Episode 15 : Reconciliation Conversation

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It is now 2AM, at the bedroom of Martin's house, Martin was having a hard time sleeping.....

Martin: (stares at the cieling) (in his mind) shit.... staying up at 2AM really changed my body clock.... (takes a deep breath) I cannot even sleep right now..... (sees and grab his laptop) a little scroll will weaken me anyway...... (logs in his Blued account) (sees ShhKeepThisASecret online) its been a while since I talked to this guy... is he still mad at me?

Blued: 2AMBoi - ShhKeepThisASecret

2AMBoi: you are still hanging out here?
ShhKeepThisASecret: didn't expect you to still be active here? what are you doing here after days of being inactive...
2AMBoi: why should I tell you? are you a boyfriend??
ShhKeepThisASecret: here we go again... I am not acting like a boyfriend okay? I am speaking up about what I see, think and feel.....
2AMBoi: fine... okay! it is me overreacting..... its just, its hard to trust strangers on the internet....
ShhKeepThisASecret: really???
2AMBoi: cause think about the people you see everyday, the way they scare your every days..... how much more scary can it be by meeting a stranger if a person you see everyday is already frightening you.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: I am sorry..... you sound like you are going through a lot of things lately..... I feel your sadness btw....
2AMBoi: no... it is nothing.... maybe there's a part of me being wrong, maybe I am too much sensitive....
ShhKeepThisASecret: do not apologize for being sensitive unless you harm people back because of your sensitivity... like me.....
2AMBoi: you harm people?
ShhKeepThisASecret: not intentionally.... lately, I have been into a rollercoaster of different types of sadness..... and it is because I am hurt..... hurt because of my very own self and that makes me affect all people around me......
2AMBoi: I am sorry to hear that... I guess it is just unfortunate for the both of us.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: I think so....
2AMBoi: so.... you are studying in the same school as mine right? the same city... Carson City International University.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: yes... what level are you in, if you don't think of me asking personally.....
2AMBoi: I am a Senior High student... 11th Grade....
ShhKeepThisASecret: damn... me too......  we really have such things in common......
2AMBoi: oh cmon.... we are only living in the same school.... what else could we have things in common....
ShhKeepThisASecret: I do not know... but I have a feeling that we can see each other....
2AMBoi: that will not happen right now.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: why??? I am just trying to find friends.....
2AMBoi: I don't have a good reputation lately..... back at sunday, I was embarrassed in front of tons of people and I have been carrying that shame up till today....
ShhKeepThisASecret: WHAT?!


Martin: (stares at the chat) (in his mind) why is this guy seemed surprised.... obviously he knows about...... shit!!! I just exposed myself!! (covers himself with a pillow) I just revealed who I am.......

At the bedroom of Caliber's mansion, Caliber was on his bed with his laptop......

Caliber: (looks surprised at the laptop) (in his mind) am I talking to..... M... Martin??? (looks around) (feels sad) he seems sad..... (types something on his laptop)

Blued: ShhKeepThisASecret - 2AMBoi

2AMBoi: wait... what is wrong???
ShhKeepThisASecret: whoever that person is seems stupid....
2AMBoi: wait.... do you know what happened... I have a feeling that you know cause everybody knows.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: I wasn't the type of boy who just listens to anybody's story.... I don't even know if I have friends...... I heard about the rumors but I do not know who's who in that story.....
2AMBoi: oh.... so you do not have a feeling who I am?
ShhKeepThisASecret: why?? do you have a feeling who I am too?
2AMBoi: I do not have any idea and lets just keep ourselves anonymous for each other....
ShhKeepThisASecret: sure, do not worry.... I will not examine the story after hearing that you were the victim in that story......
2AMBoi: its just.... that felt too much... I know I did something bad to him that is why I still have a little guilt in me but it felt unfair.... no one was looking at him when I did something to him but his revenge was something public... all the eyes were on me......
ShhKeepThisASecret: I am really sorry for what you have been having for days..... if I really could do something, I hope I can make your feelings a little better.....
2AMBoi: I am sorry too if you are hearing this stupid dramas..... am I being too much close for saying to much about me and not asking about how are you???
ShhKeepThisASecret: it is okay..... what's important is you being okay.... if you want to, we can talk about me in another day....
2AMBoi: okay... thank you, that seems fair....
ShhKeepThisASecret: but hey.... remember..... I am always here for you to approach huh? we might not meet in person this time but what matters is, you have a friend in me....
2AMBoi: thank you.... I am really happy we are now okay and you are not really a bad person.. sorry if I judged....
ShhKeepThisASecret: it is my fault anyway..... I really always initiate the trouble.... do not worry about me... and I am happy that you gave me a chance to show my good side...
2AMBoi: well, I think everyone needs to have a second chance......
ShhKeepThisASecret: really??? 😊 well... you have to sleep.... there's still classes tomorrow.....
2AMBoi: thank you.... goodnight..... 😊
ShhKeepThisASecret: goodnight too.......


Caliber: (closes his laptop) (smiles to the cieling) (in his mind) so you can really gibe second chances Martin??? I really hope you find a way to give me a chance...... I really wanna find a way to get your trust back.......

5 last episodes, I am so excited for Caliber's effort to get back Martin...... but can he do any efforts in Martin is in love with Jayson?? will Jayson let Caliber be with Martin? tune in....

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