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Levi was quiet. Kenny's eyes were closed as his hand was still on top of the opened box. Alyssa from afar was already laying on the grass, taking a nap and she was only being awaken whenever the Scouts with them has something to report to her.

I wonder how they are doing right now....

Levi, out of nowhere, felt a strong surge of sadness rush and crash onto him like a wave as he looked at Kenny's damaged body. He shook his head immediately and clutched the gun higher in his arms.

"You've had the time the time and strength to inject that to yourself." Levi spoke, his voice small. He was looking at the box. "Why haven't you?" Levi asked, his brows furrowed.

"Yea.... I wonder..." Kenny muttered weakly. "Maybe because your brat threatened me? Hahahaha," he continued and let out a sarcastic weak chuckle. Levi let out a low growl at the mention of Alyssa, even though it was indirect, and Kenny looked up to him, raising his not so burnt eyebrow. He smirked at him but it also soon faded, feeling how it stung his burnt cheek.

"If I don't inject it right... I might end up like that piece of shit." He said, gazing at the ruined ground in front of them. "All messed up..." he said, his words trailing off. His voice was almost like a whisper. Levi stood in front of him, watching him carefully.

"I know you're not here sitting here, waiting to die." Levi replied, straight to the point. He narrowed his eyes. Examining him.

It's because I want to say something. It's because 'your' brat made me realize that you deserve to know who you truly are. I was waiting for you to come. And here you are... Kenny thought and smiled inwardly at the thought. He took a deep breath as he felt a sharp pain, he clenched his teeth.

"Don't you have a better excuse?" Levi said. Kenny opened his eye slightly.

"I... don't want to die... and wanted power." Kenny replied, his words trailing off. "But... I see... I think I understand why he did it, after all this time..." he continued and Levi's eyebrows almost met as Kenny started letting out a mocking, sarcastic chuckle.

"Huh?" he asked, a brow raised. What the fucking hell is he saying? And who is 'he'?

"Everybody I've met was all the same..." Kenny said, and Levi was clearly completely clueless. "Drinking. Women. Worshiping God, even... Family...The King. Dreams. Children. Power." He whispered the last part, remembering himself as he spoke. Remembering others as he spoke of his words.

Alyssa sat up from her nap and arched her back to let out a good crack. Once she felt it, she felt instant relief from her body. Alyssa stilled when she saw Levi looking at her direction, he raised his right index finger and pointed her. As he pointed her, he gestured her to come near the both of them. Alyssa was confused but nodded, she walked towards their direction but kept a safe distance.

"Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep pushing on...." Kenny said, his lips in a form of a sarcastic, wicked smile. He knew his time was nearing, minutes from now, he could feel it. He could feel how the life in his body was draining him. Alyssa cocked her head to the side as she leaned onto the tree, her back was facing them but she was listening.

"Everyone... was a slave to something." Kenny whispered. Alyssa's eyes slightly widened. "Even him..." he continued to whisper. Levi was getting irritated now. Levi nudged him hard with the tip of the gun, making Kenny spit out blood as he coughed.

"Levi." Alyssa called softly, grimacing, her back still facing them. Levi glanced at her direction and saw her head shook. She did not say anything else, it made Levi confuse. Why is she shaking her head?

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