The Annoyed Everyone and the Friendship Breaking

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Riley pushed Dean's arm off of her as soon as they got backstage. She was so pissed off because he kissed her and it wasn't planned. Kenny had read the script when Riley had given it to him the other day and even he knew that the kiss wasn't suppose to happen.

"Why'd you kiss me outside the ring?" Riley asked, still walking. She wasn't going to stop walking because if they stopped to talk right in front of the curtain then everyone would hear them," That wasn't suppose to happen."

Dean followed after her," Why are you so annoyed about it?"

Riley turned her head and glared at him. He didn't get it but then again how could he? Riley was annoyed because Kenny was probably going to be pissed off now. She knows that it's just for her 'job' but Kenny freaks out over the smallest things. She didn't want them to get into an argument when they had just gotten back together two days ago.

"It was unplanned and you definitely shouldn't have done it when you knew that Kenny was sitting right there." Riley told him as she walked into the locker room. She immediately sat down and started unlacing the very uncomfortable wrestling boots.

"What does Kenny have to do with anything?" He asked, crossing his arms," I only kissed you because I saw that you were about to walk over to Kenny and then you were immediately going to fall out of character."

"I wasn't going to fall out of character." She argued," I was just going to hug him."

Dean rolled his eyes," If you went over and hugged him then Vince would've yelled at you when you came back here. It's not that big of a deal, you're acting. It's not like I go around and kiss you for fun."

Riley was really tempted to throw her boot at him but she stopped herself. Dean sat down across from her. He was still confused in why she was angry. Kenny needs to understand that they're acting and Dean wouldn't want to be with Riley in real life.

"He's going to be upset when we see him at the hotel." She muttered, slipping on her shoes.

"Why is he going to be upset? If he doesn't understand that all we're doing is acting then he must be stupidier than we make him seem." Dean told her. Riley glared at him.

"He was okay with the first two kisses because he knew they were going to happen. He didn't know that the kiss outside of the ring was going to happen." She said," You know, you wouldnt know what it's like to be in a relationship then have to go and kiss someone else. Kenny gets jealous but all boyfriends do and maybe if you weren't such a man whore you would understand that feeling."

Dean chuckled, dryly," I'm a man whore? Really? If I'm a man whore then what's your boyfriend? You may want to believe that he's all innocent but trust me, not one guy can go without sex for a week. Imagine how many girls your boyfriend has slept with since you were gone."

Riley glared at him. She was starting to think that he was right but she didnt want to believe him. She believed Kenny and she didn't want Dean telling her that he's been sleeping with other girls.

"Not everyone is like you. Kenny wouldn't do that because unlike you, he actually knows what its like to be in love and to be loyal in a relationship. It's not like you would know anything about being in a relationship." Riley told him as she got up. Dean clenched his teeth in anger. He was beyond annoyed with her.

He stood up and glared at Riley," You know nothing about me, Riley. Don't get mad at me when I was the one that just saved your ass out there."

Dean picked his bag up and threw it over his shoulder. He walked out, not looking back. He didn't care that he was her ride. At this point, he just wanted to get back to the hotel and hopefully find a diva that was willing to have a one night stand.

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