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"So, you're telling me that this person is part of your class again?" Alyssa asked with disbelief at Mikasa, Eren and Armin. She took a deep breath calming her down and punched the wall nearby her with all of the strength she could gather, centering it on her knuckles. "Goddamn it, what's wrong with your class?" She glared, growling at Eren whose eyes widened and looked away from her.

Levi just watched her as she panted. His gaze went down on her red knuckles. He was surprised that it wasn't bleeding because he felt the wall he was leaning onto shook as well when she punched the wall in front of her.

"Who's this girl we're looking for?" Alyssa asked them. She doesn't know who the girl was. Neither did Hange. She watched as they prepared their gears, she was already finished a while back. She leaned onto the wall behind her near Levi.

"She's the shortest member of the 104th." Eren said.

"And she has long blonde hair," Armin added. Then he cocked his head down as if he was thinking of additional description. "Umm, and... She's cute." He added.

"Nice description you got there." Alyssa said smiling. She brought out her knife with its pocket and gave it to Levi, "Hold on to it." Levi only stared at it, his eyes showed confusion on why she was giving it to him.

"No." He said blankly. "It's like you're saying goodbye permanently," he said and Alyssa's eyes widened at his statement, she looked down at her knife and stared at him again. She took a deep breath and smiled as she put it back onto her pocket.

"Ah, my bad." Alyssa said smiling apologetically to Levi who only glared at her.

"She's usually together with Ymir." Mikasa suddenly added. Alyssa, Hange and Levi turned their heads to her. They had shocked expressions in their face. Which made Mikasa confused.

"Ymir?" Alyssa repeated, "Isn't that-" she said and Hange shook her head mouthing the words; we aren't sure yet. Alyssa's lips turned into a thin line, she remembered the journal that they have recovered. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Alyssa thought.

"Calm down, Eren." Levi said to him, his attention turned to Mikasa and Armin. "You two listen as well. We'll be parting ways in this mission. Alyssa will be the one supervising the three of you for now," He said and nudged his head towards Alyssa. His attention turned back to the two. "Everyone's counting on you. Erwin may have made a snap decision in putting you three together, but you're our only hope now." He said with still a calm demeanor, his face remained blank yet calm. "Understand, Armin? You, Alyssa and Hange will need to pool your efforts."

"Y-yes Sir!" Armin said, stuttering. Alyssa smiled at that. Levi turned to Mikasa.

"Mikasa. I don't know why you're so attached to Eren, but... I want you to focus on protecting him with everything you have." He said to her. Mikasa had a look of sincerity when she answered,

"Yes, sir. Of course!"

Levi turned to Alyssa who was gliding her fingers at the blade, she felt him stare at her. She tilted her head to look at him with a questioning look in his face. "When things turn downhill, Klideprienz, you save them." He ordered as a Captain and not as her lover. She knew with the tone in his voice and how he called her. "Understood?"

She smirked, standing properly to salute him. "Of course, sir." Levi glared at her when she purposely called him 'sir' she only shrugged and when she caught Armin's stare looking at them with his eyes, she winked at him and put her index finger indicating, 'shh'.

"And finally, Eren. You need to be able to restrain yourself. Don't let your rage distract you from your goal. You can't afford to mess up again." He said his voice almost showing annoyance in the last part of his command.

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