Episode 57 : Valid Hurting Feelings

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After the sudden accident, Martin was immediately rushed into the hospital..... outside the ward of Martin.....

Jayson: (keeps crying) (clenches his fists)
Doctor: (walks out of the ward)
Jayson: (approaches the doctor) doc... tell me any news about Martin, all the good sides and the bad sides and I am prepared to pay everything for my cousin.... just tell me all of it.....
Connor: (sadly talks to the doctor) is his condition worse?
Doctor: (shakes his head) I am amazed by how much love you 2 have for your cousin and.... you two do not have to worry about anything because the way he was delivered in this hospital fast didn't worsen anything.....
Jayson: can I see him? I wanna hold his hand and tell him to keep strong.....
Doctor: but I have to say that he needs some rest... you can approach him tomorrow as soon as possible.... (smiles)
Caliber: (looks at Martin from the window)
Doctor: and also the other one who got into the accident....
Hannah: ugh sir.. do everything with the other one too... and that is not the accident, he did that in purpose and in other terms... the suspect of this crime.....
Doctor: what is this all about anyway?
Tori: sir... just take care of Martin please... it was a long story...
Doctor: I respect that.... you guys can all rest now and do not worry too much about anything..... (left)
*Cleo and Reese approaches everyone*
Cleo: Jayson, I already rented the hotel we will stay in so that we can easily get to Jayson.....
Reese: and you seem to have zero balance left in your account..... what can we do about it???
Jayson: (feels stressed) you guys... (shakes his head) do not worry about it... I did that for you guys but me, I am staying here in this place until I see Martin wake up again......
Cedrick: (looks at Caliber watching Martin) Caliber.... you saved Martin's life.....
Caliber: huh? (looks confused at Cedrick)
Prescott: you alarmed us about Martin that is why an ambulance arrived fast......
Jayson: (looks annoyed at Caliber) he did not do anything... what are you guys talking about? he did bare minimum until we reached here... he did not even effort in his relationship with Martin..... the only thing he did effort was to get Martin so that he can effortlessly break Martin's heart....
Caliber: up till now Jayson? you are still acting that way?!
Jayson: cause I cannot forgive you!
Caliber: and I am not even apologizing!!
Collins: (holds Jayson) Jayson... please stop acting so scandalous here would you?
Jayson: but why?!! I already did everything for Martin and you still want to praise somebody like him? who is going home broke and... who has no idea about how I am gonna pay for Martin! why don't you all understand and recognize how much I love Martin...
Trenton: (looks annoyed at Jayson) can you even hear what you are saying? you... you are fucking sounding like Uno when he wasn't acknowledged by Martin.... what the fuck Jayson....
Jayson: (looks at Trenton annoyingly) and why do you care?
Trenton: see! you really sound just like Uno thinking that his life revolves too much and you think you are the most affected about this?! in any situations Jayson, you acted the most affected and acting this way makes it all unfair for us because..... you are inconsiderate in our feelings, you only care about your feelings and you cannot see that because.... (tears falls in his face) you love Martin and....
Tori: (sadly talks to Jayson) that makes your situation even harder than Uno... we cannot do anything because your love for him is valid..... but it doesn't change the fact that sometimes, you never considered us..... (keeps crying) (left)
Reese: wait Tori.... (left)
Trenton: and yeah... (nods) I fucking understand and accept how you could be jealous about us but this is not about us Jayson! this is about Martin.... so don't take it personal and don't make it all about you (left)
Hannah: ugh guys... I am going to follow the others... (left)
Cleo: I have to go home Jayson for now... (walks to Jayson) a friendly advice... (holds Jayson's hand) and plot twist.... Caliber is a mess only for Martin... and Martin is one big mess too for Caliber.... and all this misunderstandings between them just shows how they love each other.... you just can't see it because you are not him.... but you always have your own world with Martin and that is what you should be grateful for... that we share a place in Martin's heart.... (left)
Collins: (hugs Jayson) Jayson... I will stay with you, do not worry...
Jayson: (tears falls on his face) (feels realizations)
Caliber: I have to admit.... these previous days, I was driven with emotions and I was worried about my fame more than Martin...
Jayson: (looks confused at Caliber)
Caliber: but please do consider that I did everything to not do it... and realize that I am here for a reason.... for my own realization... I love you cousin, I love him as much as you do.... and I respect yours hopefully that you respect mine back and despite everything, I'd still beg to get your trust.... (keeps crying) (looks at Martin) cause that is what Martin wants.... and its for the better....
Cedrick: (hugs Caliber sadly)
Caliber: I love Martin, I always did....
Prescott: Caliber.... we have to let you rest for a while... just in the car, rest for a while....
Caliber: (keeps crying) (nods) (left)
Cedrick: we have to go Jayson...
Prescott: keep strong...
*Cedrick and Prescott left*
Jayson: (looks at Connor) Connor... did I do something wrong?
Connor: in everyone's eyes, you really made and broke people's heart but... in Martin's heart.... and to my heart, all I can see is a very loving ex boyfriend haha... and cousin to Martin and that is what we will look forward for you.... just always be aware that you are not the only one in the world who loves Martin....
Jayson: (looks at Martin confined in the ward) (whispers) I am sorry Martin...
Martin: (feels unconscious in the hospital)

Last 3 tear jerking episodes... tune in!

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