The First Kiss and the Instagram Post

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"So what am I doing?" Riley asked as she leaned against the wall opposite of the two Shield members. Dean has still not appeared and they have to go out there in less than five minutes.

"You walk out there with us and at the top of the stairs, Dean is going to turn around and kiss you then you just smile. You tell us good luck before you come backstage." Seth told her.

"You're so unlucky." Alison muttered. Riley nodded, clearly being the only one that heard her. She didn't know why but she was kind of nervous about kissing Dean. They've been okay with each other and she didn't want this to make things awkward, even if it was acting.

"Sorry I'm late." Dean ran up to them out of breath. His hair was messed up more than usual which caused Roman to smirk.

"Who was it this time?" Roman asked. Dean rolled his eyes. Riley looked at the guys, horrified.

"Oh please don't tell me you hooked up with some girl before you came here." Riley said, crossing her arms. She didn't want some other girl's germs on him especially when she doesn't know where the hell it's been.

"That is none of your business." Dean said, wetting his hair with water. Riley scoffed, crossing her arms.

"It is when I'm about to go out there and kiss you. I certainly don't want to catch an STD from you." Riley said. Dean spit out the water in shock. Everyone else started laughing as Dean glared at Riley.

Riley felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulled it out and answered it just as the techie told them thirty seconds.

"Hey Les, I can't talk right now." Riley said. Dean gave her a motion telling her to cut the call.

"Riley, do you know what today is?" Leslie asked. She couldn't believe that Riley forgot. Even though they weren't together, it didn't mean that he could just forget.

"Umm no-" Riley was cut off by the techie giving them the signal to go out," I'll call you later Les, I'm kind of busy right now."

"You better!" Leslie yelled, annoyed. Riley hung up the phone, not bothering to reply to her best friend.

Riley walked through the curtain with the three Shield members next to her. The audience cheered loudly as some of them stood up to try and touch the Shield members.

Roman walked down a few steps with Seth behind him. Riley didn't even have time to worry about the kiss because Dean placed his lips on hers, softly. Dean knew that he just had to get it over with.

Riley tried her best to not looked shocked when Dean pulled away from her. It was a quick kiss but it felt like it lasted so long to Riley. She wanted it to last longer.

"Come on, Romeo!" Roman yelled with a smirk on his face. Riley smiled at Dean while he forced one back.

"Good luck!" Riley yelled towards them. Dean let go of her and before he could walk away, Riley told him a soft good luck. The crowd kept cheering as they made their way down the stairs. Riley turned around and walked back behind the curtain.

"Holy shit!" Lillian yelled when she saw Riley come through the curtain. Riley couldn't help but blush as she rolled her eyes.

"Riley, I swear if I didn't know you guys were acting, I would've thought you guys were an actually couple." Alison said.

"It was just a small kiss, it's not that big of a deal." Riley said, jumping on the crate.

"Says the girl that was worried about the kiss for like the entire day." Lillian said with an eye roll. Riley shoved her playfully. It was true that she was worried but it was only because she didn't want anything to change between her and Dean. Now she wasn't as worried because Dean made it seem like it was nothing. He was the one that kissed her.

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