Episode 25 : Late By What?

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It is now a wednesday morning, at the entrance of the school, Cleo, Reese, Trenton and Cedrick were there waiting for Jayson and Tara to return.......

Cleo: (looks at her watch) where is Martin??? they have to find Martin.....
Cedrick: wait... are there like... disqualifications if we don't get to roam around the whole campus???
Reese: (scratches her head) I guess Martin was lying and didn't sleep at all....
Trenton: or we ruined his strategy of sleeping and because of that, he wasn't able to sleep properly...... I always do that, especially I am aware of my skincare.....
Reese: (looks at Trenton's skin) just because your white skin is super smooth doesn't mean you have to brag about it.... (rolls her eyes)
Trenton: I am not.... hahahaha.....
Prescott: (walks to the entrance) (sees Reese) ooh... it seems that my rival is finally visiting my room later..... want to have a special meeting with me? representative to representative?
Reese: eww.... (screams) would you get away from me....
Cedrick: hey Prescott.... scram! you are not yet allowed to be here......
Prescott: see you later cutie Reese..... (left)
Reese: such a creep...
Cleo: but I gotta be honest Reese, he seems to be so into you.....
Reese: you can say that again, it is not my fault that this is my beauty.....
*Tori and Jayson approaches everybody*
Trenton: so guys... (looks at Tori and Jayson) is Martin here now?
Jayson: (shakes his head) we went back to his place and he wasn't responding there...... but I hear that his air conditioner is working..
Tori: he obviously slept late..... your fault Jayson...
Jayson: oh God! why would I do such things to my boyfriend.....
Trenton: cause you interrupted his sleep last night by the very short announcement that could have been told right now......
Jayson: (rolls his eyes) fine.... I will going to explain Martin to everybody..... I am promoting hin although he is not here....
Reese: aren't there disqualifications?
Jayson: this ain't a competition yet..... only a promotion...
Cedrick: so... shall we go???
Cleo: how about Cal??
Tori: (looks confused at Cleo) (in her mind) why is she always talking about Cal??
Jayson: we do not need him Cleo..... stop finding him....
Reese: lets go guys... so we can go home early.....
Tori: I agree....
*Reese, Tori, Cedrick, Jayson and Trenton left*
Cleo: (looks at her friends leaving) (opens her phone) (contacts Caliber) (in her mind) please answer Cal..... (calling Caliber)
Caliber: (on the line) hello? Cleo?? why???
Cleo: we are leaving to start the promotion... where are you???
Caliber: I am parking my car now...
Cleo: can you take Martin with you..... he is still at his home.... I guess he slept late again....
Caliber: oh God.... sure....
Cleo: okay... see you two, I will text you where we are going...
Caliber: sure.... but will he open the doors for me?
Cleo: you wanna get him, then do you thing..... okay??
Caliber: okay okay... see you!!
Cleo: (ends call) (follows Jayson and the others) wait guys.... (left)

30 minutes later, at Martin's home, Caliber was still there waiting for Martin to go outside....

Caliber: (looks at the house) (in his mind) is he really here??? (walks to the porch of the house) (hears the aircondition) damn, I must have been the reason why he slept late..... we talked about a lot of things last night...... (walks to the window) (peeks to the window) (speaks) Martin??? you now awake??? (sees the window unlocked) wait..... (slides the window up) oh God.... I can wake him up now..... (slowly enters the window)

At Martin's bedroom.......

Martin: (yawns) (wakes up) (sees the sun shining at him) (eyes widens) fuck! is it afternoon already?! (stands up and runs to the door) fuck, I am late..... (opens the door) (sees Caliber on the other side of the door)
Caliber: (looks at Martin) (eyes widens)
Caliber and Martin: (screams at each other) what are you doing here??!!!
Martin: (runs back to the bed) you break into my home, didn't you??
Caliber: cause you are 30 mintues late in the campaign!! if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be more aware....
Martin: excuse me, I was already aware since the sun was shining onto me..... and why do you even care!? (stares angrily at Caliber)
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) I do not wanna argue with you... (holds and pushes Martin outside the bedroom) you go take a bath now and go to school you sleepy head!
Martin: (about to leave) wait.... (stares angrily at Caliber) as if....
Caliber: (raises his eyebrow at Martin) as if what??
Martin: ugh.... (shakes his head) you can now leave anyway.... I will go there alone..... (left)
Caliber: (smiles at Martin) (whispers) you are so cute if you are not aware Martin....

After few more minutes, Martin finally finished preparing.... outside the house......

Martin: (walks out of his house) (sees Caliber waiting for him inside a car) I told you to leave me right? I can walk alone.....
Caliber: I insist.....
Martin: wait... how did you know I was here???
Caliber: just get in please..... or I will start creating noise in this village.... (starts honking his car)
Martin: stop! okay fine.... (walks and sits on the backseat of the car) (covers his ears) just go as you insist....
Caliber: no one is sitting at the backseat....
Martin: excuse me?! (looks annoyed at Caliber)
Caliber: (looks serious at Martin)
Martin: ugh... fine... (feels nervous) if you say so..... (walks and sits next Caliber)
Caliber: good job.... (smiles) (puts on Martin's safety belt)
Martin: (looks at Caliber belting him) (looks at Caliber's soft hair)
Caliber: (smiles) now you're safe... lets go.... (starts driving the car)
*the car starts to move*
Martin: (in his mind) what's happening to you Cal?? what's happening??

At school, Jayson was at the bathroom alone....

Jayson: (washes his hands) (takes a deep breath) (feels sad)
Trenton: (walks out of a toilet cubicle) (sees Jayson) hey Jayson.... (walks next to Jayson) you okay?
Jayson: I am just guilty.... its my fault Martin slept late.....
Trenton: hey.... do not take that seriously..... we all know you didn't do anything bad... (holds Jayson's shoulder)
Jayson: but its fine... (smiles) I will stand for Martin..... I am used to this..... (left)
Trenton: (looks at Jayson leaving) (takes a deep breath)

Oh God.... here we are.... are we getting another rare moment of Caliber and Martin? tune in!

2AM FeelsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon