The Talk About the Past and the Truth About That Night

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Riley let out a small scream when she walked out of the bathroom. Dean was just sitting on her bed, texting as if it were the most natural thing that he was in her room.

“What are you doing in here?” She asked, looking at Dean. Dean looked up from his phone.

“We really need to talk.” He said. Riley gave him a look.

“I know we need to talk, but can we not talk while I’m standing here in a towel?” Riley asked. Dean nodded.

“Go change then.” He told her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Riley looked around the room before looking at him as if he were crazy.

“Okay, you honestly need to get out.” She told him as she walked towards her closet. She had clearly remembered locking her room door because she knew someone was going to come look for her. She had not expected it to be Dean though. She clearly thought that since she rejected his offer to talk downstairs that he would get that she didn’t want to talk to him.


Riley cringed as she heard him call her by her nickname. He was the one that started calling her that originally. She was okay with everyone else calling her that because they were her friends, but it was now weird to have Dean calling her that. Hearing him call her by her nickname brought back way too many memories.

“Don’t call me that.” She snapped, suddenly. Dean got up from his seat on the bed and started walking towards her.

“Why?” He asked. He clearly didn’t understand why he couldn’t call her ‘Ri’. He always called her ‘Ri’, even when they were mad at each other.

Riley could sense his presence behind her.

“Only my friends call me ‘Ri’ and you aren’t my friend.” She said, sternly. On the inside, she was completely freaking out. She hasn’t had a full conversation with him since that night. It hurt because she clearly remembered what the last thing she told him was.

“I honestly don’t know how Skye dealt with you.”

She couldn’t help but cringe. She had been so mean to him, but then she had to constantly remind herself that she only said it because he had hurt her. She didn’t think it was going to hurt him because of the whole hard exterior that he had, but it did. She had not expected that reaction when she had said what she did.

“I use to be the only one that called you that, remember?” He asked with a small smile. Riley closed her eyes.

“Well not anymore, you’re the only one that can’t call me that.” She said, a little harshly. She turned around, suddenly angry. Dean looked down at her.

“Get out.” She said, glaring at him, “I hate that you’re acting as if nothing bad went down between us.”

Dean bit the inside of his cheek, “I’m just trying to get us pass this.”

Riley laughed, dryly, “Pass this? The only way we can get past this is if you pretend like you’re not staying under the same roof as me. Then when this week is over, we can go back to our lives where we pretend that neither of us exist. You can go back to talking shit about me to the media, and I'll be here, trying my hardest to defend myself from your crazy fan girls.”

“You know that I don't do that on purpose.” He said, trying to defend himself, “You knew that when we broke up onscreen, you were going to be the reason why we ended.”

“Don't be dumb, Dean. Some people actually dig to find their fucking information.” She told him, “Some people actually saw you that night and they obviously thought that it was entirely my fault for the offscreen breakup.”

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