The Death Threats and the Caring Dean

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"Your dad is downstairs." Dean mumbled against Riley's lips. Riley rolled her eyes, knowing that he was scared of her dad. They weren't even doing anything, so there was no need to be scared.

"First of all, my dad is still with the lawyer, and second of all, we aren't doing anything so there's no need for you to be scared of my dad coming in." Riley said. Dean ran his fingers over the small hickeys, that he had just left on Riley's neck.

"This kind of looks like something, Ri." Dean told her. She rolled her eyes.

"That's all on you." She said, looking up at him," We can't kiss without you marking my neck."

They had been upstairs in her room since their little talk in the gym. They had both agreed to talk about their feelings later, knowing that it would just make things a little more difficult for both of them.

Suddenly the door was swung open.

"Oh God, you two!" Roman yelled, covering his eyes. Dean grabbed the sheet and covered Riley's upper body, that was only covered by her bra, but obviously the damage had already been done.

"Shit, Romes, do you not know how to knock?" Dean asked as he got off the bed. Roman peeked through his fingers to make sure that Riley was covered before removing his hand.

"I didn't think you were stupid enough to try and have sex with her while her dad could be home any second." Roman told Dean. Dean rolled his eyes as he slipped on his shirt. It isn't like they were actually doing anything," And I at least thought you were smart enough to lock the damn door."

Riley covered her face with the sheet, clearly embarrassed that Roman thought they were having sex. God, why was it always Roman that catches them? At least Seth would laugh then walk away, but Roman makes a whole conversation out of it.

"We weren't going to have sex, stupid." Dean told him as he picked up his sweater, that Riley was wearing.

"I find that really hard to believe when her sweater was thrown all the way on the other side of the room." Roman said with a small laugh," Not to mention all those hickeys."

Riley groaned loudly into her pillow," Shut up, Roman."

Dean couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassed Riley was. It wasn't like they were doing anything, besides kissing, so there was nothing for her to be embarrassed about.

"Well, I came up here to say that the girls are already downstairs, ready for the next training session." Roman said.

"We got it, now go before Riley starts crying of embarrassment." Dean said, pushing Roman out of the door. Roman chuckled as Dean shut the door in his face, making sure to lock it. Riley peeked out for under the sheets as soon as she heard the door close.

"How is it always him that walks in on us?" She asked as Dean walked over to his phone. Dean shrugged.

"Seth has told me its because they always send him to come get us. They think that we're either having sex or arguing, so they send Roman cause Roman makes a joke out of everything." He answered as he stared at his lock screen for a second. He doesn't remember the last time that he had an actual picture of anyone on his lock screen.

It was a picture that Roman had taken of Dean and Riley. Riley had fallen asleep on Dean, so Roman thought it would be nice to snap a picture of Dean while he looked down at Riley.

He doesn't even know if Riley had ever seen the picture, but it was probably one of his favorites.

Riley took the time that he was distracted to put his sweater on. She gets very embarrassed when he looks at her because he starts to make his little jokes about it. Sure, they had made out a couple of times like that, but she was still embarrassed about him talking about it.

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