Episode 36 : To Rely On

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It is now monday, at school, Jayson was at the hallway walking alone......

Jayson: (yawns) (looks around) (in his mind) where is Martin today? I hope he is not hanging out with Caliber again......
Trenton: (approaches Jayson) hey Jayson! (smiles) I am so glad you came to school....
Jayson: why Trenton? I always go to school..... I never skip a day...
Trenton: but you were so damn exhausted last night... I thought you would not make it for today....
Jayson: well..... (smiles slightly) I am not that used to yet... with Martin being a cousin of mine and everyone in the school still thinks we are together......
Trenton: what do you want to do with it? tell everybody about you and him?
Jayson: no... hahaha... if you can hang out with me the whole day so that I can reflect with the things happening lately......
Trenton: but Martin would feel bad if you tried distancing yourself... and Connor and Martin might be here finding you now....
Jayson: oh, Connor is here too?
Trenton: yes he is... Martin is helping him enroll....
Jayson: then that would be cool... Connor can take care of Martin for today.... I will just adjust myself....
Trenton: (smiles) sure thing.... I got you...
Jayson: (puts his arm around Trenton's back) lets find a restroom first before we get into class...
Trenton: (blushes) (looks at Jayson's arm around him) (smiles slightly)

It is now lunch, on the way to the cafeteria, Martin, Connor, Reese and Cleo were together....

Cleo: oh my God! (feels herself about to pee) ugh guys... can you all wait for me before we go to the cafeteria? I have to pee....
Martin: sure... Reese, can you walk her there?
Reese: sure thing... I will also put make up first before we eat....
Cleo: that is just a waste of....
Reese: (cuts off Cleo) whatever.... lets all just go there already! (pulls Cleo)
*Cleo and Reese left*
Connor: (smiles at Martin) ugh Martin.... thank you for enrolling me, I almost didn't got accepted because we are now in the middle of the school year....
Martin: oh c'mon... just the perks of being a wholesome student... (winks at Connor) hahahahahaha...
Connor: you seem to be popular.... (looks at the vending machine next to them) wait.... I am gonna buy something... (about to take money from his pocket)
Martin: bro no... let me treat you for now.... (uses the vending machine)
Connor: oh sure.... thank you kid... (looks at the students in the hallway) (feels weird) why people talking about me, Martin?
Martin: you are so handsome, that is why... and you are new....
Connor: I do not like this attention.... (looks down)
*Uno and Hannah approaches Connor*
Uno: ugh hello? (smiles)
Connor: oh hello? (smiles shyly at Uno) why?
Uno: it seems that you are nee here huh? and want me to help you show things around?
Hannah: (gets immobilized by Connor)
Connor: ugh... (feels terrified) (shakes his head) no need.....
Hannah: we are nice to not worry, you look like a cute little kid.....
Martin: (turns around and stares angrily at Hannah and Uno) you two think he isn't owned?
Uno: oh my God! (looks at Martin) you again? it seems that you already occupied this guy... flirted with him so that you get his attention....
Hannah: as if you deserve it.....
*people around starts talking about Martin, Connor, Hannah and Uno*
Uno: (taps Connor) do you even know who is this guy? (points Martin)
Martin: yeah Uno... we know each other...
Connor: we are cousins...
Uno: (eyes widens) cousins?? (feels embarrassed)
*everybody around laughs at Connor*
Hannah: (looks around) would you all shut up! you guys should not tolerate bullying..
Martin: nor you two should mess with a new student... let us go Connor... (pulls Connor)
Uno: you stupid gay! (about to pull Martin's hair)
Connor: lookout Martin!
Martin: (looks at Uno) what!?
Caliber: (approaches and holds Uno's hand) do not dare touch Martin or else this will add up to make anger to you!
Uno: huh? (eyes widens at Caliber) Caliber?
Caliber: (pushes Uno away from himself) you are really obsessed with Martin huh? (moves close to Uno angrily) guess what, I know what you are up to.... and if you try making a move, you know where you will be found next huh??? I have been holding myself against you!!
Martin: (looks confused at Caliber)
Uno: (removes his hand from Caliber) get off of me! I do not know what you are talking about! (stares angrily at Martin) lets go Hannah! (left)
Hannah: (stares angrily at everyone) the drama is over guys!! (left)
Caliber: (smiles at Martin) did he hurt you, Martin?
Martin: (shakes his head) no... thank you...
Connor: (nods) (hugs Martin) thank you for protecting us Cal... join us for lunch?
Caliber: sure... I love to.... but only if Martin wants..
Martin: do not mind me... hahaha... you could... (blushes down)
Caliber: (smiles at Martin)

It is now dark, near Trenton's home, Jayson and Trenton were going home....... at the sidewalk....

Jayson: I am sorry if I do not have the car with me....
Trenton: it is okay... (smiles) I know you also left the car with Martin and Caliber so that they could use it....
Jayson: (nods) I hope those two really had a great time together.... I rather see Martin with Connor than Caliber... 
Trenton: still hate Caliber huh?
Jayson: I just cannot forget what he done to Martin... and now that I am Martin's cousin, I do not know if I will forgive Cal or to over protect Martin more.. I just love him for whatever we are now and that is me.... and it is my job...
Trenton: and you are the greatest boy he ever met... and as I observe, you are really the best person I ever met besides Martin....
Jayson: (hugs Trenton tightly)
Trenton: (feels confused) (smiles slightly) (hugs Jayson slowly) what is this for, Jayson?
Jayson: for understanding and being here with me for today...
Trenton: (smiles down) just doing my job....
Jayson: I hope we can have more talks like this.....
Trenton: yeah? (smiles widely to Jayson)
Jayson: (nods) (strokes Trenton's hair) yes Trenton.... we would...
Trenton: (blushes down)

Oh My God! I do not know why I ship Connor & Martin, still Jayson & Martin, Caliber and Martin and Trenton and Jayson... who is your bet?

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