The Wedding Invite and the Arrival of Leslie

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Leslie felt something cold drip down her shirt. She looked up and saw Riley with an empty cup in her hand. Leslie knew that it wasn't the best decision to get into a fight with a girl that was trying to become a wrestler. She couldn't help herself because Riley was pressing her buttons and Riley throwing water on her, it was the last straw for Leslie.

Leslie immediately brought her fist back and punched the smirk right off Riley's face. Leslie didn't want to hurt Riley but she couldn't stand that Riley was acting so mean towards her. Riley jumped on Leslie, taking her down to the floor.

"I can't believe I was ever friends with you!" Riley screamed, punching her repeatedly. Leslie was trying to bet to cover her face from Riley's punches but it wasn't working.

"Riley, get off of her!"

...14 hours earlier...

A cell phone ring sounded throughout the quiet room. Riley and Dean were both sleeping but as soon as it went off, Dean was awake. He wasn't a heavy sleeper which is why it had to be absolutely silent for him to sleep.

He groaned, trying to feel around for the ringing phone. He was trying his hardest not to move because he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep once he was one hundred percent awake. He never understood how Riley can sleep through so much movement and sound.

The phone was finally in his grasp and he didn't even bother checking who's phone it was, he just wanted the ringing to stop. He blindly answered before placing the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Dean answered, tiredly. He didn't even know what time it was but he knew it was too early. Roman was usually the one to take calls from Vince so Dean was never called by anyone important.

"Riley?" As soon as Dean heard his voice, he pulled the phone away from his ear so he could see who was calling. His eyes squinted at the brightness. He sighed, loudly when he saw that it was Riley's phone and Kenny was on the line. Before he brought the phone back to his ear, he got a glimpse of the time.

"Look, kid, I don't know where the hell you are nor do I care but there's these things called time zones, something you should really know." Dean spoke as if he were speaking to a little kid," It is four o'clock in the morning so this better fucking he good."

"Where's Riley and why do you have her phone?" Kenny asked, clenching his teeth. He was still upset over the whole fight as well as Dean, but Dean was going to forget about it because he knew Kenny wasn't worth it.

"It's four in the morning, what do you think she's doing this time?" Dean asked, rhetorically. He didn't want to stay on the phone for long and no matter how much he didn't like Kenny, he wasn't going to be rude and hang up.

"Dean..." Riley muttered, sleepily. He was actually pretty shocked that she was awake because she was such a heavy sleeper. She turned in his arms so she was now facing him. Her eyes were still closed but she was still awake.

"Can you just pass the phone to her? I have to talk to her." Kenny said, getting annoyed with Dean. He had heard Riley speak and he was obviously assuming that they were sleeping in the same bed.

"I so would but you see, she's sleeping like everyone else." Dean said. Riley's eyes opened slowly and she looked up at him in confusion.

"Who is it?" Riley asked, cuddling closer to Dean. She was tired so she didn't realize that he was taking on her phone.

"Dean, I hear her so pass the goddamn phone." Kenny snapped. Dean rolled his eyes.

"How about you try calling later? When people are actually fully awake?" Dean questioned. He didn't even bother let him answer because he hung up. Riley was fully awake now, looking up at Dean. He shut off her phone because he knew that Kenny wasn't going to give up calling.

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