The Jerk Dean is Here

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"What the hell, man?!"

Riley's eyes snapped open when she felt Dean stumble back. His grip on her loosened so she fell out of his arms but Roman caught her.

Dean held his nose as he was ready to charge at Phil. He didn't know what he did to get him punched in the damn face. Phil and him were never best friends but they didn't go around randomly punching each other.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Riley yelled as Dean was trying to push her from in between himself and Phil. Dean was beyond pissed off, he didn't like people hitting him when it was unnecessary.

"What's going on?" Riley asked, not removing herself from in between the two furious men. Seth was trying to hold Dean back, knowing that Riley wouldn't be able to handle him by herself.

"Don't look at me! Look at your dad, he hit me for no goddamn reason!" Dean yelled as Riley looked over at him.

"How could you let that happen to her?!" Phil asked, referring to the small scratches and busted lip that Riley had. Riley looked over at her dad confused just like everyone else. It suddenly hit Dean and he groaned in annoyance.

"What do you mean 'how could I let this happen to her'? The paparazzi don't know their damn limits." Dean told Phil. He couldn't believe that this is what Phil was upset about and he was blaming it on him. It wasn't Dean's fault that the paparazzi threw Riley to the floor. He was holding into her as tight as he could but his strength was no match for theirs.

"Is this seriously why you want to hurt each other?" Riley asked, glaring at her dad. Phil ignored her as he kept glaring at Dean.

"Maybe if you would have held her tighter then she wouldn't have gotten hurt." Phil told him. Dean scoffed.

"Who the fuck do you think I am? Superman? I don't have super strength, you idiot." Dean was getting so annoyed with Phil. He understood that he was worried about Riley but that have him no right to go blaming things on him.

"She was under your watch. I trust that you try to do everything to keep her safe." Phil argued. Riley rolled her eyes. She could take care of herself, it wasnt Dean's fault that she got pulled back.

"And I did try to keep her safe. I told her to hold onto me tightly and she did. It was me against like four of them, who do you think would win?" Dean snapped. Phil was just about ready to go punch Dean but Riley was standing in his way. His daughter looked like she got scratched by a cat over a hundred times and he wanted to blame it on Dean.

"Guys!" Riley yelled as they started yelling at each other. She didn't want people coming out into the hall and eavesdrop on their argument.

Riley had enough of their arguing. She pushed her dad back with all her strength, which caused him to stumle back a few feet.

"Enough! How fucking old are you guys?! Five?!" Riley yelled. Everyone looked at her in shock. Riley knew that she shouldn't be yelling at her dad but he was acting so immature," Damn, there's no need to fucking argue over something that already happened. I'm okay and that's all that matters, right?"

Dean pushed Seth off of him before walking down the hall. He needed to cool himself off. Riley debated in her head about going after him. She wanted to go after him because he had a huge amount of blood dripping from from his nose. She also knew that he was mad and she never saw him when he was mad - well, this mad.

"Riley." Phil said, talking a hold of her wrist. She had decided to go after him but her dad was holding her back," Let him cool off, Riley."

Riley shook her dad's hand off ger wrist and walked away. She was ignoring the yells that her dad was sending towards her. He obviously didn't want her to go after Dean because he knew exactly how he got when he was mad.

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