The Protective Dean, the Pains, and the Complicated Friendship?

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Riley smiled towards the girls that were standing against the little barricade that the security set up. They were only entering the hotel but there was a whole bunch of fans and some reporters. A bodyguard was by her side in case anyone got out of control.


"Can you please sign this?!"

Riley placed her bag down and walked over to the girls with the security guard by her side. They looked so excited to see her and this was just a shock to her. She wanted to sign her first autograph and take pictures with her first fans.

"Ms. Brooks, we have to get going. The barricade can't be up for long." The guard told her. Riley knew he was right but she continued walking towards the girls.

"It'll only take a second." Riley told him. The girls smiled brightly as Riley took a sharpie out of her pocket. It's not like it was planned but she was hoping it would happen.

"Welcome to New Orleans, Mr. Ambrose." Dean sent a nod to the doorman to say thank you. He walked in, pulling his luggage behind him.

The crowd of people cheered loudly as they saw him walk into the hotel. Dean sent them a small smile. He had stayed behind to get Riley's other luggage. He never understood why she had so much stuff.

"I love your hair!" The girl told Riley. Riley smiled towards her as she signed her picture of the Shield.

"Yeah, I want to dye my hair purple like yours." Another girl said. Riley smiled.

"Well make sure you ask your parents first or make sure it washes out." Riley told them. She clearly remembered her dad's reaction when he saw her light purple hair for the first time.

Riley was taking a picture with the last girl in the line. She had never knew how much fun it would be to have fans. To have people look up to you as a role model. She really couldn't say that she was a role model yet but she can already see herself signing a whole lot more autographs next year.

"Can you pose for a picture, Riley?" A reporter asked. He had a camera in one hand. Riley held up a finger, signaling him to wait a minute. She just wanted to finish signing this girl's photo then she would let him take a picture.

Just as Riley put the cap back on the sharpie, she felt someone grab her butt. Riley jumped back, clearly in shock. The security guard was by her side, immediately.

"Are you okay, Ms. Brooks?" The guard asked. Riley glanced over at the man that was standing next to the girl, that she just finished giving an autograph. It was the same man that asked her if she could pose for some pictures.

Riley saw the small smirk that was on the man's face. She wanted to slap that smirk off his face but she didn't want to cause any problems.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just saw a spider." Riley lied. She wasn't going to start problems, even if what the man did was wrong.

Dean watched on as Riley lied to the guard. He was watching everything that happened. He wanted to walk over there and punch the reporter but he couldn't do that.

"You okay, babe?" Dean asked. Riley looked up at him. He had a look on his face that said,' Don't you dare try to lie to me'.

"Umm.." Riley mumbled, not knowing whether to tell him or not. She knew how Dean would get. It would be a repeat of what happened the last time.

"You know just let me take care of this." Dean told her. Riley tried to stop him as he walked over to the man that grabbed her.

"Dean.." Riley muttered, not wanting problems. Dean motioned for a security guard," Dean.."

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