The Fake Flashback, the Confusion, and the Advice

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"Dad answer me please, mom was taken to the hospital and I don't think I can go through this alone." Riley cried into the phone. It was the sixth voicemail that she had left and her dad hasn't answered. She knew that her mom didn't have much time left and she didn't want to deal with this alone. She needed her dad by her side.

Her best friend was sitting next to her, rubbing her back. She had never seen her friend cry so much.

"Les, what if he doesn't come?" Riley cried, leaning her head on Leslie's shoulder," He's probably with that whore of his. He missed so much because of her and I don't want him to not be here for her death."

"Shh, Riley, your dad will be here, trust me. He knows how much this upsets you and he won't let you go through it alone." Leslie told her, softly. A lot of people in the waiting room were sending them sympathetic looks and it was pissing Riley off. She just wanted to go see her mom but the doctors were running some tests on her.

"I just want him here, Leslie. He's never here when he's needed." Riley muttered. The loud ringing of a phone caused Riley to jump. She immediately reached for her phone, knowing it was her dad's ringtone.

"Daddy.." Riley answered, softly. Phil was running into the hospital with a girl behind him. As soon as he heard his daughter's voice, he knew that nothing good was happening.

"Riley, sweetheart, what floor are you on?" Phil asked as they jumped into the elevator. Riley stood up. She was so happy that her dad was already here.

"The fifth one." Riley answered him," D-Dad..they said she might not make it through..the night."

Riley cried harder at the thought of losing her mom in such a short amount of time. Phil jumped out of the elevator and ran towards the waiting room, knowing that his daughter was going to be there.

"Dad.." Riley ran towards him and jumped into her dad's arms. Phil hugged her tightly as she sobbed loudly into his neck.

"I'm right here, sweetheart, I'm right here." Phil mumbled into her ear. Riley clung onto her dad, not wanting him to let her go. She didn't even bother looking behind him to see Phil's 'whore'. She didn't care, she just wanted her dad to hold her as if she were a child again, his baby girl.

"Mrs.Brooks' family?" The doctor asked, looking into the waiting room. Leslie immediately stood up and walked next to the doctor as Riley glued herself to her dad's side.

"That will be us." Leslie said, softly. Phil opened up his other arm for Leslie, knowing that Tess was like a second mom to her. Leslie attached herself to Phil's free side and Phil held both girls.

The doctor sighed," I'm sorry to inform you but Mrs.Brooks has passed away. We were in the middle of waiting for the tests but her heart stopped and we couldn't revive her. We are deeply sorry."

Riley felt as if her legs gave out as she fell to the floor and started screaming. Phil kneeled down in front of his daughter as she screamed.

"She can't be gone!" Riley stood up.

"You're playing a sick joke on me!" Riley continued.

"Please tell me my mom is alive!" Phil held her back as she went to charge at the doctor.

"No she has to be alive!"






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