The Wake-Up Call and the Feeling of Hitting Rock-Bottom

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"Holy shit, can I keep it?" Leslie asked, examining the ring. Riley rolled her eyes. The girls haven't stopped talking about the ring since she got back to the suite.

"No." Riley answered, taking the ring back. She realized that Dean wanted her to keep the ring for a reason, even if she didn't want to be flashing it around. She kept the ring on, kind of feeling weird that it was like she was showing everyone that she was actually married to Dean.

"I thought you said you wanted to forget what happened last night?" Lillian questioned, "Why not just get rid of it, if you want to forget so bad?"

Riley didn't know what to say. She had told the girls that all she wanted to do was forget that last night even happened, but how was she suppose to do that? It was funny because just this morning she was telling Dean that she didn't want him in her life, but she had not realized how hard it would be to get rid of him. She couldn't just get rid of a Dean by giving away the ring. Why get rid of the ring if it wasn't going to help her get rid of Dean?

Riley shrugged, "I changed my mind, I guess.."

"What happened this morning anyways? You seemed pretty upset when you got here." Alison asked. Riley gave them a small smile.

"The usual fighting between us." Riley answered, softly. She hadn't told anyone that she had lied to Dean about being with Seth. They would all probably have her head because they had all told her before, that it wasn't right to fight fire with fire.

A loud slam caused them to look over the room door. It was Dean's room door that was now shut.

"Open up, asshole!" Roman yelled banging on the door. Dean was on the other side of the door, throwing his stuff in his bag. He had locked the door to make sure Roman didn't try to come in and stop him.

"I'm kind of busy right now!" Dean yelled back. He finished zipping up his bag, not caring that he had just tossed all his stuff in there as if they were nothing. He didn't really care, he was just trying to get out of there as soon as possible.

He placed the strap on his shoulder, before heading towards the door.

Just as his fingers unlocked the door, the door was pushed in. Roman walked in, clearly pissed off with his best friend. He slammed the door shut behind him, not wanting any of the girls to listen in on their conversation.

He immediately grabbed Dean's bag and threw it to the floor. Dean glared at him.

"My phone is in there, you asshole."

"I don't care, you're not leaving." Roman told him, "You promised you would give me a drama free weekend for my birthday, and you aren't really trying to keep your promise right now."

Dean rolled his eyes, "The only reason I'm not keeping my promise is because I just found out that Seth and Riley are a thing, and they didn't even consider telling me about it."

"Oh come on, man, you couldn't have not expected them to end our together." Roman told him, "They spend a lot of time together even if it is spent talking shit about you. Talking about all the shit that you do is a great bonding experience."

"Are you seriously trying to get me mad right now?" Dean asked, glaring at him. Roman gave him a look of disbelief.

"Do you know who you are talking to right now, man? You're talking to your best friend, the one person that probably knows you better than you know yourself. I am the only person that can tell you that you are truly losing your mind. You are freaking out over Seth ending up with Riley. The Dean that I used to know would have given Seth a pat on the back and not glanced at Riley again." Roman told him, "I am telling you as your best friend that you need to give up. There are plenty of other girls out there that would die for an opportunity to go out with you, and here you are stuck on a girl that will do nothing but hurt you. She's with your best friend, obviously you didn't mean much to her if she moved on to Seth just like that."

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