The Interview and the Paparazzi

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"I want to know how your guys are so close..I mean I've never seen such a wonderful bromance." Jason, the interviewer, joked. Roman laughed along with Seth while Dean just grinned at the guys.

"Umm well spending more time with them then I spend at home with family makes a huge difference. They become my family so I guess since we're just around each other all the time, we've just become brothers." Seth answered. The audience, that was outside the radio station building, 'awed' while some started clapping.

"And now you know who the emotional one is." Roman joked. Dean laughed as he high fived Roman.

They were all in the middle of an interview. They were joking around and having fun but they still kept on their hard exterior. Riley was watching them from the other room with a smile on her face. She found their relationship adorable.

"Okay. Now it's time to get serious." Jason said. Riley knew that she was going to be asked to come into the interview. That was the plan. Alison and Lillian played a large part in last night's Raw so Riley was put in to today's interview," Everyone's been talking about this picture, it's adorable."

Dean ran a hand through his hair in fake annoyance when the picture of him and Riley appeared on the screen.

"Isn't that just adorable guys?" Jason asked, the fans that were outside. Dean rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. The fans started cheering," Dean, where did you find such a gorgeous girlfriend?"

Dean chuckled as he turned slightly red. Roman groaned, playfully.

"Please don't get him started." Roman pleaded. Dean punched his shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Shut it, Roman, I actually want to hear this story." Jason said, causing the guys to laugh," Is she here?"

"Who? Riley?" Seth asked. Jason nodded," When isn't she around Dean, they're like attached at the hip."

"I would be too if I had a boyfriend like that." Jason teased. Dean chuckled," Let the girl in, Amanda."

Riley smiled at Amanda slightly as she handed her a pair of headphones. Riley walked into the interview room, shyly. It wasn't even that it was apart of her character but she was just naturally shy.

"You lucky bastard." Jason said when he saw Riley walk in," Oh, I'm not allowed to say bastard on the show...sorry."

"You are absolutely beautiful." Jason said. Riley smiled before placing a kiss on his cheek," If you ever get tired of Dean, I'm always here."

Riley laughed, softly before taking a seat on the chair next to Dean. He took her hand in his and brought it up to his lips.

"You're married!" Dean yelled at him, playfully.

"And these are the times where I wish I didn't settle down." Jason said," Mel, if you are listening to this, you are ten times prettier than her."

"He only says it after Riley rejected him." Seth teased with a smile. Riley laughed. It was actually pretty fun being here with them.

"Anyways...Riley, I want to ask you..How did this idiot get you to go out with him?" Jason asked. Riley smiled. She knew what she was suppose to say but actually putting feeling into it was weird. Like you know, she had to pretend like she was actually in love with Dean.

"Well, my dad took my backstage during a show and I met Dean. He was so kind and adorable - trust me, even if he doesn't show it - by the end of the night, he gave me his number." Riley answered, leaning into Dean. The fans awed as a whole bunch of flashes went off.

Dean was trying his hardest to not look uncomfortable. He wasn't used to affection from girls, he was used to just sleeping with them then never hearing for them.

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