The Homecoming and the Thought of Losing Each Other

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"I've been meaning to tell you guys, but I don't want you guys to freak out." Phil said, standing up from his seat," I had a talk with my lawyer yesterday and he said that the court decided it was okay for Kenny to keep in school until he is proven guilty."

Riley and Leslie sent each other a look. They were just about ready to head off to school and Phil dropped this bomb on them. Riley hates that she has to go to school while she's in Chicago, but if it meant being away from Dean for the day, she was completely fine with it.

She hated that Dean was staying in her house, especially now that they aren't on good terms. This wasn't like any of their other fights or arguments, where they would make up with a cuddle session and get over it. They didn't want to make up because it meant confronting their feelings head on, and neither of them wanted that.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that Kenny is going to be in school while we're both there?" Leslie asked. She couldn't believe that they would even let Kenny enter the school after what he did. If that wasn't bad enough, one of these incidents happened in their school.

"Did they talk to the school about this?" Riley asked, looking over at her dad.

"They did, and they agreed to letting him into the school as long as there was an officer following him around." Phil answered. Riley rolled her eyes.

"If five security guards couldn't stop him, what makes them think that a single police officer can?" Riley asked," I swear, it's like these people didn't see the footage."

"Or they might have forgotten that I was found a bloodied mess in one of their hallways." Leslie added, clearly not liking this. Kenny didn't deserve to be going to school after what he did, he should be locked away in prison for years.

"Look, girls, I already talked to Carter. He promised to stay by your sides all day." Phil told them. Riley sighed, jumping off her stool. She didn't like that Kenny was going to be at school, but she couldn't miss any more school days. The school would probably make her retake her senior year.

"I guess Carter and the rest of the football team could follow us around." Leslie suggested as she looked at her best friend. Riley shrugged, clearly not caring. She just wanted to get to school and get the day over with.

"Can we just go? Its already 7:45 and I don't need to get to school late." Riley said as she placed her bag strap on her shoulder. She kissed her dad on the cheek and made her way to exit the kitchen.

It was still kind of weird acting like nothin happened with her dad. Leslie made her see everything in another light, so it was easy to get back into a relationship wit her dad. Phil thought it was weird, but he was happy that Riley finally talked to him.

As soon as Riley exited the kitchen, she went face first into Dean. Dean had been trying to talk to her these past couple of days, but he knew it was pointless because Riley wouldn't talk back to him.

"Watch where you're going, shorty." Dean muttered, looking down at her. Riley didn't even look up when she heard his voice, knowing it was difficult to ignore him.

Dean watched as she pushed past him, clearly still kind of upset that she wasn't talking to him. He was upset that she wasn't talking to him, and he just wanted them to forgive each other. He wasn't going to confront his feelings, but he missed talking to her.

"Have a good day at school, Riley!" Dean called after her. He clearly wasn't understanding that Riley was serious about her feelings towards him. Dean just wasn't willing to give everything up for Riley.

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