The Heartbreak and the Broken Dean

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I am apologizing in advance for breaking your hearts..

(hurriKanegirl37, I try not to do it on purpose...all the time)

I think I may have broken my own heart in the process...okay, onto the story!

"Okay guys, I need a pep talk." Dean said as he walked into the hotel room.

"How about you don't do it at all?" Seth questioned.

"Here's my pep talk: there's nothing that we can say that will prepare you to break up with your girlfriend that you care so much about." Roman said. Dean rolled his eyes, throwing himself on the couch.

"Okay, I do not know how many fucking times I have to explain to you guys this." Dean said, "Vince is threatening our jobs."

"And he is also going to crush your happiness." Seth told him, "I mean come on, we have waited years for you to find a girl that you like this much, and your just going to let her go like that."

"Yeah, I am, and you want to know why?" Dean asked, rhetorically, "Because I am not about to give up our dreams to keep a girl."

"She's not just any girl." Roman said, rolling his eyes, "You are basically in love-"

"I'm not in love with her." Dean argued, "What happened to never letting a girl come between us? We all know that if I don't break up with Riley, she going to come between us in the worst way. She's going to be the reason that all that we've worked for-for so long will come to end."

Roman stared at Dean. Roman knew that Dean was right, but he had not seen his best friend this happy in a long time. He didn't want to be the reason that Dean lost another reason to be happy again.

"I know you're trying to convince yourself that you won't end up heartbroken because of this, but trust us, you will. We're your best friends, Dean, we know what it looks like when you're in love and this is it." Roman said.

"Do you guys want to lose your jobs? We all know that is what's going to happen if I don't break up with Riley." Dean said, annoyed. It was like everything that he was telling the guys was going in one ear and out the other.

He needed them to understand that he didn't want this to happen. He does not want to break up with Riley, but he'll do anything if it means keeping his job and their jobs safe.

"We don't want to lose our jobs, Dean, of course we don't. We just hate that you didn't think this through more. We could have found a way to convince Vince into this, so you wouldn't have to go and give up your happiness for this." Seth told him, "You shouldn't have just given up this easily."

Dean chuckled, dryly, "Given up so easily? Do you think this, in any way, shape, or form, was easy for me? I have been stressing myself out for days, trying to distance myself slowly. I obviously haven't made any progress because here I am, hours before I have to dump my girlfriend, and she is still very emotionally attached to me."

"That isn't anyone's fault but yours, Dean. You decided to get with her, knowing all the consequences that would come. Vince gave you a clear warning and you decided to go against it, clearly forgetting everything that was on the line." Roman said.

He hated making his friend stress out, but all he was saying was the truth. Dean did this to himself. He decided to get with Riley. In the end, it may hurt Roman to see Dean heartbroken, but he can't help but say 'I told you so'. Dean got himself to this place and now, he had to find a way to get everything back to normal.

"I'm sorry that I had strong feelings for a girl and I went after them, what else do you want me to say?" Dean asked, "It's all going to be over by tonight, so maybe I'll find some girl to have sex with tonight."

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