The Vegas Trip, the Extremely Jealous Dean, and the Drunken Mishaps

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"Come on, Riley, it'll be fun." Lillian basically whined through the phone.

Riley rolled her eyes as she sighed, "In case you haven't noticed I'm not on good terms with the birthday boy or his best friend."

"It doesn't matter." Lillian told her, "Just because you aren't on the best of terms with them, doesn't mean you can't come on this trip."

"It kind of does, Lil. It will be extremely awkward." Riley muttered.

Lillian groaned, "You can not pass up a free trip to Vegas even if you aren't on good terms with the person that's paying. You can even bring Les if you want."

"Yeah like my dad would let either of us go to Vegas for the weekend with our ex-boyfriends." Riley snorted.

Lillian sighed, "I'll talk to him, just please tell me you'll come. We can make it kind of like a girls trip even if we are ignoring the birthday boy."

"What am I even suppose to do in Vegas? A seventeen year old can't do much in a city where you literally need to be twenty one to do anything." Riley said.

"You act like Ali and I haven't thought this through, babe." Lillian said with a small laugh, "Les already has a fake ID and Ali already sent for yours to be made. It should be done before this weekend."

"I am not using a fake ID, Lil." Riley said, rolling her eyes.

"Too bad, it's being made and you will use it this weekend when you come with us." Lillian told her, "Riley, you and Les are coming with us, even if I have to drag both of you out of the damn house and to the airport."

Lillian rolled her eyes, "And by the way don't let that asshole be the reason that you don't have a good time this weekend. You are going to have fun this weekend, no matter what."

Riley laughed, "The only reason that I'm going is because I haven't seen you or Ali in months, and I miss you guys."

"We miss you too, baby girl." Alison basically yelled into Lillian's phone. Lillian pushed her away.

"You may have just hurt one of my eardrums." Lillian muttered.

Riley smiled, "I really have to go, but I'll see you guys this weekend."

"Bye babe." Lillian said before hanging up.

She didn't know how she was feeling about taking this trip. She was obviously excited about going because she was going to see Alison and Lillian after months of not seeing them. She just didn't know how she felt about the fact that the whole point of this trip was to celebrate Roman's birthday. Not even just Roman's birthday, but it was obvious that Dean was going to be there for his best friend's birthday celebration.

They were still staying in her house and they would be staying until Tuesday. This meant that they would be going to Vegas this weekend and coming back to Chicago, where they would all stay another three days. She knew that going to Vegas would be the exact same thing as spending the entire week with him, so it was kind of like the same thing.

She was hoping that even though Leslie was pregnant with Roman's kid that she would still come to Vegas with her. She needed more moral support because she knew that Lillian and Alison weren't enough. She needed Leslie with her just incase Renee ends up going. She was sure as hell not going to be dealing with Renee alone.

She obviously knew that Alison and Lillian were going to be there, but they wouldn't start anything with Renee because they work with her and they would not want to cause any issues. Riley was so lucky that she was still in developmental for a couple more weeks, so she can actually start something with Renee if she starts talking shit.

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