude but I wanna know why??
Martin: cause he is a person like me.... he is a mess like me....
Cleo: no you are not Martin...m
Martin: you guys are the most lovable friends that I ever have but sometimes... there still pages in my life that you guys haven't seen... and in life, it is really hard to have contentment...... (turns off his camera) (cries hard)
Tori: oh my God Martin..... what should we do?
Cleo: I have to make these two okay..... maybe that is the only thing to fix this big mess...
Trenton: I agree..... for now, lets have Martin cry everything out and... lets just be with him in silence.....
Reese: I agree....
Trenton: always rememher Martin that we love you..... we really love you......
Tori: yes Martin, we will always love you.....
Martin: (keeps crying)

oh my God! this is getting emtional..... what will happen next? will things be okay?? tune in!

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