Episode 40 : Another Problem In Progress

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Martin: (pulls Jayson away from Caliber) (hugs Jayson tightly) please Jayson... stop attacking Caliber...
Jayson: (points at Caliber angrily) (crying) but can't you see how much he is a mess to our life... we shouldn't have been involved in anything stupid it it wasn't because of him.....
Caliber: (stands up) (feels pain) but I like your cousin....
Jayson: what? (about to attack Caliber)
Martin: (holds Jayson) no Jayson..... stop it!!
*Connor, Tori, Reese and Cleo approaches Martin, Jayson and Caliber*
Caliber: (crying) I have been given a lot of times to have good terms with Martin and I did everything to do it... I messed up tons of times but I could tell you how much I love your cousin....
Jayson: (screams) I do not trust you! (pushes Martin) (about to attack Caliber)
Caliber: (covers himself)
Martin: (falls to the ground) (screams very loud) Jayson!!! I said stop!!!
Jayson: (freezes) (looks at Martin)
Connor: (runs to Martin) Martin!! (holds Martin)
Martin: (hugs Connor) (burst our crying) you are not the Jayson that I knew months ago.... I know you are doing this for me but you are starting to scare me.....
Jayson: no Martin... (walks to Martin) (feels concerned) I am sorry.... (tears falls on his face)
*Tori, Reese and Cleo runs to Caliber*
Cleo: you okay Caliber? (looks concerned at Caliber)
Caliber: (looks sadly at Jayson) (nods) I am fine.....
Jayson: (kneels down) (holds Martin) Martin.... I am sorry if I was scaring you.... I didn't knew how much it affects you to be over protected by me...
Martin: cause I am concerned Jayson.... I wanna keep you even though we had a tragic ending in our love story.... we both did not want that to happen but the thing that you are doing, your over anger to Caliber and being afraid to lose you concerns me so much..... (looks at Jayson) cause even after the needed break up, I still wanna sleep on your chest or sleep on mine... cause your company is what I need, not the protection.... the presence of having cousins around me could be better than having a boyfriend.... cause I feel automatically secured... somebody is responsible of me and its not a choice or an option for you guys... (looks at Connor and Jayson) we 3 will grow with each other and there is nobody else who can help each other this much more than us... we are each other's responsibility, we are each other's company and that is what I need.....
Jayson: (tears falls on his face) I am sorry.... I am sorry for what I have been doing this days and I am sorry that I look like I have changed..... but Martin, anything.... anything for you.... whether no or have feelings involved... I will always be in every journey you take and I will try to.... (looks serious at Caliber) try to support you with your risky decisions....
Martin: (hugs Connor and Jayson) no decisions will have a worse effect if I have people like you two that I can run into...
Connor: (strokes Jayson and Martin's hair) I am really sorry if you two really needed to break up because of our blood... if you two want, we can keep this a secret for life.....
Jayson: (looks sadly at Martin)
Martin: (smiles down) I love you two and I do not need any limitations on how we treat each other.... (looks at Caliber) but this time, I will try out something new...
Tori: (smiles at Martin looking at Caliber)
Martin: I never thought our history was only a bad case of misinterpretations and bad timings.... a case of anxiety and depression that made the real love blur in our minds.....
Reese: oh my God..... (gushes) are you going to date Martin, Caliber??
Jayson: (looks serious at Caliber)
Caliber: (blushes down) only if he trusts me to.... only if it is okay with his cousins.... I could even court his cousins to get their trust...
Jayson: (stands up) no need... you can court Martin whenever you want.....
Caliber: (walks to Jayson) so we are now okay?
Jayson: (looks serious at Caliber) (steps away) trust doesn't build up that easily to me.... if there will be a moment that you hurt Martin once again, I won't think twice to do this again, even if Martin holds me...
Caliber: yes sir... (winks at Jayson)
Jayson: (rolls his eyes) remember, I am his cousin now.... I have a bigger responsibility than a boyfriend... (walks away)
Caliber: how about you Connor?
Connor: well.... (smiles at Martin) wherever Martin is happy with, that will be my happiness too......
Tori: wow! my ex got 2 yeses.... how about the boy himself?
Caliber: (holds Martin's hands) Martin Pryce Robinsons.... can I have the rights to court you???
Martin: fight me first before you get the chance..... (winks at Caliber)
Caliber: no fights Martin... (hugs Martin) just love.... just genuine love.....
Martin: (buries his head on Caliber's chest) (whispers) I love you Caliber.... I wish you know how much I wanted to say you that....
Caliber: (kisses Martin's forehead) I love you too.... since I first argued and fought with you....
Connor: (walks to Jayson) (shakes Jayson) (gushes) aren't they sweet??
Jayson: (looks serious at Caliber and Martin) don't let me make a scene again, Connor....
Reese: (looks around) wait... where is Trenton now? I thought you will follow him Jayson?
*Cleo and Tori widens their eyes at Jayson*
Jayson: (looks around) (feels concerned) that is another problem I have to fix....
Cleo: why not date him instead.... you two started it anyway...
Tori: I agree.... like, does that date don't really have a meaning?
Jayson: it is not easy to fall in love guys... and just like what I said... (looks at Martin and Caliber) I am still fresh with Martin... and I do not think I wanna replace him even if he has a replacement for your love.... I have a new role anyway... and I will focus on my responsibilities at him.....
*Martin and Caliber smiles at hugs each other*

It is now night, back at Martin's home, Jayson, Martin and Connor were hanging out on the bathtub....

Jayson: (feels sad) (plays with the bubbles)
Connor: (looks at Jayson) (whispers to Martin) Jayson seems still sad....
Martin: (feels sad at Jayson) ugh Jayson? you still okay? I hope you tell us cause I wanna know.... I am responsible of you too.....
Jayson: (looks at Martin) (takes a deep breath) were you mad at finding out about me and Trenton hanging out?
Martin: (looks down sadly) a little disappointed cause you hid it from me.... but... (shakes his head) I think you two look cute together
Connor: I agree... Trenton has this power soft boy vibes.... he is cool, I'd get to know him if I wanted to....
Jayson: (widens his eyes at Connor)
Connor: why? just being honest... I thought we all should be honest now...
Jayson: (keeps playing with the bubbles) but he seems to be mad at me now....
Martin: (hugs Jayson) make up with him while it is early..... (smiles) I will support you with him....
Jayson: I am scared..... I just messed up his life with what happened earlier....
Martin: that is what Caliber felt with me when he was making up... don't let yourself witness what Caliber witnessed... and do not let more bad timings eat the both of you two... cause you two will end up having the same backstory as me and Caliber.... you two will just hate each other more.... so do it as early as you can....
Connor: (hugs Jayson) we have your back Jayson... you are the smartest one from the 3 of us... I know you know the way....
Martin: (hugs Jayson) so true... I know you do not have the feelings for him but.... think about how you gotten my attention for love, if you can do that... you can also get his friendship back...
Jayson: (takes his phone) (smiles at Martin and Connor) I guess I will try...
Martin: yes you can..... you are Jayson Pryce....
Jayson: (nods) (looks at his phone)

At Trenton's bedroom inside his house, Trenton was there crying alone in his room.....

Trenton: (cries hard) (covers himself with a pillow)
*Trenton's phone rings*
Trenton: (looks at an incoming call from Jayson) (keeps crying) (turns his phone down) (in his mind) I do not wanna lose my friendship to Martin as much as I do not wanna lose myself to you.... I am sorry Jayson.. I am sorry...

Finally! This season is done... I am so excited for the final season cause it will be fun! I promise that.... now, tune in for the next long awaited season of The Best Bad Thing! Tune in!

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