Episode 24 : Still Active

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It is now deep in the night.... at Trenton's house, Trenton is now about to sleep...... at Trenton's bedroom.....

Trenton: (yawns) (stands up on his computer chair)
*the computer rings*
Trenton: huh?? (looks and sits back on his computer) (sees Jayson asking for a video call) (smiles) (in his mind) now why is this guy wanting to video call me??? (answers video call)
Jayson: (waves at Trenton) good evening Trent.... (smiles) I hope I did not bother you even a little.....
Trenton: why almost late? is there something wrong with Martin?
Jayson: I am not with him tonight.... and I see him online... also Tori, Reese and Cleo.... I wanna ask if you could add them because Ms. Cristina told me something about tomorrow's meeting......
Trenton: why not you do that.... you already started the call..... why should it be me?
Jayson: please.... just add them to the video chat..... if you guys wanna sleep now..... this will be fast...
Trenton: whatever....
*Trenton invites Tori, Cleo, Martin and Reese to the video chat*
*Tori, Cleo and Reese enter a the video chat*
Tori: ugh... why are we here late at night??
Cleo: (sees Tori) (looks away)
Reese: so true Tori..... I am doing my skincare routine.... I should not be exposed to light......
Jayson: guys.... I just have an important announcement for tomorrow... and.... Martin?? (looks at the video chat) why my boy is not here? add him again Trenton....
Trenton: fine...
*Trenton invites Jayson to the video chat*

At Martin's house, Martin was already lying in his bedroom's bed.....

Martin: (hears his computer ringing) (screams) fuck! why are they trying to bug me in times I am trying to sleep..... (stands and sits on his computer place) (answers video call) (looks at everyone) now what guys!
Jayson: baby?? you mad?
Martin: I was already asleep.... (yawns)
Reese: wow.... I doubt that you are sleeping already....
Martin: isn't a yawn enough already?
Cleo: ugh guys... if this is a campaign meeting... we have to bring Cal here... I will add him....
Jayson: no need Cleo.... we do not need any trash here...
Martin: (feels sad)
Tori: I will add Cedrick here... wait....
*Tori invites Cedrick to the video call*
Cedrick: (joins the video call) good evening? why?
Martin: how is your lip wound Cedrick? I apologize for whatever Cal did to you.....
Cedrick: it is fine.... (feels sad) you are not even involved in our problem.....
Martin: (nods)
Jayson: so guys.... I just wanna say that we are going to be travelling the whole school tomorrow to promote each other..... and.... we have to be in school very early so that we can all go together....
Martin: noted... (yawns) anything else?
Jayson: Martin... do you wanna sleep for real? (smiles)
Martin: (weakly nods)
Jayson: so yeah.... lets meet each other at the bus stop and... we are going to be exempted in class the whole day.....
Reese: oh my God! cool......  that is the real benefit there.....
Trenton: oh my God, Reese......
Cedrick: is Cal going to be with us...
Tori: no need...
Jayson: yeah... he doesn't have to be there.....
Cleo: (feels bad for Caliber)
Martin: yes he will be there.....
Tori: wait what Martin?
Jayson: Martin, he will just bring trouble and would ruin your image.... and Cedrick will be harmed again...
Martin: I will handle him....
Cleo: (smiles at Martin)
Jayson: but Martin.... (feels confused)
Martin: good night guys... (yawns) just watch what I would do tomorrow.... (leaves the video call) (turns off his computer) (lies in his bed) fuck!! what an exhausting day!! (yawns) (closes his eyes) good night Martin.... good night.....

After a few hours, Martin hasn't yet slept peacefully......

Martin: (stares sadly at the cieling) they shouldn't have bugged me...... I cannot sleep!! (looks at his laptop) (in his mind) is Caliber still active in Blued??? (opens his laptop) (clicks and log into his Blued app) (sees ShhKeepThisASecret online) (smiles) I wonder if he is okay these days.... (feels sad) I feel guilty about screaming at him.... but he did something bad Martin... what are you talking about? (looks at the chat box) should I or shouldn't I?

Blued: 2AMBoi - ShhKeepThisASecret

2AMBoi: you still around??
ShhKeepThisASecret: I was the one who must be asking that....
2AMBoi: then why didn't you ask for like weeks... since we chat.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: cause in dating app like this, it is so easy to be replaced.... I wonder if you are dating some other guy or.... you are now with somebody in school.....
2AMBoi: you are so delusional.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: yeah right... everybody says that to me!
2AMBoi: hey... I did not mean to say that in a bad way...
ShhKeepThisASecret: do not worry..... I exclude you as a problem of mine..... you are the only person I could trust at....
2AMBoi: its my pleasure to help.... can we talk about it more? if you want to only....
ShhKeepThisASecret: but I hope I really could....
2AMBoi: huh???
ShhKeepThisASecret: nevermind.... whatever I am going to... I am not telling you... not because I do not want to but.... I want your mind at peace.... I am scared to bother anymore..... I agree that I lose control sometimes and I hurt people.....


Martin: (tears falls on his face) (in his mind) why is he so vulnerable personally?

At Caliber's house, in Caliber's bedroom, Caliber was secretly talking to Martin on his Blued account....

Caliber: (types on his laptop) (smiles)

Blued: ShhKeepThisASecret - 2AMBoi

ShhKeepThisASecret: you still there?
2AMBoi: yeah.... I am so sad for whatever you are going into..... and I appreciate how you do not want your problem to be involved with my mind...... thank you for that....
ShhKeepThisASecret: and I think I have done too much to you already.....
2AMBoi: uh what????
ShhKeepThisASecret: nothing.... nothing...
2AMBoi: okay....
ShhKeepThisASecret: ugh... 2AMBoi?
2AMBoi: hahaha... why?
ShhKeepThisASecret: can you stay the whole night with me and we can talk about tons of random stuffs?
2AMBoi: sure.... for you.... sure.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: 🥺😊 thank you.....


Caliber: (smiles) (blushes) if we are like this in our blind conversation, why can't we do this in real life???

So excited for what's next to happen.... I am crying and wanting to see good connection with Caliber and Martin..... are you too?

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