Episode 9 : Invitation

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It is now a sunday morning, Martin just woke up in his bedroom alone.....

Martin: (yawns) (stretches his arms) what a tiring day yesterday!!! (keeps yawning)
*the phone rings*
Martin: huh??? (looks at his phone) (sees Trenton calling him) now why is this guy calling me in the morning? (answers call)
Trenton: (on the line) hello Martin?? I am sorry if I woke you up....
Martin: nah, do not be..... I was already awake before you called.... anyways, why did you call??
Trenton: well, Prescott, a basketball player... do you know him??
Martin: ugh... I know who he is but not close to him... why??
Trenton: he told me that Caliber wants us to attend his party.... like a hangout.....
Martin: Caliber?? invite us????
Trenton: I know right... it sounds fishy...... do you wanna like... attend??? we rarely go to parties now.....
Martin: that guy might be throwing a prank at me....
Trenton: well, I will protect you or maybe you can call Jayson so that you are not that awkward there and that guy cannot do anything about you....
Martin: but Jayson is busy and..... I do not wanna be that clingy to him.......
Trenton: so are you sure????
Reese: (screams) Martin!!! We are going to a party whether you like it or not.......
Martin: (eyes widens at Reese) what the hell are you doing here!?
Reese: well, I got invited to a party.......
Trenton: is that Reese???
Martin: yup Trenton.... it is surprisingly Reese....
Trenton: well, I need to get ready... you know how much I wanna prepare for little parties....
Martin: yeah yeah... you are the man! see ya!
Trenton: see ya too! (ends call)
Reese: (rolls her eyes) well, I twisted the doorknob and it was not locked
Martin: you guys left the house... you guys could have been responsible of it.....
Resse: Jayson was the last one to leave... can you blame him???
Martin: him??! (blushes)
Reese: yes Martin... your baby boy!
Martin: ugh... (looks down) fine... whatever! I am gonna take a bath.... it will be another tiring day! I do not even know why Caliber wants me there... (left)
Reese: I will make breakfast huh?? Hahaha... I don't know how to make breakfast anyway......

At the mansion of Caliber, at the living room, Caliber was there with Prescott....

Caliber: (looks at his watch) have you texted Tori's friends?
Prescott: of course I did..... I just realized that Reese is part of their circle of friends......
Caliber: oh c'mon Prescott, do not tell me you are targetting small girls again......
Prescott: but....
Caliber: well, I cannot blame you, you are also small anyway...... hahahaha...
Prescott: what the fuck Caliber?! I am not too small, am I?
Caliber: (shrugs)
Prescott: one more thing... (sits besides Caliber) why are you inviting them anyway? like... Martin is there, you hate him right?
Caliber: I do not hate Martin.... I never did....
Prescott: really? but what's with messing with him?
Caliber: messing with somebody doesn't mean I hate him okay.... if there is somebody who hates somebody from the both of us, its him hating me..... and I would accept that......
Prescott: its just funny how you mess with a person like him... he knows how to fight back....
Caliber: that is the point..... he looks basic but he is not..... and I just got used to our comedy skits of messing with each other...
Prescott: like a routine??
Caliber: exactly..... as jocks, we should be messing with at least one....
Prescott: and you picked the gay one.....
Caliber: why are you questioning too much anyway? you like Martin?
Prescott: no way bro!! I just told you I like Reese.....
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) as you should!
Prescott: what?!
Caliber: (shakes his head) nothing.....
*Cedrick and Tori enters the room*
Tori: hi baby!!
Caliber: Tori??? (looks at Tori) (sees Cedrick) (in his mind) why the fuck is this guy with her again???
Cedrick: I heard that there is a party going on tonight.....
Caliber: did you got any invitations?
Cedrick: wait..... no, why??
Caliber: so that means.....
Tori: oh c'mon Cal! he is your best friend... are you still mad for unnecessary things?
Caliber: excuse me?! I am offended with the word unnecessary... so what? my feelings are invalid??
Tori: are you jealous??
Caliber: and do not predict what my problem is and I will assure you that this is too personal.....
Tori: so its not us?
Caliber: I am making a party for my pleasure Tori..... so please...... I am helping myself for this mental health of mine.....
Tori: (holds Caliber) babe....
Caliber: Tori! you guys stay if you want, I am busy to prepare the party... so excuse me please... (left)
Tori: wait Caliber!!!
Cedrick: (holds Tori) Tori, let him......
Tori: (left)
Prescott: ugh Cedrick... I am sorry for how Cal is acting these days....
Cedrick: I do not understand why its hard to understand him.......

It is now afternoon, at the house of Cleo; Trenton, Martin and Reese were waiting in front of her house....

Reese: I cannot believe that girl is so slow at everything... this is why she is always left out....
Trenton: do not say that Reese... you know how delicate Cleo is.....
Reese: I know.... I supported her in hating......
Trenton: (covers Reese's mouth) ugh...... lets knock on her door instead....
Martin: what did she hated???
*Trenton and Reese slowly looks at each other*
Trenton: she meant.... she was supporting Cleo in hating raisins...... you know we all hate raisins....
Reese: ahahahaha... yeah? (looks weirdly at Trenton) and I realized I shouldn't be hating raisins......
Martin: okay???
Cleo: (opens the door) (walks out of her house) oh my God! you guys waited for me???
Trenton: do not act like you do not know....
Cleo: fine... hahahahaha.... I am so happy we are happily complete again!
Martin: I guess we really are.... and Tori will be at the party, she told me....
Cleo: (frowns a little)
Reese: so shall we go?
Cleo: sure..... (smiles slightly)
*the 4 starts to walk*
Martin: hey Cleo! I didn't know you hated raisins?
Cleo: hate?? what the... I love.......
Reese: (elbows Cleo)
Cleo: ouch!! (looks at Reese)
Reese: (glares at Cleo)
Cleo: ugh yeah.... raisins are ugly foods... I do not know why they exists...
Trenton: (laughs a little)

Last 11 episodes of this season.... I am excited for another story which will be titled "Thy Legal Heirs".... tune in, it will be a blast...

2AM FeelsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ