Episode 27 : Depressing Arguments

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It is now thursday, at school, Caliber was eating his lunch aloneat the backseat of his car in the parking lot......

Caliber: (looks around) (eating)
Cleo: (approaches Caliber) so Caliber.... what do you want to do??
Caliber: can I just have somebody to talk to??
Cleo: like what Caliber? hahahaha..... if Tori sees us, she will get mad at you again... even me, I guess.... I do not wanna add up to your problems.....
Caliber: this is not about Tori anymore, Cleo.... you know that.... I am doing all of these for Martin....
Cleo: (nods) okay? well..... I also wanna ask you something too..... (sits on the shotgun seat)
Caliber: sure... what is it?
Cleo: you suddenly become emotional everytime Jayson and Martin are together.... I notice that....
Caliber: you do not make sense...
Cleo: boys makes girls not make sense..... I know what I am seeing.... from the time Jayson and Martin left the restaurant to Martin leaving the room because you attacked Cedrick and.... you hanging out here alone while seeing Jayson and Martin going home together.... I noticed all of that.....
Caliber: of course I am hurt and I just realized that me and Martin had such a big potential.....
Cleo: excuse me?! (eyes widens at Caliber) (gushes)
Caliber: what I mean is.... (blushes) Martin and I have known each other for too long and suddenly Jayson showed up and it felt like they knew each other for a longer time than ours.....
Cleo: still.... (smiles near Caliber) you say you are hurt.... like, some kind of jealousy??
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) Cleo.....
Cleo: no... I am not teasing you.... I am just being hypothetical here.... okay? and nobody has the rights to be jealous if you are just a friend..... and I do not think Martin felt you as a friend...
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) so a friend has no rights to be jealous?
Cleo: (looks at Caliber nervously) (in her mind) wait.... is he returning what I said to him?
Caliber: well, maybe I agree.... (feels sad) I really messed him up a lot.....
Cleo: but do not give up on him..... I am sure Martin is really forgiving...
Caliber: but Jayson is there.... how can I keep up with Martin if Jayson is always around?
Cleo: well..... I do not know how will I help you with that.... all I know is you have to do what you have to do....
Caliber: (nods) fine.... I will always find a way..... (feels sad)

It is now dismissal, at the soccer field, Cedrick and Prescott were waiting for Tori in practicing dancing......

Tori: (stops the music) (looks at her groupmates) so everyone! that is all for today..... (smiles) I will see you guys next week....
Hannah: (walks to Tori) wait... next week?? the dance competition is almost here and we girls are the flawed ones here compare to boys... you must tighten up the schedule....
Tori: (looks serious at Hannah) girl... to be honest, I do not want to be part of this team.... I even quitted.....
Hannah: so you are just going to make this dance a mess?
Tori: not like that..... I just keep coming back because our coach wants me too.... and I still have a soft heart that is why I returned and..... that is why the practice is next week...
Hannah: (turns away from Tori) this shouldn't be what a leader must do.....  if only I was a leader....
Tori: sure... you can be the leader.... lets see if the group will win in your leadership... I do not think you will even win the elections.....
Hannah: hoe dare you say that! (screams and about to pull Tori's hair)
*Cedrick and Prescott approaches Tori*
Cedrick: stop you two!!
Uno: (holds Hannah) Hannah... what the hell are you doing?
Hannah: what else Uno??? she is underestimating my power are a vice president.....
Tori: as if you guys don't underestimate Jayson and Martin huh??
Uno: but the difference is you are lying and we are speaking the truth.....
Tori: really?!! (screams) (about to attack  Uno)
Prescott: (pulls Tori) no Tori.... do not do this.....
Uno: (looks at Hannah) lets just leave... if people would see us fight, we will be reported and we could get disqualified...
Hannah: (points Prescott) and you Prescott... you are so fake.... you are Reese's rival but you are protecting them??
Uno: Hannah.... lets go! (pulls Hannah away) they won't win anyway...
Prescott: excuse us?!! (about to attack Uno)
Cedrick: (pulls Tori and Prescott away) lets go guys! let these people fake... they won't going to be like that all the time....
Tori: (stares angrily at Hannah) you will lose to Jayson.....
Hannah: (middle fingers Tori)
Prescott: (stares angrily at Uno)
*Cedrick, Tori and Prescottt left*
Hannah: (rolls her eyes)
Uno: (smiles at Hannah)
Hannah: why you smiling like that? (looks weirdly at Uno)
Uno: you really have a bitchy side huh? use that more often..... see you future vice president (left)  
Hannah: (scratches her head) whatever......

At the parking lot..... Jayson, Trenton and Martin are finally going home.....

Trenton: so guys..... how will we treat the rivals tomorrow?? Uno will be campaigning right??
Jayson: we have to stay humble...... right Martin?
Martin: (nods) yeah.... (looks at Cleo and Caliber hanging out together)
Trenton: (sees Cleo with Caliber) wait... isn't it Cleo?? (runs to Cleo) hey Cleo.... we are going home, will you come??
*Jayson and Martin follows Trenton*
Cleo: (looks at Trenton, Jayson and Martin) oh hi guys... (smiles)
Jayson: what are you doing with Caliber?
Caliber: (looks at Martin)
Martin: (rolls his eyes) (yawns) can we go home?
Cleo: ugh... (looks at Caliber) me and Cal were just discussing about tomorrow's plans at Uno's campaign...
Jayson: no Cleo.... whatever plan Caliber is involved with, its not gonna be nice.....
Caliber: why are you so rude to me Jayson? did I do something to you guys??
Jayson: (about to speak)
Caliber: (cuts off Jayson) I know I did something to Martin but you? you seem to be out of place....
Jayson: excuse me??? (about to attack Caliber)
Trenton: bro.... calm down.... (holds Jayson)
Martin: (feels pissed) whatever.... I am just going home alone for tonight okay? (leaving)
Cleo: wait Martin....
Jayson: (looks at Martin leaving) where are you going Martin?
Martin: (screams) alone! (left)
Trenton: (looks sadly at Jayson)
Jayson: (feels sad)
Caliber: (looks at Martin leaving) (feels disappointed)

What's next to come.... will we see a reconciliation of Jayson and Caliber? how about Tori and Cleo? tune in!

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